I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1507 Deep in the Forest

The armored tyrannosaurus continued to explore the depths of the forest. With the strength of the armored tyrannosaurus, although it may not be able to sweep the forest, it is not difficult to save its life.

Although the heavy-armored tyrannosaurus also encountered some monsters blocking the road, these monsters fell under the iron fist of the heavy-armored tyrannosaurus.

And as the heavy armored tyrannosaurus deepened, even the heavy armored tyrannosaurus with a bit thick nerves noticed something was wrong.

It's so quiet!

The depths of the forest are too quiet, as if there are no creatures, but the monsters that attacked the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus on the road proved that this is not a dead zone.

This is very wrong!

The heavy-armored tyrannosaurus' intuition told him that it wasn't that the place had become quieter, but... there was only one voice left!

There's no proof, it's just the feel of the armored Tyrannosaurus.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus was in a sound, so it didn't notice the problem.

What is the problem?

What the heavy armored Tyrannosaurus rex didn't notice was that occasionally there would be a green light flashing in the forest, but it disappeared in a flash, making it difficult to detect.

The weird atmosphere made the feeling of uneasiness appear in the heart of the heavily armored tyrannosaurus.

The heavy-armored Tyrannosaurus finally couldn't bear it any longer, and started to become gigantic in the depths of the forest, and a huge figure more than 50 meters high appeared in the depths of the forest.

Because the height surpassed the surrounding trees, the vision of the heavy armored tyrannosaurus became wider, and the heavy armored tyrannosaurus also saw some changes in the depths of the forest clearly.

In the distance, there are countless huge trees, some of which are not lower than his gigantic height.

And these trees give the armored Tyrannosaurus a strange feeling.

There is no natural breath, but a distorted feeling. Just looking at these trees, the heavily armored Tyrannosaurus feels a little trance.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus didn't just look at it, but directly raised its hand and used the skill towards the distant forest.

Rock Cannon!

The feeling of these trees to the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus really disturbed him, so the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus directly used a powerful attack to destroy these trees.


A rock cannon fell, causing a terrifying explosion, instantly destroying a large area of ​​the forest. The sound of the explosion even spread far from the forest, startling the birds on the edge of the forest.

The heavily armored Tyrannosaurus looked at the broken forest and nodded with some satisfaction.

However, at this time, the heavy armored tyrannosaurus felt as if the forest around him and under his feet came alive, green light appeared around him, and countless vines suddenly broke through the ground, entwining towards the heavy armored tyrannosaurus.

The armored tyrannosaurus wanted to tear off these vines, but these slender vines became extremely resilient, making it impossible for the armored tyrannosaurus to break free. Soon, his feet were completely covered by vines, making it impossible for him to escape. Then more vines began to climb on the body of the armored tyrannosaurus.

The heavy-armored Tyrannosaurus roared, using various skills, trying to tear the vines off its body, but it was helpless, it had no effect, no matter it was huge power or special skills, even fire-type skills couldn't hurt it. These vines.

And in the state of being entangled by these vines, a special feeling emerged deep in the heart of the armored tyrannosaurus.

The strong and distorted feeling made the armored Tyrannosaurus retch, but it couldn't spit out anything.

The heavy armored tyrannosaur wanted to continue roaring, but he couldn't make a sound. In the end, his huge body was completely covered by vines.

However, with the help of the light exposed from the gaps in the vines, the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus can still see the situation in the vines clearly.

The vines didn't completely cover his head, but left a space, and a bud-like thing appeared in front of the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus.

Staring at the flower buds that have not yet bloomed, fear appeared in the heart of the armored tyrannosaurus.

It was as if something bad had happened.

Can't let the buds bloom!

Can't see the blooming buds!

Can't stay here any longer!

However, the eyes of the heavy armored tyrannosaur stared at the flower bud uncontrollably, without blinking.

A special liquid flows out of the bud, and the petals of the bud tremble slightly, as if they are about to bloom.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus finally exploded with strength with its last rationality.


Super corner shot!

As soon as the armored Tyrannosaurus raised its head, the drill bit on its nose spun wildly, and then pierced towards the flower bud that was about to bloom.


As if piercing the body of some kind of creature, bright red liquid sprayed out from the flower buds, like blood.

The heavy armored tyrannosaurus seemed to hear the scream, but with the scream, the vines wrapped around the heavy armored tyrannosaurus also loosened.

Probably because of the attack of the armored tyrannosaurus, the vines suddenly became violent, and more vines rose up, trying to get into the body of the armored tyrannosaurus.

At this time, the heavy armored tyrannosaurus disappeared in place.

This is because Bailiyuan in the distance sensed that the armored tyrannosaurus was not in the right state, and canceled the call for the armored tyrannosaurus.


"Why does the armored Tyrannosaurus feel like that? What happened to it?" Baili Yuan was a little puzzled.

At this time, Bailiyuan had followed Della and Lafite back to the town, and successfully handed in the task.

Della and Lafite dealt with seven wind wolves in total. Compared to the king of the jungle, the wind wolves were not enough. With the cooperation of Della and Lafite, the seven wind wolves did not cause any waves.

Seven wind wolves were exchanged for seven silver coins.

Although the two girls are not short of money, the two girls still think it is very precious for the first time in their lives to rely on their own ability in exchange for income.

Of course, what is more precious is today's experience.

At the entrance of the Adventurer's Association, Lafite stretched his waist.

"The first adventure has come to a successful conclusion!" Lafite laughed.

"We still have a lot of things to do, and we don't want to take a second adventure until we are ready for the adventure," Della said.

"Got it, got it~"

Bailiyuan jumped off Della's embrace.

"Daju, are you going back?" Della asked.

Baili Yuan nodded slightly. He planned to go back and look at the situation of the heavy armored tyrannosaurus. Baili Yuan was a little concerned about what the heavy armored tyrannosaurus went through.

"By the way, there is one more thing, Lord Michael, I saw something special in the depths of the forest..." Olinson said suddenly, and then he told about the green light he saw in the depths of the forest. Bailiyuan.

Baili Yuan thought about it, then nodded slightly, then canceled the summoning, and disappeared in front of Della.

Della stared at the place where Baili Yuan disappeared, her eyes were also thoughtful.

"Della, what's wrong?" Lafite asked suspiciously.

"I always feel that something happened in the forest. Something must have happened for Daju to leave in such a hurry. I think I should tell the teachers about this."

"It won't be a problem, after all, this place is close to the Mage Academy... Well, let's talk to the teachers." Lafite saw that Della had already made a decision.

Subsequently, the two girls returned to the Master Academy.

This month is still 50 monthly tickets plus updates, and we will continue to add updates tomorrow~

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