I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1455 The Power of Time and Space of the Miao Frog Seed (400 Monthly Pass Plus)

At dinner time, after the day's battle was over, Bailiyuan cooked a sumptuous meal specially.

Finding a place close to the water source of the lake, Bailiyuan had dinner with the elves in the wild. Xanadu had also recovered and ate food together.

And of course, sometimes rabbis.

And rabbi did not come empty-handed.

Shirabi brought some things that are more precious in the Pokémon world, and there are several attribute slates, which are similar to the poison attribute slate used by the big needle bee and the grass attribute slate used by the seeds of the frog, all of which are disposable Yes, it has a lot of attribute power inside.

This time, Rabi brought fire-attributed slates, ice-attributed slates, and dragon-attributed slates. In addition to these, there is also a set of Bangira's super-evolution stones.

To this, Bailiyuan could only say.

"Boss is big, come and eat!"

While eating, Rabbi looked at Manafei. He was quite curious about Manafei.

During the meal, Bailiyuan also chatted with Miaowazi about some things, such as how Miaowazi managed to restore Baiyang Town.

"The collapse of Baiyang Town is actually the distortion of time and space. As long as the distortion of time and space is reversed, everything can be restored to its original state. This kind of reversal only needs to find the right node and then interfere. It doesn't need to be too strong. The power of it turns out to be like this."

Brilliant Frog Seed said that this is all trivial.

The only problem is that when the Frog Seed reversed time and space, it reversed itself and turned back into a pink and tender Frog Seed. However, the level of the Frog Seed did not drop, but it successfully passed level 80 The threshold has reached level 81.

What? How could the Brilliant Frog Seed have such power?

Of course it's because the power that Lazy Slime transfers to Bulbasaur is the power of time and space!

And this power of time and space has been engraved into the genes of the Frog Seed, that is to say, the offspring of the Frog Seed may also have similar power, but it must not be as strong as the Frog Seed.

It is much better to be able to engrave the power of time and space into genes than to engrave some weird things into genes.

Today, the Frog Seed has become a special Frog Seed with the power of time and space!

"But I really didn't expect the lazy slime to be able to do this kind of thing." Bailiyuan felt a little emotional. At first, he thought that raising a lazy slime was just a useless pet, but he didn't expect this lazy slime. The slime was so powerful, Dialga and Palkia swallowed the power as soon as they said it, and turned it back to the frog seed.

Although the Frog Seed is the most basic form now, as long as the Frog Seed wants to, he can adjust his time and become the Frog Flower again.

Of course, this kind of time adjustment is only an adjustment of the time of one's own body, and cannot interfere with the length of lifespan, and this ability is only a partial application of the time power of the time and space power of the frog seed.

The space-time power mastered by the Frog Seed actually allows him to interfere with the power of time and space to a certain extent. It can interfere with both time and space. Based on this, the Frog Seed can develop more methods involving time and space in the future. .

Even reverse the enemy's time like Dialga!

In this regard, the God of Fate also spoke.

"If Frog Seeds find godheads, powers, or laws related to time and space in the future, they may be able to make Frog Seeds become gods. Both time-based gods and space-based gods are very powerful and special gods. .”

"Let's go with the flow." Baili Yuan replied.

Regarding the matter of becoming a god, Bailiyuan has no obsession or entanglement. Let the future of the frog seed decide for itself.

In addition to these, Bailiyuan also felt that the imprint involving the Miao Frog Seed in his spiritual space had also been solidified, but Bailiyuan didn't feel any special power, but Bailiyuan knew it was not that simple, The reason why he didn't feel it may be because he couldn't perceive the impact and special power it brought, and it wasn't a skill, so there was no explanation on his panel.

Angela also rushed to Baiyang Town, but Bailiyuan didn't meet her.

And Angela also got busy.

After the meal, Shi Rabi left, and the elves also rested. Bailiyuan lay on the grass, looking at the night sky, thinking about something.

That is the evil twin gods that appeared during the day.

That was not the evil power that Baili Yuan was familiar with.

The power of evil is to assimilate living things, and then turn them into evil beasts. Although the power can still be maintained, more of it is the means born from the fusion of evil.

But the power of the Evil Gods is different. It is more like copying the power of the Time and Space Gods. Fortunately, this copying power is not complete, has no foundation, and is expendable, otherwise it will be troublesome during the day.

What Baili Yuan could think of was that the reason for this situation was the unknown totems that fell out of the evil twin gods after they were dealt with.

"The Unknown Totem still has this ability?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

Moreover, after being disturbed by evil, the Unknown Totem didn't seem to be assimilated by evil, it was more like something extraordinary was condensed because of evil.

"There is a chance to catch two unknown totems for research... Well, I will talk about it later."

Although Bailiyuan has a heart for research, he doesn't dare to be careless. No matter whether it involves evil or not, the unknown totem is not something easy to study.

The eggs harvested this time are two colorful eggs and a sacred egg. Bailiyuan finally decided to break the sacred egg. Although the colorful egg may bring two artifacts to Bailiyuan, experience has proved that some artifacts are not as good as Bailiyuan's. Edge imagined strong.

After the special effects, something appeared in front of Baili Yuan.

It is a special crystal, which seems to record something.

"Time and space jump technology: advanced technology for space navigation, which can perform time and space jumps and complete time and space jumps. Note: no longer have to worry about being late for class!"

"This is not bad, very advanced technology." Bailiyuan handed this technology to Caroline.

"This crystal should be some kind of data recording device. I can read it directly with the main body, but it will take a long time." Caroline said.

"It's okay, thank you for your hard work."


At night, it was quiet, and Bailiyuan was lying on the grass, enjoying the rare tranquility.

They didn't notice that ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake they were approaching, and something was watching them from the other side of the ripples.

But that existence just looked at them and didn't bother them. It quickly disappeared and the lake returned to calm.

In the reverse world, Giratina looked away.

In the sixth update, I actually wrote a lot today. Although it was the sixth update, it was actually the amount of the seventh update at that time~

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