I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1580 Return to Akamoy

Support will arrive soon, and Bailiyuan and his party will also evacuate.

Bailiyuan woke up the sleeping Andy. After Andy got up, he was a little depressed, and she also fought for a long time.

But Andy didn't say much after getting up, as if he didn't remember what she and Bailiyuan said, and Bailiyuan didn't ask questions tactfully.

As for the matter of the Forest of Whispers, and those frozen monsters of evil, there will be more professional people to deal with them.

Before leaving, Bailiyuan stood in front of two bunches of wild flowers, looking at the devastated Whispering Forest.

The forest has been destroyed, but these two bouquets of wild flowers have survived fortunately, which is very poignant.

This is Bailiyuan's silent tribute to the two murdered students of Yuncheng Academy, and it can also be regarded as a consolation to the dead souls here. Those who died here have no bones left, at most they can be buried in the scorched soil. Find traces of their existence.

Before Bailiyuan and the others arrived, those monsters and giant beasts that were raging here would not leave a whole body for those people.

Andy came to Bailiyuan's side and said: "Although this world looks beautiful, behind every goodness is accompanied by countless sacrifices, because someone carried the burden on their behalf and silently guarded others."

"I know." Bailiyuan looked into the distance, "Ambitional people bring countless pains for their own selfish desires, but there are also noble people who are willing to dedicate themselves, human beings... no, most intelligent creatures are this complex. Most individuals are mixed with good and evil, but there are also extremely evil and extremely good, constantly encountering the crisis of extinction in contradictions and conflicts, and at the same time opening up opportunities and paths for continuation.”

Andy gave Bailiyuan a strange look.

"Are you saying that everything is taken for granted?"

"Of course, but it makes no sense."

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"The reason why human beings are called human beings is not a biological species. In many cases, human beings can also be said to be a concept. They are sad because of pain, joyful because of happiness, there are sorrows and joys, good and evil. It is a human being, not a simple biological structure."

"It's full of reason." Andy said with a smile, but looking at her expression, she didn't seem to deny Baili Yuan's statement.

"Pain because of sorrow, remember the dead, and then pursue hope and happiness, so that more people can stand on the ground to welcome the sunrise. This is what we living people should do."

Bailiyuan turned and left.

This is the end of the memorial service for those two students and others. Perhaps in the future, except for the family members and friends of the victims, no one will remember them at all. This is the reality.

Just like now, if Bailiyuan hadn't been the dean of Yuncheng College, he wouldn't have known about them at all.

There is no need to comment too much, happiness and joy are always the same, sorrow and pain are difficult to understand each other, because human beings are not creatures that pursue sorrow.

Andy looked at the back of Bailiyuan leaving, maybe because Bailiyuan was now an adult, she suddenly felt that Bailiyuan had become a lot more mature.

But then Andy smiled, as if thinking of something, shook his head.

No, it's not that Bailiyuan has matured, but because Bailiyuan has been like this for a long time. He has grown to the point where people can rely on and trust him, but she has never looked at Baili squarely. That's all.

For a long time, even if Bailiyuan became the dean of Yuncheng College, Andy only treated Bailiyuan as a child.

But it is not age that makes a person mature, but experience.

Andy turned around and chased in the direction of Bailiyuan, following Bailiyuan's footsteps, she would go back with Bailiyuan.

On the scorched land, the two surviving wild flowers swayed in the wind, waiting for the dawn of the sky.

The night is endless, but sooner or later there will be light.


Bailiyuan did not go back to Yuncheng College directly, but followed to Akamoy. Many details of this incident needed to be informed by Bailiyuan himself, because many things were resolved by Bailiyuan. Only Bailiyuan Fate has the right to speak.

Through communication, Bailiyuan began to contact Junko Baichuan to learn about the specific situation of Yuncheng College.

From the strength of Bai Chuan Junzi, Bailiyuan learned that Yuncheng and Yuncheng College were not too important, and the same was true in other cities. The crisis was dealt with, and the avatars were rushing back to Yuncheng College one after another.

But there is still a problem, that is, the lazy avatar has lost contact, and the evil avatar is looking for it all over Guangcheng, and the senior management of Guangcheng and the teachers and students of Guangcheng College are also helping.

Bailiyuan didn't know where the lazy avatar went, he didn't have absolute control over his avatar, at most he could only perceive the location of the avatar, but now the distance was too far, and Bailiyuan couldn't determine the exact location of the avatar .

The only thing Bailiyuan can be sure of now is that the lazy avatar is still alive.

Because he was going to Akamoy, Bailiyuan could only let go of the matter of the lazy avatar for the time being. Regarding the situation of the avatar, Bailiyuan was not too worried. Although his sinful avatars had never admitted it, Bailiyuan Li Yuan could probably guess that those evil avatars were not that simple.

Even if it is the lazy avatar who doesn't like activities the least, it's not just anyone who can hurt him.

He disappeared, probably for some special reason.

As long as you haven't died, you can look for it when you have time.

In addition to these, the matter of the two dead students was handed over to Bai Chuan Junzi by Baili Yuan, and their families needed to be notified, and then comforted, etc., and the names of the two students would also be recorded on the monument of Yuncheng College. City College has long had a dedicated process.

For the deaths of the two students, Yuncheng College also has a certain responsibility, and Yuncheng College will not shirk.

However, Yuncheng College, as one of the top colleges of the human race, naturally has its own responsibilities and functions. All combat students who are about to graduate or have graduated are ready to sacrifice.

When choosing to pick up a knife, be prepared to be killed.

But it was also because of this incident that Bailiyuan asked Junko Baichuan to either urgently recall those fifth-year students who were doing the task, or to send additional tutors to take care of those students.

There is no big problem with the current system of Yuncheng College. It adapts to the form of the human race in the world of heraldry. It is also necessary to take precautions. Even if the students are ready to sacrifice, it does not mean that they can sacrifice at will. Every graduate is a talent and is very precious.

Sending tutors is to protect the students on the one hand, and to investigate the traces of [Innocence] on the other hand. Once traces of [Innocence] are found, Yuncheng College will respond immediately.

Now, [Innocence] is the enemy of Yuncheng Academy!


When the light appeared on the horizon, Bailiyuan and his party finally returned to Yuncheng Academy.

Everyone in Akamoy knew about the matter of the Whispering Forest this time.

After Bailiyuan and others arrived at Akamoy, Akamoy received Bailiyuan and his party with a very high standard. Akamoy's high-level executives appeared in front of Bailiyuan one after another, welcoming them as if they were heroes. With Bailiyuan.

Whether it is Bailiyuan's performance or strength in this incident, he can be called a hero. At the same time, because of this incident, Bailiyuan's name will spread throughout Azpedan's big and small forces. No one would think that Bailiyuan was just an adopted son who relied on Andy for his position.

Others call Bailiyuan no longer "Andy's adopted son", but "Yuncheng College Dean Bailiyuan".

Mr. Ming was sent for treatment, and Andy also went for a checkup.

After that, it was time to discuss and countermeasures against the sudden emergence of the organization [Innocence].

Fortunately, everyone caught a tear, and it's not that they didn't catch the tail of the [Innocence] organization. Although Lei said that her own understanding of [Innocence] was limited, Akamoy didn't want her to think that Akamoy Naturally, there will be a dedicated interrogation team to conduct a more professional interrogation of Lai.


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