I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1573 Saint!

In the dark night, a new moon hangs in the sky.

The two figures confronted each other in the sky, and the atmosphere became tense again.

An Qi said slowly: "Andy!"

Andy narrowed his eyes: "An Qi!"





Andy and An Qi looked in the direction of Bailiyuan at the same time. Except for the first two voices, the next four voices came from the direction of Bailiyuan, and there was quite a lot of energy in the voices. Feelings, such as resentment, such as admiration, such as weeping, such as complaining.

Sensing the strange gazes of Andy and Anqi, Bailiyuan smiled.

"I'll liven up the atmosphere."

The tense atmosphere suddenly became cheerful.

An Qi's brows kept beating.

This brat...

I'm so mad!

If it wasn't for him, I should be stepping on Andy's body to mock her now!

Instead of coming out to ridicule like now, it seems like a clown.

An Qi didn't intend to continue talking nonsense, but chose to do it directly.

The moment An Qi made a move, Andy also acted, and the move was a killer move.

"Truth verdict!"

Andy directly uses the verdict of truth without mercy.

But facing Andy's verdict of truth, An Qi suddenly smiled.

The verdict of truth hit An Qi directly in the heart.

"Hit?" Everyone's eyes widened.

But Andy frowned.

An Qi's body trembled, but nothing happened.

The others were shocked when they saw this scene.

"How can it be?"

"Skill failed?"

Elder Ming also frowned.

"The verdict of truth...is invalid?"

This also means that the law of cause and effect does not work on Angel.

"Sure enough..." Andy said.

"Heh." An Qi laughed, "Your abilities are useless to me."

Andy looked at An Qi, "I was skeptical when I asked you to run away last time, but I didn't expect it to be true. You can really ignore the law of cause and effect!"

But An Qi smiled proudly: "I'm your own sister, you raised me by yourself, so I know you better, so it's normal to prepare some means to guard against you."

"You can ignore the law of cause and effect. This is not something that can be done with ordinary preparation." Andy said in a deep voice.

There are many people who want to guard against Andy's ability, but many people fall into despair after knowing Andy's ability, because even a strong person who exceeds the strength of the great heraldry may not be able to touch the power of the law of cause and effect, unless it is It has the same ability of causality as Andy.

Possessing the law of causality can interfere with the law of causality.

But Andy doesn't remember that Angie's ability involves the law of causality.

"External force? Those who cheat should not be complacent."

"Cheating? No, this is my power!" An Qi said meaningfully, and then evil power emerged from her body.

The halo, domain, and core emerged one after another. At the same time, many black lines appeared on An Qi's exposed skin and face, and a strange pattern appeared between her eyebrows, and a chaotic atmosphere enveloped her whole body.

"Hahaha... Come on, my dear sister, let me feel your body! Only you can satisfy me!"

An Qi suddenly became a little crazy, hugging her body, as if she couldn't wait.

Andy was shrouded in Angie's domain, she frowned, as if she was a little uncomfortable, but then she snorted coldly, two halos emerged behind her, and then the domain spread out centered on her, while Andy The core of also emerges in the field.

Saintess coat of arms——

Against the magic halo!

Against the halo!

Saint field!

Core Sacred Heart!

It was also the first time for Bailiyuan to see Andy unleash his full strength. Even in the previous battles, Andy hadn't shown his domain and core, at most he relied on the power of the halo.

Andy's domain drove out Angie's domain, and competed with Angie's domain in the air.

The pure white core appeared in front of Andy, and then merged into Andy's body. For a moment, Andy's figure seemed to be different from ordinary people, with an inviolable majesty on his body. At the same time, Andy's body was stained with The dust also seems to come off on its own.

And there were many white lines on Andy's body and face, and a special mark appeared between his eyebrows.

Baili Yuan stared at Andy's figure, "This feeling... is somewhat similar to divine power, but it seems to be less... I know, what is missing is divinity, but on the other hand, it is more powerful than divine power." The power is more pure!"

"This is a saint." Ming Lao murmured.

Andy's saint's coat of arms is not because she is a saint of a certain sect and god, but because she is a saint and a woman, this is a saint!

But there was no one else around Ming Lao, and Ming Lao didn't explain.

Apart from these changes, comparing the situation of Andy and Angie reveals that there are many similarities between their situations.

In the world of heraldry, some brothers and sisters have a certain relationship between the heraldry, such as relative or complementary. For example, Rafael and Hongxu, whom Bailiyuan knew, are brothers and sisters, and the two One of the professions is a fire-type summoner, and the other is a water-type summoner, which is a relative attribute.

There is still a year difference between the two. If they were twins, this relativeness and complementarity would be more obvious, not only in heraldic professions, but also in branch skills, auras, domains, and even cores. .

However, this situation is not absolute. It can only be said to be an example. For example, the four Hanyu sisters in the diving department did not have this situation.

Scholars in the world of heraldry have not yet come to a clear conclusion on this situation. The main speculation is that the relationship between the heraldic occupations may be related to the talents of both parties. The talents of brothers and sisters are most likely to be similar. As for branch skills, halos , fields, etc. are generally related to acquired practice, and it is not completely sure that these are also related to blood relationship.

However, generally the parties will regard this situation as a special bond, and there will be a special relationship between brothers and sisters.

And that was clearly the case with Andy and Angie.

Leaving aside their looks and figures, as soon as they reveal their areas and cores, others will know that there must be a relationship between them.

Andy looked at An Qi, there was no emotion in his eyes, as if there was no flesh and blood.

"You let me enter this state again, you damn it!" Andy obviously didn't like his state at this time.

It seems that she has lost her humanity from the outside, and her emotions have been greatly suppressed, as if she is not her anymore. This feeling is not liked by Andy.

So now Andy is angry with Angie.

"Hahaha, come on, come on, I can't wait!"

The marks between Andy's brows and his eyes lit up.


true sight!

These are Andy's remaining two branch skills.

Revelation can get special guidance to let Andy know what to do next. This trick involves the category of fate, similar to the weakened future pupil.

And true vision is to allow Andy to see through the illusion and see through the enemy's weaknesses, which can be said to be the ability of the weakened pupil of God.

"Truth verdict!"

Andy played another verdict of truth, and this time Andy's verdict of truth was more staring and stronger.

The verdict of truth, which was originally just a white light, seemed to have turned into a banner.

This is your banner of death!

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