Chapter 1565 Green light flashes

"Run? Hehe..."

Bailiyuan waved his fists and beat the evil behemoth continuously, each punch would punch a hole in the evil behemoth's body, making the evil behemoth scream again and again.

It's total torture!

No one noticed that a figure appeared beside the monster at some point. Although the figure was wearing a black robe, her proud figure could not be concealed, and the parted neckline revealed a touch of white.

"I admit that I underestimated that giant, but it doesn't mean that I will let that giant continue to wreak havoc!"

The figure in black robe stood beside the monster, a dark mark lit up on the heart, and special power was released from her body and fell on the monster.

[Innocence] Being able to put these monsters together with the giant evil beasts doesn't mean they can only do this.

It's just because the previous arrangement met their needs, but now that the plan has gone wrong, she has to make changes.

Pure quantitative advantage can no longer control the situation.

The monster seemed to have noticed something, and twisted uncomfortably, trying to leave the place, but then it found that it couldn't control its body, which made it feel fear.

Compared with the evil behemoth, monsters have higher intelligence and richer emotions, and they will also be afraid when encountering life-threatening things.

The figure in black robe looked at the seriously injured monster beside him.

"With this degree of injury, you are no longer able to fight, so... just give your body!"

The black mark shone with a dark light, beating like a heart.

The monster's eyes widened, and it fell into a special state. At the same time, the surrounding evil monsters looked at the monster one after another, and then began to approach the monster.

The change of the evil behemoth attracted the attention of others.

Bailiyuan killed the giant evil beast that would hide from the ground, and absorbed the evil and six evil beads in its body. When he turned around to look for the next monster of evil, he found that all the giant monsters of evil had disappeared. They gathered around the surviving colorful monster.

And when Baili Yuan wanted to chase after other evil behemoths, the light on his chest suddenly flickered.

"Is the time almost up?"

Caroline breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Bailiyuan's state is not right at this time, his transformation time is still limited, only three minutes.

The moment the light on Bailiyuan's chest flickered, he had less than fifteen seconds left to transform.

Caroline didn't know what would happen after Bailiyuan absorbed so many evil and six evil beads and returned to the human body, but she couldn't feel at ease if she kept in this state.

Bailiyuan knew that his time was running out. Although he was upset, he didn't say anything, but looked at the surviving monster.

The figure in black robe shifted his gaze from the monster to Baili Yuan.

"The thing on his chest started to flash again? I won't be fooled this time!"

Although the black-robed figure guessed that the flashing light on Baili Yuan's chest meant that Baili Yuan's power was going to be exhausted, but the previous situation severely hit the black-robed figure in the face, not to mention Baili Yuan's momentum now Zhengwang didn't see any signs of decline, saying that Bailiyuan's strength was insufficient was simply insulting the IQ of the black-robed figure.

From the perspective of the black-robed figure, the indicator light on Bailiyuan's chest might be flashing according to his mood, just like playing a game to light up dog tags.

Elder Ming and Andy on the other side also acted.

"Although I don't know what these evil monsters are going to do, it's definitely not a good thing!" Ming Lao frowned.

"No matter what, don't let them succeed!" Andy said.

Old Ming nodded.

Although Bailiyuan's state is not right at this time, but compared to Bailiyuan, it is more important not to let these evil giants do other things. These evil giants wandering on the ground really can't make people feel at ease .

"The giant evil beasts seem to be centered on that monster, let's deal with that monster first!" Ming Lao analyzed.

When Ming Lao and Andy were about to attack the surviving monster, Bailiyuan also chose to attack the surviving monster.

Although Bailiyuan is a little crazy now, he is not stupid. He naturally knows which target is more important and should be killed first.

It's not arrogance, it's stupidity to watch an enemy hold back their ult without doing anything.

But just as they rushed towards the evil monster and the monsters, a special blockade stopped them.

Ming Lao and Andy's expressions changed.

This blockade is somewhat similar to the blockade that blocked the Forest of Whispering Words before!

And this blockade not only blocked the footsteps of Ming Lao, Andy and Baili Yuan, but also protected the monsters and countless evil giants.

The evil behemoths surrounded the monster, and then they wanted to merge with it.

"They must not be fused!" Ming Lao shouted, bombarding the blockade with all his strength.

So is Andy.

The figure in the black robe laughed out loud: "Although this blockade is the same type as the blockade that covered the entire forest before, but because of its smaller range and stronger defense, it's not something you can break through with just a few hits!"


The dark red light bombarded the blockade.

It was the light from Bailiyuan, and the dark red light gushed out, attacking the blockade with all its strength.

At this time, the light from Bailiyuan actually took on a dark color, but its power was even stronger. The strong light and the blockade confronted each other, and the impact caused forced Ming Lao and Andy to distance themselves.

"Break it!"

The impact of light for more than ten seconds broke the blockade.

At the moment when the blockade was forced, the corners of the eyes of the black-robed figure jumped wildly.

She felt her face was a little swollen.

"Are you here to mess with my state of mind?"

The black-robed figure looked at Baili Yuan, feeling aggrieved.

But Baili Yuan felt his body sink, and his time was about to reach the limit!

Under Baili Yuan's unwilling roar, he still withdrew from the fallen form, and at the same time Baili Yuan also lifted the [arrogant] posture.

Caroline secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Noticing that Bailiyuan's figure was gradually dissipating into the dark force, Ming Lao and Andy both hurriedly looked at Bailiyuan's position, trying to find Bailiyuan's figure in the dark force.

And the black-robed figure also smiled after a short shock.

"Hahaha, it's really... wonderful! I'll see what you guys are fighting with me this time. Now that the fusion has been carried out, your current strength alone is powerless! Although the process was tortuous, I won in the end! "

Seeing Baili Yuan's figure disappear, the black-robed figure actually felt a sense of avenging his revenge, and this refreshing feeling even surpassed the physical refreshing feeling.

Andy watched Bailiyuan nervously. She didn't know what was going on with Bailiyuan, but at this moment, she suddenly saw a dark green light shining in the dark power that had not completely dissipated. It's like trying to suck the soul of a person into it.

The light rushed out of the darkness, flashed past the merging evil behemoths and monsters.

A huge green figure was holding a long knife, with its back facing the merging evil behemoth and behind the monster, and there were little ice crystals floating around and on the long knife in its hand.

The green figure stood up slowly, swung the shining long knife in his hand, and the parallel crystal on the long knife was thrown off.

Behind him, the giant evil beast and the monster that were merging suddenly separated, turning into a place of sinful silt, and the monster that was the core of the fusion, most of its body disappeared.

The laughter of the black-robed figure stopped abruptly.

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