Chapter 169 Low Chapter 164 Is my mouth consecrated? (four more)

Very strong!

This is the man's first sense of Arbor, but apart from the powerful feeling, there is also a more special aura on the sea thorn dragon.

But it doesn't allow men to be more sophisticated, the battle has already begun!

Generally speaking, being able to subdue or cultivate Pokémon above level 40 is considered a certain achievement on the road of trainer.

The level of the man's sea thorn dragon is forty-one, but the level of Abo monster is fifty-two!

The level Shanghai Thorn Dragon fell into a disadvantage.

T-X gave the order first when the man was looking at Arbor.

"Abo monster, poisonous needle!"

"Seathorn, move at high speed!" The man gave the order following T-X.

The sea thorn dragon easily dodged the attack of the Arbor monster.

Abo blamed this move as a tentative attack, and it also had the purpose of warming up.

Abo was still a wild Pokémon yesterday, and his wildness was still strong. At the same time, the habits he developed while living in the wild were still there.

As soon as he entered the battle, Arbor quickly entered the state, and the fierce aura on his body was revealed in the blink of an eye.

But fortunately, Abo Monster may have really obeyed T-X, and did not act rashly, but waited for T-X's order.

Bailiyuan stared at the battlefield, T-X and Arbor hadn't gotten along well yet, how would they work together? Can Abo Monster execute T-X's order intact?

Feeling the aura of Abo Monster, the man also showed a reluctant expression.

"Did you just subdue it? It really is... an incredible momentum."

The man glanced at T-X and Bailiyuan with deep eyes, and then turned his eyes back to the battlefield again.

At this time, the sea thorn dragon was moving quickly around the Arbo monster, and the Arbo monster stood upright on the floating object, exposing the pattern on its abdomen, and staring at the sea thorn dragon vigilantly.

The most dangerous time for Arbor is when it exposes the patterns on its belly!

"Seathorn, spit foam!" the man ordered.

The foam spewed by the sea thorn dragon did not attack the Arbor monster immediately, but surrounded the floating objects.

"Water gun attack!" The man continued to order.

"Get away!" T-X.

However, when Arbor tried to escape, his body slipped and he missed the best time.

As if the sea thorn dragon had expected it long ago, the water gun accurately hit the Abo monster. The water gun of the sea thorn dragon was very powerful, and it shot the Abo monster a long distance before falling into the water.

"Huh?" Baili Yuan raised his eyes and quickly analyzed the reason.

The reason why the Arbo monster slipped was because of the foam left on the floating objects.

The foam reduces the friction of floating objects. Pokémon like Arbor rely on their bodies to move and have a relatively smooth body surface. It is difficult not to slip.

After the Abo monster is swept into the water, even if the Abo monster can swim, it will be at a disadvantage when facing the Seathorn Dragon, which itself is a water-type Pokémon.

And when the Arbo monster wants to step on other floating objects, the sea thorn dragon will definitely repeat the same trick, unless the Arbor monster goes ashore, but in that case, the two sides will inevitably fall into a stalemate.

This is to use the field advantage to equalize the level disadvantage.

Bailiyuan never thought that the simplest bubble skill would have such a miraculous effect. When he got back, he asked the mosquito-repellent frog to practice this trick well and write it down.

Bailiyuan looked at the man, and suddenly felt that the man was not as miserable as he imagined, he had a hand.

There are new changes on the field.

Arbor was knocked into the water but did not come up.

"Sea Thorn Dragon, be careful around you!" the man said with a frown.

Most snakes can swim, and the man had expected this scene when he was planning to knock Arbor into the water.

Although the sea thorn dragon in the water still has fierce eyes, but it is rare to calm down, and there is a posture that the enemy cannot move.

Bailiyuan guessed that this should have been trained.

The sea thorn dragon stayed where it was, and there was no sign of Arbor in the water, and the waterway fell silent for a while.

"Bite!" T-X ordered, as if anticipating the location of Arbor.

At this time, the sea thorn dragon also keenly noticed the shaking of the water waves, and its eyes changed.

Then the sea thorn dragon jumped up from the water, and at the same time as the sea thorn dragon jumped up, the Abo monster also rushed up with its big mouth open, biting the sea thorn dragon ferociously.

It turns out that the Arbor monster attacked from under the sea thorn dragon!

"Water gun!" The man also ordered immediately.

"Wrap your body around." T-X ordered.

Under the command of T-X, the body of Abo Monster really twisted forcibly, forming a ring shape, and the water gun just passed through the hole in the center and hit the water surface.

"What?" The man's expression changed.

The man's plan was to use the thrust of the water gun to make the sea thorn dragon change its direction in the air. Unexpectedly, this blow was dodged by T-X and Arbor in this way.

The sea thorn dragon stayed in the air, unable to change direction, and became the best target.

But fortunately, Abo's previous force made it impossible for Abo to make a second force, which also saved the sea thorn dragon.

Arbor and Seathorn both fell into the water.

At the first moment of falling into the water, the Arbo monster bit the sea thorn dragon again, showing its fierceness to the fullest.

The sea thorn dragon also retreated immediately, showing the good qualities it has been trained for.

"Bubble light!" Man.

Seathorn sprayed out a large amount of foam, which was stronger and faster than the previous foam.

The Arbo monster dodged the bubble light in awe, but was also interrupted from pursuing.

"Sink underwater." T-X made Arbor sink underwater again.

The man's heart sank.

This kind of hiding method will cause some psychological pressure on himself and Seathorn Dragon.

Can't go on like this!

"Seathorn, tornado!" the man said.

The sea thorn dragon became active, and the tornado was quickly condensed by the sea thorn dragon.

Dragon Pokémon all have the simple ability to control the weather, and the tornado is one of the simplest manifestations, and it is also one of the dragon's breath tricks with the lowest power determination.

However, the real power it exerts also depends on the strength of the Pokémon using this trick.

The tornado blows and fluctuates the water surface, making it difficult for Pokmon underwater to hide.

Some Pokmon wandering around were affected, the faster ones ran away, and the weaker ones were blown into the sky.

Then a plump looking carp king just landed at Baili Yuan's feet.

Smash, slap, slap...

Water splash, water splash, water splash...

Bailiyuan stared at the same dead fish eyes as the carp king, and kicked the carp king at his feet into the waterway, causing the carp king to fall back into the water.

Baili Yuan was still very familiar with the carp king, although the carp king looked very fat, but it was all bones, basically there was no meat on the carp king.

But having said that, that carp king has developed well, and its level should not be low, maybe it will evolve.

At this time, in the waterway, the place where the carp king just landed lit up with the light of evolution...

Bailiyuan gave himself a big mouth.

Is your mouth open?

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