I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1596 Isn't it the ghost gym that I'm here to challenge?

The relationship between the gym owner and Miss Junsha and Miss Joy is similar to that of superiors and subordinates, but they are not directly managed, they are just superiors and subordinates in positions, and even some gyms that are not very strong have almost equal rights to them. class.

Therefore, Miss Junsha and Miss Joey have no "obligation" to do things for the gym owners for free, so when the gym owners have to use them, they will also choose to charge for labor.

In the eyes of Miss Junsha and Miss Joy, unless they are really virtuous gym owners, other gym owners are big dogs in their eyes.

The money that the alliance gives to gymnasiums every year is much higher than their salaries.

If you dare to renege on your debt, it is very likely that there will be an investigation team composed of Miss Junsha to investigate the operation of your gym, or a Miss Joey with a beast will suddenly appear to assess your gym level.

Backed by the Junsha family and the Joy family is so tough.

The alliance and the gym owners have no objection to the fact that the gym owner needs to pay the money. The annual funding granted by the alliance to the gym owner includes many expenses. The gym owner needs to trouble Miss Junsha and Miss Joy The things they do are often within the responsibility of the gymnasium owner, which is equivalent to outsourcing the work, so they must pay.

This is also to avoid vegetarian meals for gym masters, and the alliance's money does not come from strong winds.

Either the gym owner does things, or the gym owner pays.

However, most gym owners will choose the former, and as long as they perform their duties well, gym owners will have a better life and have extra energy to do what they like.

Of course, there are also gym owners who choose to pay.

For example, before Xiaoxia returned to the Hualan Gymnasium, the former Hualan Gymnasium was almost becoming a water ballet venue, and the Hualan badge was basically given away for free, but such a gymnasium did not come to the door with Miss Joey, who brought the beast , perhaps because Xiaoxia's three sisters gave too much.

The gold-absorbing ability of Xiaoxia's three sisters is obvious to all. Which man doesn't love the three sisters with long legs and big breasts? Only the three of them can raise the per capita income of Hualan City.

As a result, when Xiaoxia handed over the gymnasium, Hualan gymnasium finally ushered in the long-lost crisis of seizure.

Fortunately, Xiaoxia's strength is excellent, and she managed to keep the Hualan Gymnasium. It's a pity that the Hualan Gymnasium is no longer as lively as before. Bailiyuan also wants to appreciate the art of water ballet, but there is no chance now Yes, every time I wake up in the middle of the night, I feel very sorry.

But when it comes to Bailiyuan's Gym, he can't help but sigh.

The gym hasn't started to generate income yet, and it looks like it's going to spend a lot of money. Couldn't the set of cosmetics yesterday not be able to stop Miss Junsha's mouth?

Women are indeed unfathomable creatures.

Bailiyuan's figure flashed, disappeared outside the gymnasium, reappeared and entered the gymnasium, and appeared in the lobby of the pre-made level.

This gymnasium is not designed casually, because there are many secrets in the gymnasium, so the interior of the gymnasium has defenses that isolate superpowers and most detection methods to ensure that the secrets will not be stolen.

Even Bailiyuan himself can't just move instantly in his own gymnasium, so Bailiyuan chooses to appear in the lobby of the pre-made level first.

Although there are no special defensive facilities in this hall, the strange space that has been open here and the hidden ghost-type Pokémon and undead are the best defense. If you don't go through the main entrance, you may not even be able to get out.

At this time, there are still many trainers and elves trapped here in the hall, with painful expressions on their faces.

They also finally carried the rice.

Bailiyuan also felt the influence of the wondrous space when he entered the hall, but he just got rid of the influence of the wondrous space as soon as his eyes lit up, and the ghost-type Pokémon and undead hidden around him didn't bother Bailiyuan.

At this time, the elf ball on Bailiyuan's waist suddenly opened, and the mischievous little demon appeared.

Bailiyuan doesn't like locking the poke ball very much, so the pokemon in the poke ball can come in and out freely.

After the troublemaker appeared, he began to jump around the trapped trainers and elves, sniffing something from time to time, and then laughed.

However, Bailiyuan didn't catch any surprises, because he had learned about the special ability of the naughty little demon last night.

Mischievous demons will use their noses to absorb the negative energy produced by people and Pokémon to replenish their vitality, which is somewhat similar to the ghost-type Pokémon absorbing the fear of other creatures to strengthen themselves.

And now there is indeed a lot of negative energy in this hall.

The mischievous little demon who absorbed the negative energy released by the trainer and elves smiled happily. This is not empathy, but gloating, using other people's negative energy to make himself happy.

In some ways, Tricksters are really bad.

After all, the naughty little demon was not at a high level, so he soon absorbed enough negative energy and returned to Baili Yuan's side with a full belch.

Bailiyuan rubbed the head of the mischievous little demon, and then led him into the gymnasium.


A singles battle is going on in the venue of the gymnasium, and the cosmic bat is the referee.

After a night of exploration by countless people, the challengers finally figured out the real situation of the challenge rules of the gymnasium, and there is no such thing as a stunned young man who releases a group of elves when he comes up.

The challenger this time is an experienced angler who uses the water-type Pokémon Blastoise.

Bailiyuan vaguely remembered that he also had the title of a fisherman trainer. Fisherman-level trainers generally have not weak combat abilities, and they are all highly experienced in the water system, and they are also capable enough to challenge gyms and join alliances It's the meeting.

The fisherman was confronted by an ice-attribute ghost, accompanied by a snow boy.

This ice-attributed ghost is different from the monarch-level ice-attributed ghost that Baili Yuan met back then, they are only of the same race.

Because of the attributes of the ice-attributed ghost, Bailiyuan handed over the snow boy gifted by Kona to it to cultivate. Now it seems that they get along well, they are all the same cold.

Although the ice-type ghost obviously does not look like a human being, under the explanation of "cosplay", anglers reluctantly accepted this setting.

The one fighting the Water Arrow Turtle in the arena is a Rotten Wood Demon.

The Rotten Wood Demon is the evolution of the Grass Spirit, with dual attributes of ghost and grass.

Of course the immature Snow Boy couldn't defeat the Water Arrow Turtle, but the Ice Attribute Ghost could mobilize more than one elf, and it was still possible to temporarily command the Rotten Wood Demon to fight. Operational capacity.

After watching the battle between the two sides for a while, Bailiyuan suddenly sighed: "It's really bad."

Because the angler came to challenge the ghost-type gymnasium, the ice-type ghost commanded the dead wood demon to use grass-type skills all the time.

And the most disgusting thing is that the main skills used by the ice-attributed ghosts are - wooden horns + parasitic seeds + ultimate absorption, and occasionally they will take root. Under the opponent's wretched style of play, they have nothing to do.

The Water Arrow Tortoise does have damage, but the damage from the Water Arrow Tortoise cannot kill the Rotten Wood Demon in seconds. On the contrary, the Rotten Wood Demon continues to wear down the Water Arrow Turtle's physical strength in the process of continuous injury and recovery.

No matter how thick the bastard shell is, it can't handle playing like this.

This kind of bullying operation has distorted the angler's expression. Bailiyuan was very worried that he would suddenly take out the MEGA stone to make the water arrow turtle super-evolve, and then a water cannon lifted the roof of the gymnasium.

Unfortunately, such a thing did not happen, and the angler's water arrow turtle did not bring miracles. In the end, the water arrow turtle did not hold on, and the last physical strength was taken away by the parasitic seeds.

"It's a pity, if the Water Arrow Turtle learns more ice-type moves and hone the evil-type moves, maybe it can come back." Baili Yuan shook his head and said.

However, the angler's water arrow turtle specializes in water-type moves. In fact, most water arrow turtle trainers will choose to let water arrow turtles specialize in water-type skills, especially the fisherman's type of trainer. There is a kind of fanatical pursuit in the moves.

On the other hand, the ice-attributed ghost and the rotten wood demon, their victory may have been due to luck, and the opponent they met happened to be biased, but this battle will not talk about the command ability of the ice-attributed ghost, it has a good understanding of attribute restraint thorough.

Bailiyuan looked at the angler off the field, and the angler put away his water arrow turtle with some doubts about life.

Isn't it the ghost gym that I'm here to challenge? Why does the opponent have grass skills all the time?

The fisherman looked at the cosmic bat who was the referee, and most of the time, the corners of the cosmic bat's mouth could not stop curling up.

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