I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1529 The Jeweled Organs of the Purand Stars Royal Family

After the news that Dektel was about to be executed, the people who reacted the most were the ordinary people of Planet Planet. Many people spontaneously organized a parade, hoping to spare Prince Dektel, even if there were some The ministers also wanted to plead for Dektel, but unlike ordinary people, all the ministers who pleaded were arrested.

Three days passed in a flash. During these three days, the fleet of the Aiguriser Stars had entered the Purand star. They were naturally hostile by the Purande Stars, but the Agruise Stars ignored the general The attitude of the Rand Stars.

Today is the day that Dektel will be executed.

The location is on the largest square in Wangcheng.

At this time, a large number of Purand stars gathered in the Wangcheng Square, and Baili Yuan also quietly came to the square and mixed with the crowd.

King Puland sat at the highest position, and below were members of the royal family, including other princes and princesses. Just like what Moss said, there is only one king, but there are more than one prince.

Then there are many ministers.

Next to King Purand is the Aiguriser star. The leader is a tall and tall Agruise star who is wearing a suit of armor and has a long sword on his waist. ——The true leader of the Agrisser Stars, the general of the Agnese Star Fleet-Chigula.

Baili Yuan glanced at Chigula and frowned.

A supreme-level easter egg appeared on Chigura's body. There is no doubt that his strength is quite powerful, but he did not show it. Instead, he sat there like an ordinary Aiguriser star, but he was much taller.

"Silence!" The prime minister stepped forward and shouted.

The crowd fell silent.

"Bring Sinner Dektel!"

Wow, wow...

The sound of iron chains rubbing against the ground sounded from a distance.

Dexter was escorted to the square by the guards. There was a full team of guards, and there were army guards all around. It can be seen that the guard on Dexter was extremely strict.

There were also a few Pranders who were escorted and came. They were all former generals of General Mosfer, including the four generals entrusted to Dektel by General Mosfer. He is a prisoner and will be executed with Dektel.

Bailiyuan also saw Dektel again.

The originally handsome Dektel looked haggard now, but he was extraordinarily calm, showing no fear or panic.

The Purand people in the square started commotion again, and some Purand star people cried, as if they couldn't accept the fact that Dektel was about to be executed.

"My lord, please let your highness off!"

"Your Highness, don't die!"

"His Royal Highness is not guilty!"

Countless ordinary Pulan people cried and cried.

When Dektel came to the center of the square, he stood there, then looked up at King Purand who was sitting on a high seat, with an indifferent expression, as if he was looking at a stranger.

"Silence!" the prime minister shouted again.

With the management of the guards, the square became quiet again.

At this time, King Purand slowly opened his mouth and said, "Decter, do you have anything else to say?"

The voice is high above.

Dirk Thiel closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Is this Prince Dektel?" Chigula chuckled and said, "I saw you today, and I really deserve my reputation."

"It's just a sinner." King Purand said slowly.

Chigula looked at King Purand: "Since I'm a sinner, I have an unfeeling request. I wonder if King Purand can agree?"

King Purand looked at Chigura.

Chigula slowly said his request.

"I want to execute Dektel myself, and comfort the dead souls of the Igresers."

King Purand stared at Chigula in silence for a moment, then nodded slowly.


Chigula smiled and walked off the high platform, came to the center of the square, and then drew out his long sword.

The crowd rioted again, this time the commotion was more violent, and the guards stepped in to manage order one after another.

"Dektel, I will execute you with my own hands. Your father and king have agreed to this."

When the generals behind Dektel heard Chigula's words, they all glared at Chigula, and wanted to shout to King Purand above, but Dektel raised his hand to stop him.

"Has the father fallen to such a point, has even the dignity of the race been abandoned?" Dektel murmured.

It is a humiliation for the enemy to descend and execute the prince of his own planet, and the Purand star people will become the joke of the entire Aizhi galaxy!

But Dexter could probably guess what his father meant.

This is showing favor to the Aigurisers.

Dektel's expression didn't change much, but raised his head and chest, and looked at Dektel behind the helmet without any fear.

"Even if I die, a new leader will be born among the free Pranders to overthrow the wrong leader and bring freedom and dignity to this planet again!" Dekter shouted loudly, his voice spread throughout the square.

Hearing Dektel's voice, not only ordinary Pranders, but also some ministers couldn't help but change their expressions this time.

"Heh..." Chigula sneered, without wasting any time, he directly pierced Dektel's abdomen with his sword.

Dektel's body trembled, his eyes widened, and blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.


"His Royal Highness Prince!"

"No, Your Highness!"

Chigula raised his other hand, and directly pressed it towards the jeweled organ on Dektel's forehead.

Blood sprayed, and Dektel's jeweled organ was snatched by Chigula and held in his hand. Then Chigula swung his long sword, and Dektel's body was still on the ground like a useless prop.

Several generals behind Dektel wanted to break free and rush towards Dektel's body.

"His Royal Highness Prince!"

No one expected Chigula's sudden move.

Seeing Chigula's behavior, King Purand, who was sitting in a high position, felt something was wrong.

"Chigula, return Dektel's jeweled organ to us." King Purand said.

"Give it back?" Chigula let out a strange laugh, "How can this be possible? After finally getting a chance to get the jewel organ of the Purand star royal family, how could it be returned?"

King Purand asked, "Is your real goal the jeweled organ of the royal family of the Purand star? But you think too much, the jewel organ of the Purand star can only be used by the Purand star!"

"Oh? Don't say too much!"

Chigula brought Dektel's gem organ closer to his eyebrows. At this time, Chigula's helmet seemed to come alive, and he parted a breath, allowing Chigula to embed the golden gem organ in it.

The blood-red silk thread penetrated into the gem organ, and the golden gem organ also lit up!

"Hahahaha, I finally got it... It turns out that this is the secret of the gemstone organ of the Purand star royal family!"

Boom boom boom——

The entire Planet Planet suddenly trembled.

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