Chapter 1574 Demon Seed

Although An Qi was immune to Andy's verdict of truth before, Andy still used the verdict of truth again.

Andy wants to defeat An Qi head-on, even if the law of causality of the verdict of truth has no effect, the power of this verdict of truth cannot be followed at will.

When the verdict of truth entered the area around An Qi, the speed of the verdict of truth slowed down gradually, and finally stopped in front of An Qi.

Demon field!

Contrary to Andy, Angie's domain is the domain of the demon species, and Angie—is the domain of the demon species!

The seed of the devil, the beginning of the devil!

"In my domain, you will be under my control!"

Angie said arrogantly.

But Andy didn't show any expression.

The banner of the verdict of truth suddenly lit up, An Qi's smile paused, and her pupils shrank.


The banner of the verdict of truth exploded directly, covering An Qi.

"Your domain still doesn't work!"

Demon Seed Domain, no. (×)

Sage Field, OK. (√)

Andy didn't wait for the result of the verdict explosion, and directly started the next move, bringing his own domain to An Qi.

And the explosion of the verdict of truth was quickly smoothed by An Qi's domain. When An Qi wanted to fight back, Andy had already rushed over.

Andy seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

Under Angie's astonished gaze, Andy's domain tore apart An Qi's domain, and punched An Qi in the face.

Bailiyuan looked at the battle in the sky, and suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

"It's really ruthless."

Andy didn't show mercy at all because An Qi was her sister, as if he wanted to beat An Qi to death.

Bailiyuan stood up suddenly.

"It's almost time to rest, and I can't continue to watch."

Although Andy has the upper hand now, Bailiyuan knows that Andy has fought for a long time before, and Andy may not be able to defeat An Qi.

Andy should also know this, so now Andy is fighting without any scruples, trying to use her remaining strongest strength to directly deal with An Qi.

Elder Ming on the other side also knew about this, so he also approached the battlefield between the two of them at some point.

The battle between the two beauties is not pleasing to the eye at all, but full of violence.

Andy clamped An Qi's neck with one hand and pressed An Qi to the ground, while the other hand kept attacking An Qi's face.

If An Qi hadn't defended her face with strength, her head would have been smashed into pieces long ago.

Although she was at a disadvantage, An Qi kept shouting: "Not enough, not enough, use more force, more force, it's not good enough!"

Andy's hand was held falsely, and the flag of the verdict of truth was condensed in her hand again. Andy pointed the flagpole of the flag at one of An Qi's eyes and stabbed it down fiercely.

An Qi's eyes widened, staring at the stabbed flagpole without blinking, her pupils shattered and turned into strange patterns.

Magic pupil!

Angie's branch skill.

The things that the magic pupil is looking at will be weakened and the spirit will be suppressed.

After the weakened Verdict of Truth pierced through Angel's multiple defensive forces, it was successfully intercepted by An Qi's power, but the flagpole of Verdict of Truth was only less than two millimeters away from An Qi's eyes, and Angie still kept With eyes wide open.

This fearless appearance is like a madman.

"Hahaha, my magic pupil has weakened your strength, you are now a strong man!"

An Qi laughed, just now she was betting with her own eyes that Andy didn't have enough strength to penetrate her defense now!

If she loses, what An Qi loses may be an eye, or even be seriously injured and near death by being directly penetrated into the head.

Andy's series of outbursts made An Qi think that Andy still had enough strength, and in order to verify this, An Qi chose to bet her own eyes.

And Angie won the bet.

Although Andy knew that he was seen through by An Qi, he still didn't change his expression.

"Then it's my turn!" An Qi grinned, and slapped a palm on the ground.

Alchemy transformation!

Angie's coat of arms branch skills, through the ability of alchemy, change the composition and appearance of substances.

The ground seemed to come alive, turning into soft whips of mud, wrapped around Andy's body, and continued to spread upwards.

Andy snorted coldly, and the strength on his body exploded, shattering all the soft whips of soil, but then the ground seemed to turn into a huge shell, quickly closing,

Andy wanted to get away, but An Qi grabbed Andy's arms instead, muttering something.


Angie's coat of arms is a branch skill that uses words similar to spells to interfere with others.

The special force entangled Andy, making Andy's body stiff, and he didn't evacuate in time. Finally, the soil closed up, drowning Andy and Anqi's figures, making a loud noise.

Minglao and Bailiyuan also rushed over immediately. Minglao raised a large amount of soil and wanted to dig Andy out, while Bailiyuan opened the pupil of God, penetrated the soil, and looked for Andy.

"Andy's not here!"

Bailiyuan said suddenly, then quickly scanned the surroundings with his eyes, finally looked in one direction, tiptoed, and chased after him.

Under the ground, Angie is moving Andy.

Ming Lao chose to believe in Baili Yuan, and followed Baili Yuan directly.

"Your name is Xiaoyuan, right? Andy's adopted son, do you still have the power to transform?" Ming Lao asked. He noticed that Bailiyuan's aura was not strong in normal state, and he should only have the strength of a great heraldry envoy. , then the reason why Bailiyuan was so strong before should be related to his transformation form.

If Baili Yuan wanted to intervene in the battle between Andy and An Qi, he could only choose to transform.

Bailiyuan paused.

"I still have a minute to fight."

"I see."

Ming Lao suspected that Baili Yuan could not have too much power left, but he didn't expect that he only had one minute left.

"I hope we can temporarily defeat An Qi by practicing our hands."

Ming Lao can't guarantee that they add Andy, and the three of them can quickly solve An Qi by joining forces. A strong man of this strength will not have too few ways to save his life.

But when Bailiyuan and Ming Lao had just caught up with Andy, the ground split open directly, and Andy's figure rushed out from the ground, but his breath was disordered.

Bailiyuan hurriedly caught Andy.

At this time, Andy's face was pale, his breathing was weak, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked severely injured and was quite miserable.

Bailiyuan frowned, and immediately used [Chui Lian].

Andy coughed up a mouthful of blood, but his breathing became much easier.

Although he kept staring at the ground, Andy and An Qi were constantly fighting, and he didn't see it very clearly. He just saw that An Qi broke out suddenly, and then Andy was defeated, so he had to forcefully break through the ground to escape.

At this time Andy was seriously injured!

Ming Lao widened his eyes.

Logically speaking, even if Andy was at a disadvantage, it would be impossible for him to be seriously injured by An Qi. What happened underground just now?

The ground flowed in all directions, and Angie's figure floated up from the ground.

Baili Yuan and Ming Lao stared at An Qi vigilantly.

Panting, Andy suddenly grabbed Baili Yuan's hand.

"Be careful with her, she has powers that don't belong to the heraldry! It's dangerous!"

Angie smiled.

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