Chapter 1606 The Lightning Slab and the Figure Coming from the Waves

Suddenly there was a shock in the direction of Lizhi Lake that spread to the entire Sinnoh area. This is definitely not a trivial matter, and the alliance will definitely take action.

Bailiyuan was also very curious about the cause of this incident.

The power to cause such a big movement is more than enough to destroy a mountain. What kind of power can do this?

And it would be even more interesting if the place where it happened was really Lizhi Lake.

In the legends of the Sinnoh region, Lizhi Lake is not a simple wild lake.

Legend has it that Arceus created Yuxi, Emrido, and Aknom, who gave all creatures who came to the Pokémon world knowledge, emotion, and will.

After that, these three Pokémon dived into Xinqi Lake, Wisdom Lake and Lizhi Lake respectively, and were called the Gods of the Lake.

That's right, Lizhi Lake is where the legendary Pokémon Yaknom lives in the lake.

The researchers of the alliance and some trainers who knew the legend once tried to dive into the bottom of the lake and tried to contact the legendary Pokémon, but they found nothing. This incident became a legend, but some people occasionally mentioned that they had seen it on the lake. special shadow.

Of course, this is just the news released by the Sinnoh Alliance. No one knows whether the Sinnoh Alliance has really contacted Yaknom or whether they have more understanding of the Gods of the Lake, and the Alliance will not take these things at will. announced.

But let’s not talk about the matter of Lizhi Lake, this shock has affected the entire Sinnoh area, and Binhai City, which is very close to Lizhi Lake, has also been greatly affected.

Because of the sudden shaking, some houses in Binhai City collapsed, and automation equipment in various parts of the city was also affected and damaged. Less mud slumping.

For example, the navigation lighthouse that Bailiyuan is about to go to.

Bailiyuan stood on the shore, looking at the direction of the navigation lighthouse from a distance. Some rocks and soil around the navigation lighthouse have also been shaken off, falling into the sea, and splashing waves.

Fortunately, the navigation lighthouse was built on a big rock, and the rock used as the foundation was solid enough to not be shaken down along with the soil, otherwise something serious would happen.

But at this time Pikachu suddenly ran out of the home space, sniffed in the direction of the navigation lighthouse, and then pointed.

"There's something there, pickup!"

Bailiyuan was a little puzzled.

have something?

Could it be that someone buried a treasure under the navigation lighthouse?

But Bailiyuan knew that the things that would attract Pikachu's attention should not be so simple.

A few minutes later, Bailiyuan hurried to the outside of the navigation lighthouse, and found the approximate location according to Pikachu's instructions.

It's on the cliff below the navigation lighthouse.

Seeing no one around, Bailiyuan stepped on the cliff and walked sideways down the cliff in an extremely unscientific posture. He came to the location designated by Pikachu, and then dug up the soil with his bare hands.

He dug things up quickly.

It's a golden brown...


Baili Yuan looked at the slate in his hand, feeling like he was dreaming.

Did you find the slate?

He took a bite in disbelief. Of course, this method cannot determine the authenticity of the stone slab.

However, Bailiyuan still found that the slate in his hand was thicker than the fake slates he had obtained before, with a deep sense of age, and it looked quite extraordinary.

While Bailiyuan was groping for the stone slab, a voice suddenly came from the cliff above: "Hey, what are you doing? Are you okay?"

Someone is coming!

Baili Yuan looked up, because of the backlight, he only saw a shadow.

But the other party saw something in Baili Yuan's arms, and his tone suddenly changed.

"That's...a slate?"

Baili Yuan moved his ears, and he naturally heard the words of the figure above.

The other party is also a person who knows the goods.

Without saying a word, Bailiyuan turned around and jumped into the sea.

Goodbye to you.

The people above were also shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, wait a minute!"

But with a thud, Bailiyuan and the stone slab disappeared.

The figure hastily threw out two poke balls.

"Octopus barrel, lamp monster, catch up!"

The figure got up, and the sea breeze blew the figure's blond hair. The figure was the master of the Binhai Gym!

He has been on the top of the navigation lighthouse all the time. After the shock, he stepped down from the lighthouse and wanted to go to Binhai City to check the situation. Although he didn't really want to be the gymnasium owner, he had nothing to do with protecting the city. slack.

However, he did not expect to see a figure jumping off the cliff during the process of coming down. He hurried over and looked down the cliff, only to find someone standing sideways on the cliff in an unscientific way, with a hug in his arms. With the legendary slate!

Dianci also knew something about the slate, and the other party's behavior of running away with the slate directly caught his attention. No matter what, he planned to stop the other party before talking.

Stone slabs are not simple cultural relics and cannot fall into the hands of people with ulterior motives.

At this time, the surface of the sea suddenly exploded, and the octopus barrel and the lamp monster were blown out, and then a spiny clam that was obviously larger than the standard slowly surfaced.

The octopus barrel and the lamp monster put on a vigilant posture for the first time, they just suffered a loss in the hands of this thorn shell.

However, the thorn shell had no idea of ​​entanglement. It stared at the two elves, glanced at the lightning above, and slowly sank into the water, disappearing.

Octopus Barrel and Bulb Monster wanted to give chase, but were stopped by Denji.

Dianci saw the strength of the stingray, the octopus barrel and the lamp monster are not the opponents of the stingray, and fighting in the water is not his forte.

The octopus barrel and the lamp monster failed to stop that person in the first place, so the possibility of catching up to him is not great.

Denji had no choice but to take back the octopus barrel and lamp monster.

Holding two poke balls in his hand, Dianci frowned, "Who is that person? What's the matter with the slate in his hand?"

Looking at the excavated marks under the cliff, Dianci frowned even tighter.

Could it be that the stone slab has been under the cliff?

This matter must be reported to the alliance.


Bailiyuan came ashore in the distance.

Although Bailiyuan jumped into the sea in a mess, the slate in his hand was really pretty.

During this time, Caroline also conducted a comprehensive inspection of the slate.

"There is indeed a special powerful force in the stone slab."

"In other words, could this slate be real? I remember that the slate of the electric system is called..."

"Lightning slate." Caroline took the conversation, and then continued: "And from Pikachu's performance before, maybe Pokmon has a special sense of the power in the slate."

"Then why didn't I sense it at all? Besides, if the lightning slab is always on the cliff, other elves should be able to sense it too."

"Maybe it's because the shock knocked the soil down, exposing the lightning slate to the surface, which can be sensed by the elves, but the reason why Pikachu sensed it, but you didn't feel it. I think it may be because of the wrong attributes."

Caroline speculated.

Baili Yuan thinks this guess makes sense: "That is to say, I can use the elves with corresponding attributes to find the stone slabs, and I may even sense the location of the elf-attributed and evil-attributed slates?"

Caroline is not so optimistic, "Lacking more conditions for comparison, it is impossible to make an accurate judgment. Even if the elves with corresponding attributes can be used to sense the existence of the stone slabs, those buried stone slabs cannot be easily perceived. Arrive, otherwise the Lightning Slate will not be able to wait for you."

"It is enough to have a direction of exploration. Let's study the situation of the lightning slate first to determine whether the lightning slate is a real slate, not a fake one. By the way, try to see if it can be used by Pikachu or other elves."

Among the elves in Bailiyuan, only Pikachu has the electric attribute, but there are quite a few elves who can learn the electric attribute moves, and they may all use the power of the lightning tablet.

"Next, I'm going to take a look at Lizhi Lake. There must have been some serious incident at Lizhi Lake before. It would be even better if I can find other stone slabs."

But just as Bailiyuan was about to get up and leave, he suddenly looked towards the sea level.

On the distant sea, a figure came riding the waves.

Bailiyuan felt that the other party was coming towards him.

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