Chapter 1506 The Resentful Hedel

Are these vines alive? !

However, apart from moving a little, these vines did not move.

Bailiyuan thought about it.

Lafite also stayed by the jungle king's body for a long time before, but these vines did not attack Lafite. Could it be that these vines are not aggressive?

"No, it should be said that there is no aggressiveness for the time being." Baili Yuan made a judgment.

After all, it is impossible for the vines on the King of the Jungle to be rooted on him on his own initiative. These vines rooted on the King of the Jungle's body don't look like serious things.

However, Baili Yuan took a closer look at the vines, but found nothing.

"How to deal with the corpse of the king of the jungle?" Lafite asked Della.

"This..." Della looked at Bailiyuan again.

Bailiyuan rolled his eyes.

I am just a familiar in this world, and I will go back later. Even if I give myself the corpse of the king of the jungle, I will not use it.

Della understood what Baili Yuan meant.

"Then let's take back the body of the king of the jungle first, and then let Mr. Doyle see what these vines are."

"If possible, I want the skull of the king of the jungle as a memorial." Lafite said suddenly.

Della looked at her girlfriend in surprise.

My best friend actually has such a hobby?

This is not at all like the Lafite I know.

Lafite coughed awkwardly.

"Well, everyone has their own hobbies...don't tell others."

It may be that a life-and-death crisis made Lafite see through a lot, and Lafite no longer intentionally hid his little secret from Della, but frankly stated what he liked.

Although time will shorten the distance between two people, and the same preferences will make two people get along very well, but if you want to truly understand each other, you must always experience some special things together.

If you want the other person to open up, you must either take the path of the lower body, or take the path of the soul through some special things.

Della and Rafi didn't take the path of the lower body, but they took their relationship a step further through this matter.

"Don't worry, I won't say it everywhere, but I don't know if the skull of the King of the Jungle is still intact." Della looked at the King of the Jungle that had been crushed into shape, and felt that his skull might not be spared in difficulty.

"It's okay, go back and clean it up, and you should be able to piece together the complete skull of the king of the jungle."

After Daila put away the corpse of the king of the jungle, a small black spot appeared in the distant sky and flew towards the two girls.

When the two girls climbed out of the deep pit, the little black spot also landed in front of the two girls.

"Olinson!" Lafite saw Olinson at a glance, with joy on his face, and rushed to meet him.

"What's the matter?" Olinson looked at the messy surroundings, his small face was shocked, and then he hurriedly looked at Bailiyuan, only to find that Bailiyuan was not injured, he was relieved, and then looked at his own body mage.

Lafite didn't notice the movement of Olinson's eyes.

"Are you not injured?" Lafite asked with concern.

"It's just a strange bird." Olinson waved his hand, and then asked, "But what happened here? Are you all right?"

Lafite also explained to Olinson what happened before. Hearing Lafite's explanation, Olinson looked adoring.

"As expected of Lord Michael!"

Bailiyuan wiped his face twice, but didn't express anything.

"Since Olinson is back, let's leave here first." Della said, "Going deeper, maybe we will encounter danger."

Della's proposal was approved by Lafite and Olinson.

"By the way, the monster summoned by Daju hasn't returned yet." Lafite said suddenly.

Bailiyuan said that he doesn't mind.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus has just received Bailiyuan's order, and began to explore in the direction of the King of the Jungle's attack. If something really goes wrong, the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus will also return directly to the world of the Emblem Envoy.

Bailiyuan was a little concerned about the vines, but he couldn't continue to let the two girls take risks.

Bailiyuan summoned Hedel again and asked Heder to lead the two girls.

The fully armed Hedel reappeared, but he looked at Baili Yuan with some resentment in his eyes.

Why is it like this every time?

But no matter what Bailiyuan did to Hedel, Hedel still faithfully traveled and fulfilled his duties as a summoned beast. He obeyed Bailiyuan's order and began to move out of the forest with the two girls.

After a while, they finally came to the outskirts of the forest. The surrounding area was much more lively, with many birdsong and insects chirping.

This kind of inexplicable noise makes people feel safe.

It also made the two girls gradually relax.

And as soon as he relaxes, tiredness and hunger surge up.

"I'm so hungry..." Lafite clutched his stomach, looking uncomfortable.

The same is true for Della, and because she has to hold Baili Yuan, Della consumes more energy.

It happened that an ordinary rabbit passed by.

Hedel looked at the two girls, then at the passing rabbit, and then raised his big stick...

After more than ten minutes.



"Oh God!!"

The two girls holding the roasted rabbit meat and Olinson expressed their emotions sincerely.

Heddle was roasting rabbit meat on the side, without saying anything.

These ten minutes also gave the two girls a taste of what it means to survive in the wild... No, it should be called living in the wild.

Heddle performed a hunt for the two on the spot, and then began to skillfully handle the ingredients, lit a fire on the spot, and started to barbecue.

Although there is no seasoning, for the two hungry girls, eating a barbecue at this time is simply happiness.

"It's obviously a goblin, but it has such skills." Lafite said in surprise.

"Yeah, I remember that goblins don't eat raw meat? You can cook." Della also sighed.

"As expected of Lord Michael's summoned beast, even a goblin can easily do things that I can't do!" Olinson said with emotion.

The eyes of Bailiyuan and the two girls became a little strange.

This rainbow fart...

You are an angel, why do you want to compete with Goblin?

As for Heder, he laughed.


Not only can I grill, I can do full housekeeping too!

As for why I would?

Hedel looked at Bailiyuan resentfully again.

Bailiyuan looked like he didn't see it, looking at the book in front of him.

swish swish...

A strange sound came from the grass, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the two girls.

Olinson immediately summoned his own war hammer and shield.

"What?" Della's staff pointed in the direction of the grass.

Bailiyuan sensed the direction of the grass, and his eyes were a little surprised.

Such a coincidence?

The ones in the grass turned out to be the targets of Della and Lafite's mission this time, those wind wolves.

"Are you attracted by the smell of barbecue?"

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