I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1607 The Galaxy Team Feels They Have Whored Three Legendary Pokémon for Nothing

The matter at Lizhi Lake was far more serious than Baili Yuan imagined.

Angela reminded her that the Sinnoh region was not peaceful recently, but Angela couldn’t describe exactly what happened in the Sinnoh region, after all, she was far away in the Kanto region and could pay attention to the Sinnoh region. The region is still traveling in the Sinnoh region because of Lizi and Xiaoyu, and they will regularly report to Angela on the situation in the Sinnoh region.

The turmoil in the Sinnoh area is greater than Angela imagined, and it is the evil gang in the Sinnoh area-Galaxy Team that caused the turmoil.

There are some evil gangs and gray organizations in every region. Large organizations like the Rockets are relatively rare, but small organizations are not uncommon.

For the Alliance, although the Galaxy Team is an evil gang in the Sinnoh region, the Alliance has limited understanding of this organization. The reason is that the activities of the Galaxy Team are not frequent on the one hand, and the other is that the Galaxy Team rarely acts of a bad nature.

However, this situation has changed recently. On a recent day, the Galaxy team suddenly began to carry out large-scale activities in the Sinnoh area, stealing diamond orbs and white jade orbs, causing chaos in various cities, and at the same time in many ruins. The figures of their activities appeared.

However, the league doesn't have a lot of intelligence on what the Galaxy team is trying to do, and who its leader is.

Because of Team Galaxy's actions, the Alliance has really taken this evil organization seriously.

Vajra orbs and white jade orbs are not ordinary things. In the mythology of the Sinnoh region, these two things correspond to the twin gods of time and space, namely Dialga and Palkia.

Although the alliance did not research anything from these two items, and even once displayed these two items as antiques, this does not mean that the alliance does not attach importance to these two items.

The twin gods of time and space appeared in the Baiyang Town incident before, almost directly erasing a city and its population and elves, which caused a great impact. The alliance does not want to see similar things happen again. Not every time luck is so good.

Regardless of what Team Galaxy is up to, those legendary Pokémon shouldn't be messed with.

What you play is heartbeat, what others play may be life.

So Interpol intervened in the incident.

The four heavenly kings of the alliance and the champion Sirona all acted one after another, tracking down the Galaxy team in the Sinnoh area.

The gym masters are stationed in the town, just in case, if there is an accident in the town again, this time there may not be a Pokémon of Light to help.

However, it is also very difficult for the League and Interpol to infiltrate the Galaxy team, because the Galaxy team has done a good job of keeping secrets, and it is also difficult for the Interpol to catch the Galaxy team's tail.

Before today, with the efforts of the handsome Interpol guy, the alliance had just learned that Team Galaxy's next target was the three famous lakes in the Sinnoh area and the gods of the lakes that lived in them, that is, the legendary Pokémon in the lakes.

So the Alliance and Interpol set out to arm the three lakes.

Some trainers related to the alliance also actively participated in it, such as Xiaomao who also traveled in the Sinnoh area.

Lizi, Xiaoyu, and Si Ji, who was traveling with the two of them, also participated in this incident for some reasons.

But the Galaxy team moved faster than the league imagined. Today, the Galaxy team made a sudden move, which caught the league and trainers by surprise.

The power of the alliance is divided into three lakes, but the members of the Galaxy team, led by the cadre Zhen Xing, concentrated their forces to attack Lake Lizhi, and even colluded with the notorious Pokémon hunter "J".

The number of trainers guarding Lizhi Lake is the least, and the strongest is Xiaomao who came to help. Lizi and others are not near Lizhi Lake.

Of course, the final result needless to say, Xiaomao was defeated, and the alliance lost at Lizhi Lake, so they could only retreat in embarrassment.

Although the people of the alliance quickly reinforced Lizhi Lake, and the champion Sirona also rushed to Lizhi Lake as soon as possible, but it took a certain amount of time for the alliance's support team to arrive.

During this time, the Galaxy team was also in action at Aspire Lake.

With the help of "J", Team Galaxy dropped a special bomb called "Galaxy Bomb" on Lizhi Lake. The explosion of the bomb produced a strong force, which was also the direct cause of the vibration in the entire Sinnoh area.

After the explosion, the water in Lizhi Lake was directly dried up, countless elves living near the lake died tragically, and Lizhi Lake became a mess.

But the "Galaxy Bomb" is not a simple bomb, and it also has a special power-integrated with a power that is said to be "God".

This powerful force shook the space above Lizhi Lake, distorted the space above Lizhi Lake, and opened a passage to another world.

It was also at this time that everyone knew that the gods of the lake did not live in the lake, but in another space connected to the lake. The "Galaxy Bomb" directly blasted the passage to another space.

And as the passage was opened, a figure also appeared.

The legendary Pokémon Arknom in the lake!

Hunter J and Team Galactic launched a hunt for Yaknom.

Although Aknom is a legendary Pokémon with special and powerful powers, he is not good at fighting because it was not born for fighting.

After a fight, Hunter "J" saw the right moment and used special equipment to petrify Aknom.

With the development of science and technology, human beings not only have a better life, but some people with ulterior motives have also developed props that can be used to target Pokémon, and even threaten the legendary Pokémon!

And this kind of thing has happened many times.

At the moment when Yaknom was arrested, over Xinqi Lake and Wisdom Lake, Yuxi and Emrido, representing knowledge and emotion, appeared one after another.

The Trinity of the Gods of the Lake is like a complete structure, endowing all creatures with knowledge, emotion, and will. When one corner is missing, the remaining two will inevitably appear.

That's where the Galaxy's plan comes in.

Because of this, the Galaxy team only chose to focus on Lizhi Lake. As long as Yaknom was caught, Yuxi and Emrido would take the initiative to show up and send them to their door!

Regardless of whether the alliance knows about it or not, they must guard against the three lakes at the same time, because this is a conspiracy!

The defensive side is often passive.

After Yuxi and Emrido appeared, they teleported directly to Lizhi Lake before the people from the alliance could communicate with them. The Galaxy team and Hunter J who had been guarding Lizhi Lake for a long time watched the two The elves, of course, did it unceremoniously.

After the appearance of Yuxi and Emrido, they directly used the future prediction to judge the general situation based on what will happen later.

They learned about the siege of the Galaxy team and Hunter J afterwards, and they were already prepared when the Galaxy team and Hunter J attacked, and they were not successfully attacked.

Then they too started to fight back.

Although they are also not good at fighting, compared with Aknom who fought alone before, Yuxi and Emrido who joined forces are much more difficult to deal with, and the result is that the Galaxy team suffered heavy losses in manpower and elves , a large number of elves were beaten by two legendary elves and lost their fighting ability. Although the two elves are not good at fighting, they also showed the ability of legendary Pokémon!

Legend does not necessarily mean powerful, but definitely not ordinary.

However, they only anticipated the attack of Team Galaxy and Hunter J, but did not predict the outcome of the battle.

Relying on the desperate cover of other elves and the Galactic team, Hunter J successfully used special devices to petrify Yuxi and Emridor like Aknom.

According to legend, the gods of the lake gave the creatures knowledge, emotion and will, but now these creatures subdued the gods of the lake with their own knowledge because of their own emotions and will.

Although Team Galaxy and Hunter J won in the end, they were equally uncomfortable. Team Galaxy lost a lot of manpower and elves, and Hunter J and her Tyrannosaurus suffered serious injuries.

Even so, Zhen Xing and Hunter J both smiled after capturing the Gods of the Lake.

After Hunter J handed over the three legendary Pokémon to Zhen Xing, she also boarded her spaceship, ready to find a place to rest, and then waited for Team Galaxy's reward to arrive.

Hunter J is not interested in the purpose of Team Galaxy and the Gods of the Three Lakes, she is only interested in real money!

However, before Hunter J's spaceship flew away, it was shot down by a sudden attack, the engine was damaged, and the spaceship fell rapidly.

This is the future-seeing attack previously used by Keshi and Emridor!

Their ability to predict the future finally erupted at this time, and once it erupted, it would destroy Hunter J's spaceship. This power of predicting the future has far exceeded the level of ordinary elves, and falling into the city will also cause huge damage to the city. .

Zhen Xing and the rest of the Galactic team watch this scene in shock, they are all startled by the power of the future.

They also didn't have the ability to rescue Hunter J, and could only watch helplessly as the spaceship fell into the not yet completely closed space channel in Lizhi Lake.

Until the spaceship disappeared, Zhen Xing and others did not see Hunter J escaping, perhaps Hunter J would not be spared from such an attack.

After Zhen Xing lamented the power of the legendary Pokémon, he suddenly realized something.

"Hunter J is dead, so will our Galaxy team be able to renege on the debt? Don't need to settle the final payment?"

Rounding up, isn't this equivalent to prostitution of three legendary Pokémon?

As for the loss of the Galaxy team in order to capture the three legendary Pokémon, it is actually not that big, and it will not have much impact on the Galaxy team at all.

Now that the Gods of the Lake are in their hands, and Team Galaxy's ultimate goal is nearing completion, all of these sacrifices will be worthless.

The winner gets everything!


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