I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1621 Copying the House of the Evil Organization

The rock slab was a surprise, but Bailiyuan had other things to do.

That is to go to Veil City and copy the base camp of the Galaxy team.

Caroline has sorted out the memories of Chiri and Hunter J, and found a lot of valuable information.

For example, there are three slates in Team Galactic's HQ - the Steel Slate, the Droplet Slate, and the Dragon Slate!

This was excavated by the Galactic team in various ruins in the Sinnoh region.

Although these slates were not the two most needed by Bailiyuan, these slates could be reserved for the elves.

In addition to the three slates, there is also the wealth accumulated by the Galaxy team over the years in the headquarters of the Galaxy team.

From Chiri's memory, Bailiyuan also learned about the headquarters of the Galaxy team - the Galaxy Curtain Building.

Chiri has invested and built so many buildings in the Sinnoh area, so naturally some of them should be kept for the benefit of the Galaxy team. Many sub-bases of the Galaxy team were completed because of this.

In addition, there is an important warehouse of the Galaxy team next to the Galaxy Curtain Building, which stores a large amount of supplies.

Bailiyuan didn't waste any time and flew directly to Curtain City.

The alliance has been investigating the affairs of the Galaxy team. Now that Chiri and the three cadres have been arrested, the Galaxy team has no leader and is prone to changes. The alliance is likely to notice the Galaxy Veil Building. At the same time, the alliance's interrogation of Chiri and the three cadres will also be confirmed. The location of the headquarters of the Galaxy team, tomorrow morning at the latest, the league will take action.

If the alliance had picked the peaches first, Bailiyuan wouldn't even be able to drink a sip of soup, let alone a slate.

Curtain City is an important city in the eastern part of Sinnoh. It is located in the east of Tianguan Mountain, facing the sea in the north, road 214 and Shiyuan City in the south, and road 215 in the west. An official gymnasium—the Curtain Gym, with fighting attributes has been established here. Gym.

Because Curtain City was built on a steep rock mountain that was dug up, the rocky walls created a cold atmosphere for the whole city, and Curtain City is also famous for its stones. There are also meteorites from outside the sky that are placed in the park Here, for people to visit.

Although Veil City is isolated from other towns and lacks communication due to its terrain, Veil City itself is the third most populous city in the Sinnoh area, and is committed to the development of various entertainment industries. It has a very prosperous feeling, and at the same time, there is also the largest shopping mall in the Sinnoh area-the Curtain Department Store.

The Galaxy Curtain Building that Bailiyuan was going to was located in the north of Curtain City, and it seemed to be much deserted here, but there was nothing to be surprised about. It was impossible for the Galaxy team to build their headquarters in a place with a lot of traffic.

Although the Galaxy Curtain Building looks like an ordinary office building, the interior is full of members and researchers of the Galaxy team.

The Alliance noticed that the speed of the Galaxy Curtain Building was faster than Baili Yuan had imagined. Before it was dark, the Alliance confirmed the location of the headquarters of the Galaxy Team—because Pluto, the fourth cadre of the Galaxy Team, voluntarily confessed to him in order to reduce his sentence. The location of Team Galactic headquarters.

Although Pluto is also a cadre, he does not belong to the three cadres, but serves as a cadre as a researcher. His loyalty to Chiri and the Galaxy team is not as high as the three cadres. He participated in everything for himself.

Voluntarily confessing the location of the Galaxy team headquarters is also to reduce his sentence.

In fact, if Pluto hadn't vowed that he was not joking, the alliance would have almost suspected that Pluto was teasing them.

Because the Galaxy team once staged a drama of "withdrawing from the curtain city base", which caused the alliance to have a blind spot in the thinking of the curtain city, so the alliance did not immediately pay attention to the Galaxy curtain building, and did not even Take Pluto's word for it.

But after many confirmations, the alliance also had to admit that they were brushed by the Galaxy and Red Sun.

If Chi Ri hadn't gone the wrong way, he would indeed be a rare talent.

Then the league moved quickly.

at sunset.

Ali, the owner of the Curtain Gym, led the team in person, kicked open the main entrance of the Galaxy Curtain Building with his own Lucario, followed by Miss Junsha and the trainers of the alliance.

The Galaxy team in the building has no cadre leaders, only some small captains. Therefore, the Galaxy team has no decent resistance at all. Most of the members were arrested, and only a small number of members escaped. The same is true of the Galaxy team's warehouse.

The alliance also subsequently launched a search of the Galactic Veil Building and the Galactic team warehouse.

But at the end of the search, the people of the alliance discovered the problem.

That is, all the good things in the Galaxy team and the supplies in the warehouse have disappeared!

"Did Chiri and the others take it away before?" Ah Li was a little puzzled.

The reason why Ah Li and the trainers of the league noticed that all the things of the Galaxy team disappeared was not because they planned to take advantage of it, but because the Galaxy team's wealth is like an empty shell, which is too weird!

And after interrogating the Galactic team members, the Galactic team members didn't know where everything went.

Fortunately, the computer in the building still has all kinds of information collected by the Galaxy team, and it is not considered fruitless, which is enough to convict the Galaxy team.


When the alliance was busy, in a massage parlor in Curtain City, Bailiyuan was lying on the bed, enjoying the massage from the technician.

The massage shop is a serious massage shop, and the technicians are also serious technicians.

This massage shop in Curtain City is very famous. It is located in the south of Curtain City, close to the Gymnasium. It is opposite to the location of the Galaxy Curtain Building.

Not only can people get massages here, but also elves can be massaged. For example, beside Bailiyuan, several of his elves are also enjoying massages.

Long Longyan and Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus also enjoyed massages. Of course, it was not humans who gave them massages, but machines controlled by people.

In fact, it is not the first time for elves to enjoy a massage. In Yuncheng College, there is a team dedicated to serving the elves of Bailiyuan. The elves can enjoy a full set of cleaning and massage services. There are also automatic service configurations in the home space. .

After high-intensity training, receiving a massage can quickly relax, relieve fatigue and restore the state.

Soon, the massage is over.

The technician's skills are good, and Bailiyuan feels comfortable all over.

"This is your gift." The receptionist handed a heart-shaped ornament in a box to Bailiyuan.

The heart-shaped ornament is just a decoration that can add to the beauty of the elf.

Although Curtain City does not have a venue for the gorgeous competition, enjoying a massage here can improve the spiritual outlook of the elves, and also give special accessories that can be used in the gorgeous competition. What Bailiyuan got is just the normal version. If you recharge the consumption card here, You can get higher-level accessories.

The more you rush, the more advanced you get!

This is a marketing strategy.

After receiving the accessories, Bailiyuan took the elves and left the massage shop, he was going to find a place to spend the night.

Walking on the streets of Veil City, there are occasional police cars whizzing by. The police in Veil City are busy tonight. They want to search the city for those Galaxy team members who have run away.

As for the matter of the Galaxy Curtain Building, it was naturally done by Bailiyuan, and it was naturally difficult for Bailiyuan to quietly empty out the Galaxy team. Perhaps Chiri didn't expect to fail, he took away the elite of the Galaxy team, and the base was short Guards, and those who were left in the base were all abandoned by him.

So these are cheap Bailiyuan, including those three stone slabs.

Not only those materials, but Caroline also copied a copy of the internal materials of the Galaxy team, and the original materials were left to the alliance.

Although the Galaxy team has other bases in the Shen'ao area, Bailiyuan doesn't plan to visit them all, because there is no need for that. All Bailiyuan needs are slates, and there are quite a lot of things obtained at the Galaxy team headquarters.

Every time the house of an evil organization is copied, Baili Yuan will make a lot of money.

Bailiyuan finally came to the Pokémon Center in Curtain City, which can provide a place to rest.

Miss Joy at the Veil City Pokémon Center is just as pretty.

After Bailiyuan took out his gym owner certificate, Ms. Joy also arranged a single room for Bailiyuan. Although it was not as luxurious as a hotel, it was still of a high standard. Trainers can only sleep in bunk beds or multi-person dormitories in the Pokémon Center.

The most important thing is that the room arranged for Bailiyuan is completely free.

Bailiyuan lay on the bed, recalling what happened today, counting the harvest.

As soon as he arrived in the Sinnoh area, he got many stone slabs one day, which made Bailiyuan feel unreal.

Besides the slate, Baili Yuan was also surprised by the matter of Suicune.

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