I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1530 If you don't want to give up, just look more, it will be gone later (150 monthly t

The jewel organs of the Purand star will remain usable for a period of time after the death of its owner, but generally only the Purand star can exert the true power of the jewel organ, and the jewel organ cannot be transplanted.

But even so, the Purand royal family will take the initiative to recover some special gem organs of the Purand stars and the gem organs of the royal family, and then save them in a specially set up hall, so that they can let their gem organs after death Entering the main hall has also become the glory of ordinary Purand stars.

But now, Chigula has broken this common sense. As a person from other planets, he actually inspired the power of the gemstone organ of the Purand star, and when he activated the power of Dektel's gemstone organ, the entire planet Planet Planet trembled, as if something special had affected the entire Planet Planet.

The sudden change caused the entire Planet Planet to panic.

The golden jewel on King Purand's forehead also lit up, and the shock that spread to the entire Planet Purand gradually subsided, but there was surprise in King Purand's eyes.

"Decter's gem organ already has such power? He has never shown it..."

King Purand stared at Chigula, who now possesses Dektel's gem organ, and asked, "Chigula, what are you going to do!"

"What to do? Planet Purand is too powerful, under the rule of Aiguriser, there is no need for such a powerful force on Planet Purand."

"You want to do it?!" King Purand glared at Chigula.

Chigula still had that smiling tone, and said, "No, it's a massacre! There is no need for your Planet Planet to exist anymore."

"But don't you people from the Aiguriser planet know how to take action on the conquered planet?" The prime minister asked hastily.

This is different from what you said!

"The reason why you didn't do anything to the planets you occupied before is naturally because of the existence of Planet Planet, which forced you too tightly. If we unite with other planets, it will be very difficult for us Aiguriser Stars, but now You finally got what you wanted, and you naturally have no value in staying!" Qigula said.

"Do you really think that Purande Star is easy to deal with?!" King Purande said coldly, but without any panic expression, "Forget it, let me show you the power of my King Purande, even if you get Germany Ketel's gem organ, but he's just a prince!"

If you dare to seek skin from a tiger, you must have the confidence to compete with a tiger.

As King Purand's voice fell, golden light rose from the earth, and then condensed towards King Purand.

What would King Puland, the natural way of Chigula, who got Dektel's gem organ, do? The gem organ on his forehead also lit up at the same time, taking away part of the golden light and causing the golden light to float to his direction.

However, compared to the golden light that floated to King Purand, the golden light that floated to Chigula was much less.

Chigula didn't stand still, but immediately rushed towards King Purand with his long sword in his hand, wanting to deal with King Purand in advance.

"Stop him!" shouted the Prime Minister.

The guards stopped in front of Chigula one after another, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the guards were much weaker than Chigula. When Chigula eliminated all the guards, all the golden rays of light fell into Pu In the body of King Rand.

King Purand's body shone with a golden light, and then continued to expand, turning into a huge existence more than 50 meters high in the blink of an eye.

It was a huge humanoid figure with a golden cloak behind it, no longer the appearance of King Purand, only the golden gemstone on his forehead was exactly the same as King Purand.

This is a gigantic gesture of the cosmic beings.

Enormous King Prand!

"Take down all the Egorethians!" King Purand ordered, and King Purand grabbed Chigura himself.

Chigula sneered, black and red rays of light lit up from his body, and his figure gradually became huge.

King Purand's heart sank.

Why can the people of the Aiguriser star also become gigantic? !

But he didn't have time to think about it, because Chigula had already attacked him.

Two giants fought in the royal city.

There was chaos in the square, most of Pulan’s people were fleeing for their lives, the guards fought with the Aegrethians, and a group of people sneaked up to Dektel and the captured generals, most of them Some of them were very young, and there were many children. The two youths who led them knocked out the guards, and then together with others wanted to take Dektel and others away.

"Do you need help?" A figure stopped in front of them.

"Who are you?" asked another young man in the lead.

"Just a traveler~"

Come, Bailiyuan!


With the help of Bailiyuan, a group of people quickly left the royal city and arrived at the location of Galatron.

On the way, Bailiyuan also found out the identities of this group of people.

They are children from the orphanage established by Dektel in Wangcheng. Most of the grown-up children have already gone to the battlefield, and the rest are basically minors.

The two leading youths were the only remaining adults in the orphanage, who were left by Dektel to take care of the orphanage, named Slater and Foll respectively.

However, they have also received special training, and their combat talents are also good, so it is not a problem to deal with ordinary guards.

Dektel was stuffed into the treatment cabin by Bailiyuan. Although Dektel had been lying dead for a long time, the Prander's physical fitness was still relatively strong. Was Moss half of his body shattered by the bombardment? He could still struggle for a long time, and then deducted the gems himself. Dektel was only stabbed with a sword, and that sword was not in the fatal position of the bayonet. Even if the gems were deducted later, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the gemstone organ is very important to the Pranders, if the gemstone organ is deducted, it will not be directly fatal, but it will definitely have a great impact, and even shock the spirit. This is why Dektel has been lying dead. .

Removal of jeweled organs is also a punishment on Planter for some of the worst ailments.

What is used in the treatment cabin is not all the high-end goods extracted from the obelisk of life, but some magic potions that accelerate healing. The reason for this is that after approaching Dektel, Bailiyuan noticed that Dekter There are some items with strong vitality in Tire's body. These vitality not only hang Dek Tire's life, but also continuously speed up the self-healing of Dek Tire's body.

However, this vitality is limited and cannot completely cover Dektel's life. If time goes by, Dektel will still die due to uncontrollable injuries.

Fortunately, Dektel has received timely treatment now.

After being stuffed into the treatment cabin, Dektel's vital signs gradually stabilized, and it was considered a life back.

"Are there any of you in the city? We are leaving the royal city." Baili Yuan said.

"Our people are all here, and we are all here to save His Highness the Prince!" Foer said.

Before boarding Galatron, a group of children from the orphanage looked at the chaotic Royal City, with some reluctance in their eyes.

There is their home in Wangcheng, and the most precious thing for orphans is also their home.

Bailiyuan saw the reluctance in their eyes, and smiled slightly: "If you don't give up, just look more, the king city will be gone later."



A small half of the royal city was destroyed in the collision between King Purand and Chigula.

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