I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1597 Special Elf Ball in the Ghost House

Bailiyuan didn't continue to pay attention to the battle in the dojo, but went around to the second half of the dojo.

If an outsider came to the second half of the dojo, they might think that they had really come to Hades.

Because the second half of the dojo is completely built for ghost elves and undead, it cannot be described as simply gloomy, it is full of the breath of death.

For ghost elves and undead, this breath will make them feel very comfortable, but for living people, just walking here will make their blood freeze.

The mischievous little demon stopped jumping around, turned around and ran back to the poke ball.

And Bailiyuan has also transformed his power into spiritual power in the form of a light ghost. A green sharp horn appeared on his head, and his whole body was covered with ghostly green power.

In fact, the Pokémon world also has an existence similar to the spirit world, but the spirit world of the Pokémon world is the residence of some ghost-type Pokémon and ghosts, and only they can easily reach that place. Some scholars believe that the spirit world is the place where humans and ghosts live. The destination of the soul of the elves after death is also considered to be the main source of props such as the cloth of the spirit world.

Naturally, Bailiyuan has also been to the spirit world of the Pokémon world. He didn't find the cloth of the spirit world, but he saw the ghost-type Pokmon in the spirit world and the ghosts of the Pokémon world.

There are many types of ghost-type Pokémon in the spirit world, and they are not weak. The most common is the night demon family, and there is also the relatively rare candlelight family.

However, Bailiyuan did not subdue the ghost-type Pokmon in the spirit world, because most of the ghost-type Pokmon in the spirit world are more difficult to tame. They hardly have the concept of "partnering with living people", and they have different views on the living. A small amount of hostility will even actively absorb the life energy of the living, just like a predator's attitude towards its prey.

Of course, not all ghost-type Pokémon in the spirit world are like this. Bailiyuan has also seen some ghost-type Pokmon that are kinder to the living. They will intercept those who want to go to the Pokmon world with malicious intent There are many ghost-type Pokémon, some of which are even quite ancient, with unfathomable strength.

And Bailiyuan has also communicated with these ghost-type Pokmon. These ghost-type Pokmon generally have the experience of living in the Pokémon world, or they are Pokmon sent by the ancient kingdom to guard the spirit world. The baby world and human beings have been guarding some passages connecting the magic baby world and the spirit world.

Even if the human beings and countries that once bonded with them have completely disappeared in the long river of time, they still remember the agreement between them, guarding the world where those people once lived, and remain unknown.

In addition to these ghost-type Pokmon, there are some special "ghosts" in the spirit world that do not belong to living people or Pokmon. These ghosts, like the ghost-type Pokmon, are malicious and have good intentions.

Although the spirit world is not well known to people in the Pokémon world, there are also life living there.

Bailiyuan didn't study those special ghosts, no matter they were good or evil, they shouldn't be disturbed too much by the living.

However, in the spirit world party in the Pokémon world, Bailiyuan was not without gains. Although Bailiyuan did not pick up the cloth of the spirit world, other materials with ghost power can be seen everywhere.

These materials can just be used to upgrade the level of the ghost house.

Bailiyuan walked among many ghost-type Pokémon and undead, and came to the haunted house.

Now the ghost house has three levels, and it has become bigger and has more room to accommodate.

[Ghost House (Level 3): It is very suitable for ghost creatures to live in, and can promote the birth of ghost creatures. It can quickly improve the strength of ghost creatures, speed up the recovery of injuries and physical strength of ghost creatures, and has a certain chance to promote Ghost creatures mutate and can attract wild ghost creatures within the range. The longer it is placed, the larger the range it can attract, and it can provide up to 25 ghost creatures to live in. It can regularly produce 'soul essence' and a small amount of The 'soul essence' can be upgraded.

Soul Essence: A material that can enhance the power of the soul.

Soul Essence: A material that can enhance the power of the soul, and can promote ghost creatures to break through the bottleneck.

Upgrade conditions: 100 parts of soul essence, 10,000 parts of soul essence, 500 units of ghostly materials.

Note: This is a warm home~]

The ability of the ghost house has become stronger, adding the ability to recover injuries and physical strength and promote mutation, to produce soul essence faster, and to produce more powerful soul essence.

It's just that it is more difficult to continue to upgrade, and it will take longer. Five hundred units of ghostly materials are easy to find, but one hundred soul essences and 10,000 soul essences can only take time to accumulate.

The soul essence and soul essence produced by the ghost house cannot all be accumulated. Part of the soul essence needs to be used to improve the strength of the ghost-type Pokmon and undead in the gym. In addition, the soul essence and soul essence will also be used as Important resources and ghost trainers in the alliance exchange benefits.

Such as practice materials and training materials.

The value of the soul essence and soul essence is not low. Bailiyuan tasted it for Juzi, and Juzi agreed, and then accepted the soul essence and soul essence sent by Bailiyuan, and had no intention of returning it.

In this way, the time for upgrading the ghost house will continue to be delayed.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan doesn't have too much urgent need to upgrade the ghost house.

At this time, there are also some ghost Pokmon in the ghost house, and they are all using the ghost house to recover from their injuries.

There have also been many battles in the gym, and those injured ghost-type Pokmon will be sent to the ghost house to recover their injuries and physical strength. The ghost house is more suitable for the recovery of ghost-type Pokmon than Miss Joey's medical methods.

In the ghost house, Geng Gui sensed the arrival of Baili Yuan, and floated out of the ghost house, still holding the cursed doll in his hand.

But the cursed doll doesn't really want to leave the haunted house.

Bailiyuan noticed that the cursed doll had some injuries. It seemed that the cursed doll also ended up fighting many times last night.

Geng Gui looked very relaxed.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After comforting the two elves, Bailiyuan entered the ghost house. In the center of the ghost house, there was a special poke ball. The ghost Pokmon in the ghost house were all separated from this poke ball. , as if there is something special about this elf ball.

And this special Poké Ball is locked.

Bailiyuan picked up the elf ball.

For the gymnasium, as well as the ghost-type Pokémon and undead in the gymnasium, even Lihua and cosmic bats, Bailiyuan is more at ease, but this guy is the only one who is not at ease. The reason why he put it here is to help It is healed, it was wounded when it was sent.

Although Bailiyuan didn't open the poke ball, he knew that the guy inside had almost recovered from his injuries. After all, it had been in the ghost house for a long time.

And when it recovers, Baili Yuan will take it with him.

By the way, it's not an ordinary poke ball that blocks it, specifically, it should be called - the ultimate ball!

Sorry, I drank too much today. There was a bug in the last chapter, which has been modified. You can see it after refreshing.

I will update it tomorrow, with a few more chapters, and I will go to bed today...

Good night.

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