I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1523 Dektel

Prand star.

The Purand star has a long history. The planet has long been unified by King Purand, and then the power of the entire planet was successfully marched into the universe. It occupied a good position in the Aizhi galaxy and became the second most powerful in the Aizhi galaxy. power.

Now, it has been passed down to King Plante III.

But now, Planet Planet is facing a huge crisis.

That is the invasion of the Aiguriser Stars!

The people of Ai Gruise want to unify the Aizhi galaxy. As the second largest force, the Prand star is a stumbling block that the people of Agruise cannot avoid. Even the Pranders didn't dare to be careless, and now the Aigurisers have also successfully reached the home planet of the Pranders.

If the power of the whole planet is gathered, the Pranders may not be able to fight, but it is not without reason that the Pranders were beaten to their home planet by the enemy.

Pland Star King City.

At this time, the young and handsome Prince Purand rushed into the conference room of King Purand's palace.

The appearance of Prince Purand is somewhat similar to that of a human being, but he has a golden jewel-like organ on his forehead, which adds a bit of heroic temperament to him.

With the entry of Prince Plante, the conference room that was already having a heated discussion suddenly fell silent.

"Father, why haven't you supported yet? Now that the enemy has been beaten to the front of the mother planet, is it necessary to let the invasion of the Alienians be so laissez-faire?" Prince Puland directly questioned his father, that is, Pu Lande The supreme leader of Rand star-Prand King.

As a prince, Prince Purand did not stay behind. Instead, he chose to accompany the army as a frontline commander to fight against the Egreese Stars. It is not without reason that it blocked the enemy's invasion, but now it was hit to the home planet.

That's because Planet Planet has now split into two factions, one is the main war faction and the other is the main peace faction.

Prince Purand is the main combat faction, and on his side is the general of Planet Planet Purand, so only the fleet led by Prince Purand and the fleet led by the general have been actively fighting against Agrisser The remaining generals and the remaining fleet of the empire are in a state of passive response to the invasion of the stars.

The princes and generals of the country can bypass King Purand and lead the fleet to battle, which already represents the division of Planet Purand at this time.

If it weren't for the really bad situation this time, Prince Purand would not have left the front line to question his father.

Having been beaten to the mother planet, it is equivalent to being blocked at the door of the house, but now the other generals, even King Purand, are indifferent, and Prince Purand finally can't stand it anymore.

"Father, the front line can't hold on anymore, we need support, what are you thinking?!"

Prince Purand stared into King Purand's eyes, and wanted an explanation from his father. He had always expected that his father would support him, but King Purand did not give a clear answer for a long time.

"Dektel, calm down." King Prand said.

"Your Highness, you came just in time. We were also discussing this matter just now." A middle-aged man said, he is the prime minister of Planet Purand.

Dektel, Prince Plante, looked at the prime minister.

"Mr. Atori, what do you want to say?" Dektel asked with a bad expression, because the prime minister is the leader of the peace faction.

In Dektel's view, the reason why his father did not support him was because of the prime minister's bewitchment, and he was a sinner of the planet.

"Under your leadership, many of the people of Planet Purand have died," said the prime minister.

It's not that Dektel has no political literacy. His ability to lead the fleet represents his ability and talent. Hearing the prime minister's words, Dektel's expression changed.

Although this is true, the prime minister's intention is obviously to make him a sinner of Star Planet Prand!

Let him bear the responsibility for killing the people of Planet Purand!

"It was the people of Planet Agrith who killed the people of Planet Prand!" Dektel shouted.

"That's true." The prime minister nodded, and then looked at Dektel, "But the things that could have been negotiated peacefully, but because of your misjudgment, caused massive casualties."

"Misjudgment?" Dektel laughed angrily, "Are you still thinking about what the Agrethians will talk to us? They are aggression! I will never surrender!"

"But now the situation of Planet Purand has been severely impacted. Do you want Planet Purand to perish?" asked the Prime Minister.

"If you don't resist, you will perish!"

"Heh, there are already quite a few planets occupied by the Agrises, but they all live in peace. The Agrises are not invaders, and they will guarantee our interests."

Dektel's expression sank, this is the reason for the disagreement, and it is also the reason why more people are willing to negotiate peace, because although the Egreese star people occupy many planets, they only let the other planets become their own affiliates. It will interfere too much in the other party's internal affairs, retain the rights and status of the other party's leader, and those who voluntarily surrender will receive preferential treatment.

So, it took a lot of planets away from the idea of ​​rebellion.

On many planets, leaders and nobles lead the people, but not all leaders and nobles treat the people well and think from the perspective of the people, but consider their own interests.

Under the condition of guaranteeing their own interests, leaders and nobles would not refuse even if they acted as dogs for others, and would instead take the initiative to wear collars.

However, the aggression of the Aigurisers is definitely not without benefits. On the contrary, they will take away the resources of the planet, and these resources will damage the interests of a large number of ordinary civilians on the planet!

Those planets ruled by the Aigurisers, although the original nobles still have their own interests, but those ordinary civilians have lost their own interests, and even lost their freedom. "items" that come to benefit.

Most of these interests belong to the Aigurisers, and some of them are divided by the original leaders and nobles, so that they can obtain greater benefits. Therefore, those original leaders and nobles often become Aiguris An accomplice of the Celestials.

Many times things are so interesting, but the decisions of a few people can determine the future of most people.

Dektel knows this deeply, he loves the people of his planet, so he absolutely does not want such a thing to happen on his home planet!

But now the fleet of the Aiguriser star is gradually expanding, with sufficient supplies and abundant resources, but the Prand star fleet led by him is still restrained by internal differences, and even these stupid nobles are still fighting for the enemy under the current situation. He cares about his own interests, and is even keen on fighting for power and profit.

The prime minister still wanted peace talks, and then through the peace talks, the status and interests of the nobles would be guaranteed. As for those fighters who sacrificed for the freedom of Planet Planet...their lives were not worth the prime minister's efforts.

The "we" mentioned by the prime minister does not include other Purand stars other than nobles.

"Is this what the father meant?" Dektel looked at King Purand.

King Purand, who was sitting on the throne, was silent and did not speak.

Dektel felt cold hands and feet, like a basin of cold water pouring over his head.

I had a hard time yesterday, take a day off~

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