I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1579 I am always there

The golden light suddenly broke through the "magic land" and turned into a beam of light that shot straight into the sky, illuminating the night.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful imposing coercion bloomed from the beam of light, sweeping across the entire range of the Whispering Forest.

This kind of coercion does not overwhelm people, nor does it have the meaning of domineering, but it cannot be ignored. It attracts everyone's attention and informs everyone of his arrival.

Those who could see the beam of light stared in the direction of the beam of light.

The same is true for An Qi, and at the same time she has a bad premonition in her heart.

The light dissipated, and Baili Yuan's huge figure appeared in the sky, with ten wings of light floating behind him.

Bright form!

The strength has been reversed, and now Bailiyuan is stronger!

Bailiyuan swooped down directly, and the light wings behind him turned into light guns, piercing out.

After the transformation, Baili Yuan never liked talking nonsense. After all, the transformation time was only one minute. If they chatted, the transformation time might have passed.

Facing the piercing light gun, An Qi retreated immediately and dodged one after another, but the missed light gun pierced the ground, smashing the ground, the soil collapsed, and the ground cracked.

The "magic land" that was originally infected by Angel's power was bombarded and shattered.

Boom boom boom——

However, the speed of the light gun was faster. An Qi dodged several light guns, and finally one of them locked her.

Seeing that she couldn't avoid it, An Qi gritted her teeth, and the core in her body surged.

"Devil's heart!"

A low groan came from under the light gun, and a terrifying power erupted, directly flying the attacking light gun away.

Baili Yuan was startled, and then realized.

An Qi does not have the strength of the supreme class, but her strength can be against the supreme class?

She really wasn't that easy to deal with!

However, Baili Yuan didn't stop at all, the power gathered, and the red light flowed out from the indicator light, and finally condensed on Baili Yuan's arm.

Immediately afterwards, the red light poured out from Bailiyuan's arm, entwining the power of the core, and the power of the light became more terrifying because of this. The three characteristics of high temperature, great power, and strong power were fully displayed, and at the same time got further enhanced.

The air through which the light passes is distorted by the high temperature, and the density of the distorted air is no longer uniform, which distorts the light, making it appear to others that the light in Bailiyuan is distorted and shrouded in strange light and shadow.

An Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, and she also received a huge shock force when she flicked the flying light gun just now, and she was the first in an instant.

But before she could catch her breath, she felt a terrifying energy fluctuation coming from Baili Yuan.

"not good!"

An Qi didn't bother to check the situation, and directly released her power to the maximum, and the imprint on her heart became more and more hot.

Delusional transformation!

The earth rose rapidly and turned into a wall of demonic soil, blocking the light.

The devil's soil wall only blocked it for less than a second before it shattered, but An Qi also took advantage of this time to dive and escape quickly.

An Qi didn't have the confidence to resist Baili Yuan's attack, so she could only choose to use the ground to cover herself and escape.

Although An Qi was embedded in the ground, Baili Yuan's God's Eye still locked onto her figure, so Bai Li Yuan's arm moved down, and the light released moved accordingly, bombarding the ground, penetrating the ground, chasing and killing An Qi.

The explosion of power, accompanied by a huge roar, brought about a terrifying air wave, which pushed into the distance, and even the support team hiding in the farthest position was affected and had to retreat again and again.

"Is this... Baili Yuan's true strength?" Shinozaki Shiho gritted his teeth, trying hard to resist the thrust of the wind and waves.

Originally, she was mentally prepared for Bailiyuan's strength, but she never thought that Bailiyuan could become stronger. The aftermath of the battle alone was not something she could bear.

Underground, An Qi didn't feel the crisis disappearing, she even felt that the light seemed to be getting closer to her, the earth couldn't block the light at all, and in just a few seconds, she was almost caught up by the light!

And all she can do is keep diving, like a fish caught in the net struggling weakly.

An Qi's appearance became more and more embarrassing, with blood constantly oozing from her mouth, and the imprint on her heart was also burned by the blazing heat she inspired.

But she didn't dare to stay.

"What the hell is going on? Why does he still have such power! He wants me to die!"

Angie is a little crazy.

"How can I die here! I haven't defeated Andy yet..."

An Qi suddenly made up her mind, and snapped out her left eye with one hand, which made her hands and face dripping with blood. The blood from An Qi's eye sockets stained half of her face red, making her look like Even more ferocious and terrifying.

But An Qi endured the pain, pressed her throat and squeezed out words.

"Alaya, extend my life! This is my sacrifice!"

An Qi raised her hand holding the eyeball, and at the same time, the imprint on her chest glowed brightly, and the white light enveloped An Qi's body, and the eyeball in An Qi's hand gradually disappeared.

The pursued light bombarded the formed light sphere, but did not shake the light sphere.

Bailiyuan was startled.

"What's going on here? How could she have such power? No, she was...a sacrifice just now? Then this power must not be her own power!"

Bailiyuan increased the light output, trying to smash the ball of light, but the ball of light seemed to remain motionless as if there was some kind of rule.

In the ball of light, An Qi looked up while panting. Although her expression was distorted by the pain in her body, she smiled wantonly.

"Hahahaha... You can't kill me. Before I kill Andy, I can't die at the hands of others! I remember you, next time, next time we meet, I will definitely avenge this revenge!"

The sphere of light surrounding An Qi shrunk rapidly, and finally disappeared completely, along with An Qi in the sphere of light.

When the light failed, Bailiyuan hurriedly stopped the light and looked down, with a serious expression and some doubts.

"What kind of power is that?"

The mark on Baili Yuan's forehead flickered twice, then went out.


An Qi ran away, although Bailiyuan knew that this might cause endless troubles, but what he cared more about was the strength An Qi showed in the end.

However, no one has the energy to hunt down An Qi now.

Ten seconds later, Bailiyuan also reached his limit, and he had no strength to fight at all.

It can be said that today's series of battles is the most thorough one in which Bailiyuan has been hollowed out in so many years.

Of course, if it is said that Baili Yuan can't change his body, that's not the case. His clones still have some light. At worst, Baili Yuan can "borrow" the light of the clones, and he can transform a few times for the time being.

But transformation is transformation, and now Baili Yuan's spirit and fighting spirit have been almost exhausted.

After An Qi escaped, Baili Yuan turned back into a human body and sat down on the ground.

If An Qi didn't run away, but used that ability to hold on for a minute, then Bailiyuan might have "borrowed" the light of his avatar to transform and run away.

Fortunately, An Qi didn't know about it, she chose to run away.

Although the support team has also experienced a fierce battle, they still retain a lot of physical strength. They have started to clean up the aftermath. Akamoy has also sent a new support team to finish the matter in the Forest of Whispers.

Although Akamoy has paid more attention to the matter of the Whispering Forest, they still underestimated the seriousness of the situation. The most important thing is that they did not expect someone like Angie to appear, and the distance is far away, and the strong are limited, so From the beginning, Akamoy was passive.

If there is no Bailiyuan, Akamoy will definitely send a strong man, but no one can predict whether other things will happen at that time.

However, although the support team said it was dealing with the aftermath, there was actually nothing to deal with, because the Secret Language Forest had been completely destroyed, only a huge iceberg stood there, and most of the surrounding ground had collapsed, and there were still many impact marks like craters .

Even the place where Bailiyuan and the others settled down is outside the forest.

Bailiyuan could feel that the eyes of those passing by him looked at him with deep respect, and even the people with Yuncheng Academy seemed to have a higher status.

Elder Ming had already calmed down, and the envoys of heraldry examined him, and there was nothing wrong with his health, so we had to go back to Akamoy to discuss the rest.

Bailiyuan and Andy leaned against a tree, looking at the starry sky, and the heraldry envoys around seemed to move out of their range on purpose.

Andy suddenly leaned against Bailiyuan's body.

Because he had used life manipulation before to enter an adult state, and now Bailiyuan is also an adult, and Andy can just lean on Bailiyuan's shoulder, and some parts will inevitably rub against each other.

Unfortunately, when the opportunity came, Bailiyuan didn't have the energy anymore.

Some things just don't come with a squeeze.

Andy suddenly said softly, "Thank you for today."

Bailiyuan froze for a moment, it was the first time that Andy spoke to her so gently, no, to be precise, the previous Andy always looked very strong in front of Bailiyuan, acting so that people could be relied on, while Now, it was Andy who was leaning on him.

Bailiyuan smiled, and was about to reply, but found that Andy had his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep.

But Andy's blushing face made people wonder if she was pretending to be asleep to hide her shyness.

Bailiyuan put his arms around Andy, letting Andy fall into his arms in a comfortable position, then he raised his head and looked at the moon in the sky.

Because looking at Andy, Andy will be shy.

"I'm always here at any time." Baili Yuan replied softly.

Andy's eyelashes trembled twice.

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