I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1564 He is Absorbing Evil!

The evil behemoths were sent flying upside down by the light, and their bodies were also damaged to varying degrees.

Bailiyuan's figure was revealed, and he still maintained the posture of emitting light.

"Is there a difference in the effect of driving the light with different forces?" Caroline analyzed.

Although the main composition of the light emitted by Bailiyuan is the star core material, the power driving the star core material is different, which makes the light from Bailiyuan look the same, but the power and effect are different. the same.

The evil monsters that were knocked away by the light wanted to get up, but then purple crystals appeared on their bodies, making their bodies freeze.

"This is... crystallization?" Caroline recognized the reason for the changes in these evil behemoths, "Did the power of crystallization be added to the light just now?"

Baili Yuan raised his hand, and six beads wrapped in crystals fell into Baili Yuan's hand.

It was the six evil beads in the body of the evil beast that was torn apart by him.

However, although the crystal blocked the six evil beads, cracks soon appeared on the crystal, and evil continued to flow out of the six evil beads, trying to break the crystal.

If the problem of the six evil beads is not solved, the six evil beads will adsorb on other creatures, infect them, and even revive the evil behemoth.

And to solve the problem of the six evil beads, Bailiyuan only knows a few methods at present. Even if he wants to use his authority to fuse the six evil beads, Bailiyuan doesn't have enough authority in his hands, so he wants to temporarily trap the six evil beads. The simple blockade of six evil beads and crystallization cannot be done, nor can ordinary seals, unless the god of fate and number takes action.

"The God of Destiny?"

Bailiyuan looked at the six evil beads in his hand, and suddenly he had a bold idea.

Then everyone saw Baili Yuan bring the Liu Evil Bead close to his chest light.

"Xiao Yuan, what are you going to do?!"

Caroline was shocked, not only Caroline, but also Andy and Ming Lao who were paying attention to Bailiyuan also found that something was wrong.

But the six evil beads were directly integrated into his own indicator light by Bailiyuan.

And with the integration of the six evil beads, Bailiyuan felt that the originally silent sacred power and light power in the body were suddenly stimulated, confronting the power of the integrated six evil beads, and then Bailiyuan felt the tearing Painful as hell, and red patterns like cracks appeared on his body.

The pain made Bailiyuan bend down.

The power of darkness and evil vented from the red pattern that appeared on Baili Yuan's body and sprayed into the sky.

The already dark sky under the setting sun was directly surrounded by darkness, making the surroundings plunge into darkness.

Baili Yuan's bent down stopped, and he slowly raised his head, the corners of his eyes became sharper, making him look even more evil.

"Xiao Yuan, how are you doing now?" Caroline asked hastily, "The various forces in your body are chaotic, something seems wrong."

Baili Yuan was in a trance for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.

"No, I'm fine now."

Baili Yuan's body was entwined with dark and evil forces, he slowly got up and stood there silently.

No one dared to speak out.

Darkness oppresses everyone.

Suddenly, Baili Yuan moved, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared, and reappeared in front of a giant evil beast.

Baili Yuan's hands inserted into the body of the evil giant beast, tore half of the evil giant beast's body apart, and then the divine beast directly grabbed the six evil beads in the evil giant beast's body.

The giant evil beast was able to struggle at first, but soon its strength became weaker and weaker, and its body continued to shrivel up.

"He's absorbing evil!" Ming Lao said.

But Ming Lao didn't realize that his voice was trembling a little.

For evil, Ming Lao has also been in contact with it, and with Akamoy's records, Ming Lao knows the horror of evil, even if they fight against the evil monster, they can avoid being infected by evil, but now they see Baili Yuan Absorbing evil!

Andy also clenched her fists, Bailiyuan's state made her feel uneasy.

With Bailiyuan's performance, he is enough to suppress all evil behemoths and monsters, but since he absorbed those beads, his state has changed.

The figure secretly watching the forest of secret words couldn't help exclaiming: "How is it possible!?"

"Not enough, not enough!"

Baili Yuan whispered in his heart.

"Need more!"

"Xiao Yuan, your situation is very wrong! I think you need to calm down."

Caroline nervously watched the situation in Baili Yuan's body. She and Baili Yuan were in a symbiotic state, so she was more aware of the state of Baili Yuan's body at this time.

While Bailiyuan was constantly absorbing the evil and six evil beads, changes were also taking place in Bailiyuan's body, and the power of the sacred and light was suppressed again. At this time, Bailiyuan's body seemed to be completely covered by darkness and Evil filled the same place, and this mutation shocked Caroline.

What Caroline is most worried about now is that Bailiyuan will sink, because evil is not a force that can be reassured!

The giant evil beast seemed to be completely drained by Baili Yuan, its body was continuously disintegrated, and finally fell to the ground.

Bailiyuan heard Caroline's voice.

"As long as I think about it, the power of mere evil is not enough to affect me!"

Caroline's heart sank, Bailiyuan's current situation was very wrong.

"Is it the influence of [Arrogance]'s character? It makes Xiao Yuan arrogant, which is troublesome."

When Caroline was thinking about how to persuade Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan had already rushed towards the next evil beast.

"Even you disgusting fellows will die, I have lost interest in you, so go die!"

Another evil monster turned into sand and died.

At this time, there are eight evil behemoths and one monster left.

Bailiyuan turned his head suddenly, and the evil monster that could only hide in the ground sneaked into the ground, but it didn't intend to sneak attack Bailiyuan, but kept running to the distance, widening the distance from Bailiyuan.

"Oh? Running?"

I saw Bailiyuan stepped on his foot, the force exploded, the ground cracked, and a deep crack appeared on the surface, and the figure of the evil giant fleeing underground was revealed. Bailiyuan's right hand was held empty, and the star core The matter condensed, but it was not ejected, but merged with Baili Yuan's power, turning into a red spear.

At this time, Bailiyuan actually developed a new skill!

But Bailiyuan didn't pay attention to these, and Caroline didn't feel happy either.

Baili Yuan threw the spear in his hand, and directly strung the fleeing evil behemoth to the ground.

Then Bailiyuan walked towards the evil behemoth that was about to escape.

"I told you, no one can escape today!"

Caroline wanted to persuade Bailiyuan, but she didn't know how to speak. Now Bailiyuan would not pay attention to other people's words.

But Caroline knew that if Bailiyuan continued to absorb the evil and the six evil beads, the situation in Bailiyuan's body would be even worse. Once it broke out, the situation would be very serious, and now the evil in Bailiyuan's body had begun to affect her .

When Baili Yuan walked towards the giant evil beast strung on the ground, a figure appeared beside the seriously injured monster at some point.

It was the figure secretly watching the forest of secret words.

She knew that if she didn't do something, things might be out of her control.

So she first manipulated the giant evil beast that could only hide in the ground to attract Baili Yuan's attention, and then she quietly appeared here.

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