I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1484 The King

Although Hydera doesn't know what happened, but it knows, listen to Bailiyuan, it's right to start spraying now,


A mouthful of venom was sprayed out by Hydera, and it directly sprayed Selene, who hadn't reacted yet, and sprinkled it all over the moon chariot.

Drenched by Hydra's venom, Selene let out a scream, and the divine bull pulling the moon chariot was also doused with venom, screaming and falling from the air.

And Bailiyuan also smashed the Hydera in his hand towards Selene, accurately hitting Selene in the moon chariot, speeding up the falling speed of the moon chariot.

"The plan went well." Baili Yuan smiled.

Hydera's venom is very powerful. Although Hydera's venom has greatly reduced the threat to Selene because of Hydera's relegation, the current Hydera's venom is also a trouble for Selene.

This raid worked well, not only stopped Selene, but also shot down the moon chariot.

Bailiyuan then also swooped down on the moon chariot that fell to the ground.

The moon chariot had been shattered under the double attack of the ground and Hydera, and the two divine cows were killed on the spot. The corpses had disappeared, but two green crystals were accidentally left on the ground.

Explosive equipment ah.

Hydera also fell to the ground from a high altitude. Naturally, it was not unscathed, but with its monster physical quality, it would not be so easy to fall to death, but it was also seriously injured. After all, Hydera has not yet grown up. to the top.

Hydera will not be able to participate in the next battle, and Bailiyuan directly took Hydera back.

Then Bailiyuan looked at Selene.

Selene was beautiful and young, with wings behind her, a golden halo on her head, and a golden half-moon crown.

But what should have been a holy appearance now looks very embarrassed.

Falling from a high altitude, Selene also suffered some injuries, and her body was covered with dust.

Moreover, most of the divine clothes on Selene's body were corroded by the venom, exposing the snow-white skin inside, and there are many key parts.

Bailiyuan also saw that part of Selene's skin was stained purple, which was obviously poisoned by Hydera.

After all, Hydera is not at its full strength, otherwise Selene would not be as simple as being poisoned, and her skin might be corroded together with the divine clothes.

"Is this the Full Moon Goddess?"

"I heard that Selene gave birth to 50 daughters to Endymion and also gave birth to Zeus..." a group of friends said.

Strange and useless knowledge has increased again.

Baili Yuan was also a little emotional. Although some goddesses looked young, they were actually the mothers of more than fifty children.

Selene got up from the ground. Although it was unclear exactly what happened, she knew she was attacked.

A look of pain appeared on Selene's face, and Hydera's poison kept hurting Selene.

Baili Yuan also took advantage of Selene's bad condition and directly bullied her. He greeted Selene with fists and kicks, and touched the diamond egg on Selene's body by the way.

This degree of Hydera's poison can't affect Selene for too long, and can't waste time.

Selene was beaten and retreated, but Selene was not easy to mess with. After being attacked continuously, Selene finally broke out.

"Mortal, accept the judgment of the full moon!" Selene suddenly shouted angrily.

Baili Yuan was startled, the other party could speak?

With a shout, the half-moon golden crown above Selene's head suddenly lit up with light, illuminating the surroundings, as if the night sky was illuminated, but Bailiyuan felt the threat from the light, and he retreated immediately.

The light spilled.

The surrounding ground seemed to melt under the light.

The light shrouded the surroundings and was still expanding, making it impossible for Baili Yuan to attack.

Although Bailiyuan could rush in despite the damage, it is not wise to rush into the range of light.

But it's impossible for Bailiyuan to just let Selene do what she wants.

Countless ripples emerged behind Bailiyuan, and needle-like things emerged from the ripples.

"Sublimation Hundred Stinger Needles!"

This is a trick that Bailiyuan dug out through the mind space and the imprint of the big needle bee when he was in the Tiga world.

Countless bee needles fell towards Selene like rain. Although the bee needles were melted by the light released by Selene, more bee needles broke through the range of the light and rushed to Selene. Pierce Selene's body.

Seeing that she was about to be attacked, Selene naturally wanted to avoid it, but when she kept retreating, a crisis appeared behind her, and a certain existence entered the range of light.

Invisible enemies, invisible attacks.

It's a pure human form!

"The real attack is behind you!" Baili Yuan pointed at Selene and shouted.

At this moment, the preserved human figure is behind Selene, and the preserved human figure is also stepping forward, there is only one step between them.

The surviving figure has been waiting here for a long time!

The moment Bailiyuan opened his mouth, the Cuncui human figure launched an attack brazenly, and it was too late for Selene to dodge at this time.

Moreover, today's surviving dolls are not what they used to be. With the development of the Wise Man Rubik's Cube, the strength of the surviving dolls has been qualitatively improved.

There are six inherited powers in the Wise Man's Cube. Although the Cuncui Doll has not fully mastered all the powers, the first power it has mastered is the most important power among them. This also directly improves the Cuncui Doll's combat effectiveness to the diamond level. !

"Show it, The King! (King)"

"Stella!" The surviving doll shouted a special word.

The golden light blooms from the pure human form, which is extremely noble.

In the golden light, the preserved human figure punched Selene directly.

Punch out.


A golden beam of light erupted from where Selene was, and Selene was directly overwhelmed by the golden light.

When the golden light dissipated, Selene had fallen to the ground, and the light she released with the golden crown had also disappeared.

Seeing the disappearing body of Selene, the group of friends who watched this scene were stunned for a while.

"Just... what happened?"

Because the group of friends only watched this scene through group chat and were not at the scene, they did not find the existence of the pure human form at all.

Of course, even if they were there, it is unlikely that most people would find the surviving human form.

Although the group of friends didn't know what happened, but Bailiyuan's sudden killing of Selene made them feel the power of Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan didn't explain, he just took back the original human form silently.

Don't look at this move that killed Selene in seconds, but this move is not without cost.

This is the power that Cuncui learned from the Rubik's Cube, and then turned it into this trick - The King.

Selene's body slowly disappeared, leaving a white crystal on the ground.

The bull, the moon chariot, and Selene all disappeared, leaving only three crystals, and only traces of battle proved their existence.

Baili Yuan stepped forward and picked up the three crystals.

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