Chapter 1622 The elves have entered the city

In fact, Bailiyuan didn't expect that Suijun would find him suddenly.

And it was a Shining Suicune who found him!

This flashing Suicune was the same Suicune who had communicated with Baili Yuan back then.

This Shui Monarch had promised Baili Yuan to help him fight, but he hadn't been seen for a long time, and Bai Li Yuan thought that Shui Jun had become a "Shui Jun".

But things are not that simple, the reason why Suicune didn't appear is also related to his becoming the current Shining Suicune.

Back then, because of the request of a certain boss, this Shui Jun had been following Baili Yuan to "protect" Bai Liyuan.

Later, because the time and space energy leaked by Bailiyuan when traveling between the two worlds had an impact on Suicune's body, Suicune had to go back to find the boss.

With the help of that boss, Suicune finally merged the power of time and space, changing from ordinary Suicune to shining Suicune.

To be precise, this is not a normal flash, but a mutation.

However, what Suicune mutates is only the shape, not the shape, and the direction of the mutation is a good one.

Of course, this mutation did not allow Suicune to gain too much space-time power. It is impossible to use time-space power to fight, and it can't even reach the level of the frog seed, but he can perceive the space-time fluctuations and then make certain actions. interference.

It is for this reason that the space passage on Lizhi Lake was opened and Hunter J and his party were released.

At that time, the space above Lizhi Lake was still unstable, and Suicune's simple interference opened the passage again.

After Suicune transformed into Shining Suicune, his strength has also improved, and now he has reached level 90, far surpassing before!

Later, because of the request of the boss, Shining Shuijun approached Bailiyuan again, "protected" Bailiyuan, and at the same time brought two sentences - can't let Shiban leave this world for too long , but you can make Suicune follow you.

If there are no accidents in these two sentences, it should be the boss who wants to tell Baili Yuan.

As for who the boss is, Shui Jun didn't say, and Baili Yuan didn't ask too much, but Baili Yuan knew it well.

But as for why the boss knew that Bailiyuan was looking for the stone slab, Shui Jun didn't know, and Bailiyuan couldn't ask further.

Bailiyuan realized one thing through the words of the big guy who asked Shui Jun to bring it, that is, the stone slab can be taken away from the Pokémon world, but it cannot be left for too long. This may be some kind of secret involved. There is no way to know.

Although Bailiyuan didn't know the specific reason, but he chose to sell the boss to save face, and he would not take the slate out of this world for too long. After all, the boss was also very sincere - let Shui Jun follow Baili edge.

This kind of following is not the same as before, but Bailiyuan can subdue Suicune!

Flashing Suicune was sent to follow Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan directly signed a contract with Suicune, and Suicune had no intention of refusing.

On the one hand, Bailiyuan got his approval, Shui Jun recognized Bailiyuan's strength and character, and even appreciated Bailiyuan because of the Tianguanshan incident.

On the other hand, it is not uncommon for this kind of divine beast to follow the trainer. The news of the three holy beasts and the three divine birds following the trainer will occasionally appear in Kanto and Chengdu. For them, the life span of human beings is short Yes, decades later, when the human beings recognized by them pass away, they will regain their freedom and embark on their own journey.

Shui Jun thought the same way, the big deal was to follow Baili Yuan for decades.

Shui Jun also learned that Baili Yuan came from another world. After Baili Yuan signed the contract with him, he did not refuse. Instead, he thought it was a novel experience. Be amazed.

This kind of contract relationship is much stronger than the relationship between ordinary trainers and elves. If trainers also sign such a contract with elves before, then the relationship between trainers and elves in the Pokémon world will be even stronger. Tighter, and a lot less abandoned sprites.

Suicune doesn't hate humans.


It may be that yesterday's luck was too good, but Bailiyuan's luck is not good today, and he didn't even sleep well.

Early in the morning, there was a knock on Bailiyuan's door.

When I opened the door, it turned out to be Miss Joy from the Pokémon Center.

"Miss Joy, what's the matter?" Baili Yuan asked.

Ms. Joy apologized, and said with some embarrassment: "Master Baili, can you please help Curtain City?"

"You can just call me Xiaoyuan." Bailiyuan said, and then asked, "Did something happen in Curtain City?"

Miss Joy nodded, "The elves from Route 215 and Route 214 broke into the city, but because the police in Veil City were dealing with the Galaxy team yesterday, they failed to expel these elves in time. The Veil City has been destroyed, and at the same time, the access roads from the Veil City have been blocked."

Bailiyuan was taken aback, the elves entered the city?

Under normal circumstances, wild elves will not approach the city, and there are Miss Junsha and the police patrolling the edge of the city to prevent wild elves from entering the city by mistake.

"It may be due to the impact of the battle on Tianguan Mountain yesterday, the frightened elves entered the city in a panic." Caroline analyzed.

Although the battle on Tianguan Mountain yesterday was controlled within the scope of Tianguan Mountain, the fluctuations and impacts caused by it spread a long distance. The areas closer to Tianguan Mountain were affected, and Curtain City was affected. one of the regions.

For example, let the elves be frightened and leave the place of residence.

The elves from the wild also entered the city.

It is actually very dangerous for wild elves to enter the city. There are also wild elves in the city, but the wild elves living in the city are familiar with everything in the city and know that they should abide by the rules of the city, but the wild elves will not obey the rules of the city. Awareness of rules, on the contrary, will continue to maintain the habit of being in the wild, eating and drinking for oneself, and robbing if you can't steal it. When you rob, conflicts will naturally break out, and in the end it will only bring chaos to the city.

Yesterday, the police in Veil City were all arresting members of Team Galaxy, but they didn’t have time to expel these elves in the wild. One night passed, and things became troublesome. Come trouble.

"There are already some trainers who are willing to help Veil City to disperse the elves who broke into the city, but they still need someone to lead them." Miss Joy said.

Bailiyuan understood that it was necessary to find someone with certain ability and status to take charge of this matter.

Dealing with these alien elves cannot be simply driven out by violence. Instead, it is necessary to discuss and communicate with the elves, reach an agreement, and then let these elves retreat, and maybe give these elves a batch of rations to ensure that these elves will not come to the city again .

The intelligence of the elves is not low. If this violent expulsion, even if the group of elves were successfully driven away, when the group of elves recover, they will definitely come back to take revenge on the city, and the situation will become more and more troublesome by then. Catch all these elves, and raising this group of elves is not a small fee. As for the more serious killing of elves, it is against the law.

Now the alliance advocates the harmonious coexistence of humans and elves. If someone dares to violate this rule openly, the alliance will definitely take action.

So this is not an easy task, and there is no way for people with insufficient ability to solve this matter.

Bailiyuan didn't refuse the matter, grabbed her clothes, and followed Miss Joy out of the room.

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