Chapter 1483 It's Hydera! (650 votes plus updates)

Eros looked at Baili Yuan with a look of horror in his eyes.

Although Eros is also a dimensional creature, after all, it corresponds to the gods. It has not weak IQ and wisdom, even higher than Hydera's wisdom.

But Eros's strength was still unable to resist Bailiyuan, and Bailiyuan didn't let go, and it directly resulted in Eros.

Eros' body slowly disappeared, leaving a green crystal in the end.

"Out of equipment?"

Bailiyuan picked up the crystal and absorbed it.

"Boss Xiaoyuan, what kind of equipment is it?" A group of friends asked.

"Big Brother Xiaoyuan won't explode Eros's bow and arrow." Someone guessed.

Bailiyuan smiled and nodded.

"It's a bit close, but I didn't get Eros's bow and arrow directly, but just got one of Eros' arrows." Baili Yuan opened his hand, and a golden bow and arrow appeared in Baili Yuan's hand .

The golden bow and arrow has arrow feathers made of pure white feathers, and the arrow part is in the shape of a heart with white edges.

"This is the Eros golden arrow." Baili Yuan said.

"Golden arrows? What's the use?"

"The golden arrow is the arrow of love. It can make the person hit by the arrow fall into a state of passionate love and fall in love with the first person who sees it. However, it is not the original version after all. There is a time limit. The state of passionate love is only for one day. Of course, this root Arrows are not absolutely invincible, the effect is also affected by the target's strength and special circumstances." Baili Yuan said.

"But even if it is like this, it's not bad, it's worthy of God's equipment!" Someone exclaimed.

"Boss Xiaoyuan, do you want to sell this arrow?" A group of friends were moved.

"Not for sale!" Baili Yuan resolutely refused.

"Why is this, big brother Xiaoyuan, you can't use it now."

"False is always false. Using this kind of thing to tarnish a beautiful love will make people cast aside." Baili Yuan said righteously, and then put away the golden arrow.

The group of friends also fell silent, and didn't open their mouths to shoot the golden arrow again. They didn't expect Bailiyuan, who was just a child, to say such a thing.

But thinking about it, Bailiyuan has such strength, and he should have a lot of knowledge, which cannot be measured by the standards of ordinary children.

However, what the group of friends didn't know was that Bailiyuan was being questioned by Caroline at this time.

"If you really think there is something wrong with this arrow, shouldn't you throw away or destroy this arrow?" Caroline asked.

"Love cannot be tainted, but sometimes people have to be loyal to their own desires." Baili Yuan said.

"..." Caroline was a little speechless, "Golden arrows are too dangerous in your hands."

"Don't worry, I only like big sister..."

"So lolis are still safe, aren't they?"

"No, the grandmas are safe too."

"...Anyway, I will keep an eye on you. You must not use this prop indiscriminately."

"Just kidding, my brain hasn't been occupied by desires yet, and I don't want to do that kind of thing that plays with emotions, but if this kind of thing is used on the enemy, maybe it can have some special magical effects." Bailiyuan revealed his true purpose.

The golden arrow was prepared by Baili Yuan to use on his enemies.

Caroline was silent again, and then sighed faintly: "Emotions are still being played with, I really feel sad for your enemy."

However, Caroline feels that the precious golden arrows should be used on the enemy. Although there seems to be nothing wrong with it, if a loving couple uses this kind of arrows, then the golden arrows should be used in the right way. , but now the golden arrow is used as a weapon, ready to be used on the enemy, considering that the enemy does not consider the people around him...

I still feel a little unsatisfied.

After solving Eros, the distance from Mount Olympus is not far away, and Bailiyuan set off again.

Finally, at sunset, Bailiyuan arrived at Mount Olympus.

Standing at the foot of Mount Olympus, Bailiyuan looked up at the sacred mountain.

The Olympus Mountains here are not like the Olympus Mountains on the earth, but are taller, like a pillar reaching the sky, and the sacred light falls from above. Even in the evening, it illuminates the surroundings, making Olympus The vicinity of Mount Si is like daytime.

"Then I'm going to go into the mountain." Baili Yuan didn't plan to wait another night at the foot of the mountain.

This is already the central area of ​​this dimensional field. Not only are there the strongest dimensional creatures, but also the most powerful dimensional creatures appear.

There are no dimensional creatures at the foot of Mount Olympus, because this is already the domain of gods, and only gods can live here.

The first test of Mount Olympus is the journey from the foot of the mountain to the Gate of Heaven.

The real mountain of Olympus is difficult for people to climb, but the test of Mount Olympus in the field of different dimensions is greatly reduced.

Bailiyuan touched the location of Tianmen before dark.

Bailiyuan also saw Mount Olympus representing the gate of Heaven.

This is a magnificent golden gate.

There are three young girls in front of the glorious gate of heaven. Seen from a distance, they have gentle attitudes and elegant manners. They wear gold necklaces around their necks and wear clothes decorated with patterns of flowers and fruits.

"These should be the three Hulls who guard the Tianmen Gate. They are rare chaste girls on Mount Olympus." A group of friends said popular science.

Bailiyuan and the other group of friends nodded.

It is useless that strange knowledge increases.

At this time, the golden gate of heaven slowly opened, and a moon chariot pulled by two divine bulls drove out of the gate of heaven, and a figure stood on the chariot.

The three Hulls saluted.

The moon chariot slowly sailed towards the sky.

The night comes.

"This should be the goddess of the full moon in Greek mythology, Selene, the sister of the old sun god Helios and the dawn goddess Eos. When she gallops in the sky, the earth will enter the night, and it is said that this goddess is One of the previous main gods of Olympus, the strength should not be weak."

Hearing the science popularization from the group of friends, Bailiyuan fixed his eyes on the moon chariot that was flying high into the sky, and then directly chased after it.

"Big Brother Xiaoyuan, is he going to attack Selene?" a group of friends asked.

"All the veterans cheer up, pay attention, I will show you an air combat full moon goddess, let everyone see what the full moon goddess can explode."


As usual, Selene rode her moon chariot, driving the divine bull, driving in the air, bringing darkness to the earth.

However, today, Selene just drove out of the gate of heaven for a while, and it felt something was wrong.

Selene looked up, and a white light pierced through the darkness, rushing to where it was.


"It's Hydera!"

While shouting, Baili Yuan held up the Hydera and threw it at Selene's moon chariot from the sky.

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