I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1522 Trace Crystallization and Cosmic Invasion War (7/10)

Chapter 1522 Trace crystallization and space aggression (710)

Although human beings will die, they will also leave traces through photos. When other life on the planet dies, there will also be things that record the life that appeared on the planet.

Such as the fossils of the earth.

But on Robb star, it is the trace crystal that records the trace.

Only a magical universe can give birth to such a magical planet, and then give birth to such a magical substance.

Galatron did not intend to integrate the trace crystals. Perhaps the trace crystals did not meet the needs of Galatron's next evolution, but the trace crystals were still very valuable.

Although trace crystals are valuable for collection, the large amount of earth power contained in them can be absorbed by elves, or used as earth attribute materials.

It is also very valuable to condense soil-attributed substances to form the body, and to show traces. Baili Yuan plans to study it carefully in the future.

At the same time, the second monster on the other side was also dealt with by two sandworms. The other monster looked a bit like a goat, and the two sandworms also brought back a second trace crystal.

Then the two sandworms rummaged through the desert again.

Seeing the two sandworms looking for the monster, Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

"There are so many monsters around the research institute, but...why don't these monsters attack the research institute?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

Judging from the performance of these two monsters, this kind of monster is aggressive. Could it be said that it has no active aggressiveness?

Because the research institute did not attack these monsters, so these monsters did not attack the research institute?

"However, according to the situation of this planet, even if these monsters don't attack the research institute, the research institute will be buried in sand after a while." Baili Yuan said, and then sighed.

Although the research institute has been abandoned for a hundred years, it is estimated that the desertification time of this planet should not be too long, otherwise, even if there are no monsters, this research institute will be buried by sand, and this research institute will have been buried by the time Baili Yuan arrives. The sand buried half of it.

At that time, the traces left by the aborigines of this planet will gradually disappear.

Although I have not visited other areas of this planet, I think there should not be many traces left by the aborigines.


The night was not peaceful. Two sandworms dug out more than a dozen monsters from the desert, proving that this planet is not quiet, but rather lively, and the density of monsters is not small.

It was as if Bailiyuan had watched "Shanhai Behemoths Fight for Hegemony" all night, watching his two sandworms fight other monsters. Unfortunately, sandworms cannot evolve through devouring, and even if they defeated the monsters, except for leaving a There are only a few traces of crystallization, and there is nothing else for the sandworms to devour.

And the two sandworms also kept away from the research institute because they kept digging monsters from the desert. At the same time, Bailiyuan also noticed that the farther away from the research institute, the greater the density of monsters.

The whole night was disturbed by two sandworms.

The night was extraordinarily long, and finally, it was dawn.

"The night time is more than thirteen hours of earth time. Judging by our latitude and the position of the stars, the night time of this planet is longer than the night time of the earth, and the daytime should also be longer." Caroline said .

"It seems that a hundred years here is longer than a hundred years on Earth." Bailiyuan sighed.

The morning light shines on the earth.

While Baili Yuan was thinking, the ground around him shook again, but this time it wasn't the kind of vibration that the monster had.

"What's the situation?" Baili Yuan looked out the window, his eyes widened.

In Bailiyuan's field of vision, the distant horizon seems to be rising!

Caroline also immediately let Galatron rise to the sky, fly to the distance where the horizon is, and then transmit the picture to them and project it in front of Bailiyuan.

In the desert, a long and wide crack appeared, and a large amount of wind blew up from under the crack, along with a large amount of sand and a small amount of liquid.

Bailiyuan also saw something familiar in it - trace crystallization!

The trace crystals fell into the desert, gradually absorbed the surrounding sand, and finally formed a huge bear monster, roaring towards the rising airflow.

Galatron turned the camera, and Bailiyuan found that there were still several cracks like this in the desert in the distance, and occasionally there was a monster beside a crack.

After jetting, a large amount of sand flowed into the cracks, gradually filling the cracks.

If you can look at the entire planet in the universe at this time, you will find that there are such cracks everywhere in the entire planet, doing the same thing, it looks like...

"It's like breathing!"

The planet is breathing!

"This may be a phenomenon caused by the special geological structure of this planet, and Galatron has also collected the ejected gas. These gases will continue to rise to reconstitute the atmosphere and gradually improve the environment on this planet. Although this may require A very long time, perhaps in tens of thousands of years." Caroline said.

"Amazing planet."

Baili Yuan looked at the bear monster in the distance. The other party walked on the desert for a while with the wind, and then sneaked into the ground in one place.

The two sandworms swam over, dug out the bear that had just been lying in the desert, and dug out the trace crystals in the bear's body.


Bailiyuan stayed on Robus for a few days, collected some trace crystals, and watched the spectacle of "Planet Breathing" a few times.

Then Bailiyuan boarded Galatron again, ready to continue exploring this universe.

In the past few days, Caroline has deciphered most of the data left in the research institute. The data about the universe left in the research institute also includes calculations on planets that may have life or planets that are suitable for habitation. I plan to go to those planets to see according to the information in the research institute.

Even if there is no harvest, the trace crystals harvested on Robus this time are enough for the elves to digest for a while.


In fact, many things are similar, and they all follow the law of the jungle.

As small as a family or a country, as large as a planet or the universe, they all follow this law, but the way of expression and the degree of cruelty are different.

Therefore, the law of the jungle is often referred to as the law of nature.

The most common thing in the universe that embodies the law of the jungle is the aggression between planets.

When the strong in the universe discover the weak, how can we ensure that the strong will not invade the weak?

However, in the face of aggression, the weak will inevitably raise their weapons.

The biggest event in the Aizhi galaxy recently is the invasion of Planet Prand by the people from the Aegrethians.

This battle has also attracted the attention of other forces in the Aizhi galaxy, because if the Aizhi galaxy wins, then the entire Aizhi galaxy will no longer have any forces that can compete with the Aizhi galaxy. All of them will be brought under the control of the Aigurisers.

Although the two sides are the first and second largest forces in the Aizhi galaxy, but compared to the Agrise star who started as a military nation, the power of the Prand star is obviously not as good as the Agrise star.

Even though both sides have also stepped out of the planet and have the power to fight in the universe, the gap in equipment is still obvious.

With the passage of time, the scale of the war between the two forces continued to expand.

At the edge of the battlefield where the Aigurisers and the Purands were fighting, a white spaceship flew towards them at an extremely fast speed.

It may be because it was too fast. By the time the owner of the spaceship realized that a battle was taking place ahead, the spaceship was already extremely close to the battlefield.

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