I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1454 The recovered space, turn around and leave (350 monthly ticket plus update)

Inert slime can absorb other powers for its own use after entering the active state. This time, it directly absorbed the power of time and space in the moves of Dialga and Palkia, and then the inert slime used this power Power passed to Frogweed.

Because of this, under the input of power, the frog grass finally evolved into the frog flower again, and at the same time, because of the power of time and space, the frog flower produced a mutation.

The body of the inert slime surrounding the Frog Flower suddenly shattered, turning into a large amount of energy, which was absorbed by the Frog Flower, and under the flower root of the Frog Flower, a small group of inert slimes shook their bodies , The silence was restored again.

The figure of Frog Flower stands in the town.

Now Miaowahua's height has reached a terrifying height of more than 20 meters, and the skin of her body and the flowers on her back are shrouded in a layer of special golden power.

The flowers on the back of the frog flower are not simple red petals with white spots, but red petals with golden spots. The overall look seems to be constantly changing, it looks very immature, and it seems to be very vicissitudes. Constant reincarnation, as if time is constantly changing.

As for the place where Miao Frog Flower stands, the space seems to be divided because of this, and it is independent. It is obviously standing in front of you, but it seems to be in another space.

Finally, Miaowahua slowly opened her eyes.

"Miao Frog Flower?" Baili Yuan called softly.


Miaowahua responded to Bailiyuan, then looked up at the sky.


In front of the radiant tower of time and space, power is suddenly released from the body of Miaowahua, which is transmitted layer by layer to the entire distorted dimensional space. The distorted and collapsed space is like being pressed backwards. , a little bit of recovery, the town started to appear again!

And with the release of Miaowahua's power, all the abnormalities on his body gradually faded, and his body size also continued to shrink, as if he was going backwards with Baiyang Town.

Finally, Baiyang Town reappeared, and the disappeared people and things also recovered. The body of Miaowahua also returned to the normal size of more than two meters high, and then the body of Miaowahua shone with light again.

Bailiyuan was taken aback.

"this is……"


Sirona is waiting outside Baiyang Town, and the alliance's support has not yet arrived.

Suddenly, Sirona noticed the change and looked towards the fog in front of her.

The fog that shrouded Baiyang Town continued to disperse, revealing the distorted space within.

"This is...back!"

Sirona immediately retreated with her elf, and the pilot retreated quickly after hearing Sirona's words.

At this time, the original position in Baiyang Town was like a cake being scooped up by a spoon, a piece was missing.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Sirona and the pilot, the missing piece distorted, as if something had been inserted back, and Baiyang Town slowly recovered from the distortion in front of the two of them, and finally appeared between the two. in front of people.

With the recovery of Baiyang Town, the two people outside the city also looked into the city, saw the beautiful Tower of Time and Space shining in the city, and saw the two towers standing in the sky of Baiyang Town. figure.

"The twin gods of time and space, Dialga, and Palkia!" Sirona called out the names of the two.


Things in Baiyang Town have calmed down.

After Aurashion's music stopped, the Tower of Time and Space gradually returned to its original state.

Afterwards, Dialga and Palkia also left after expressing their apologies, disappeared in Baiyang Town, and returned to their own space.

As for compensation...

Just forget about it.

Alice and Chestnut also brought the elves down from the Tower of Time and Space.

The recovered Darkrai floated in front of Alice, startling Alice.

"Alicia..." Darkrai's voice sounded.

Alice was taken aback.

"Alicia, it's my grandma."

Darkley paused for a moment.

"Is that so?"

Then Darkley turned into a shadow and disappeared in front of everyone without a trace.

Only then did Alice come to her senses, and shouted loudly at the place where Darkley disappeared: "Darkley, thank you, thank you for protecting Baiyang Town!"

However, Darkley didn't reply, and he didn't know whether he heard it or not.

Dong Niou came over, still holding his great-grandfather's diary in his hand.

"My great-grandfather's diary mentioned about that Darkrai. That Darkrai opened his heart to your grandma, and has lived in Poplar Town ever since."

"So that's how it is." Alice suddenly said, "I look a lot like grandma, so Darkley recognizes me as grandma. Is it because of my grandma that Darkley protects the town?"

Dong Niou nodded, "I think your voice and thanks are conveyed to Darkrai, Darkrai has been guarding your grandma, and this town, even fighting desperately, this is what we have seen with our own eyes. "

Alice bit her lip.

Chestnut looked at Alice, and then suddenly noticed that Pikachu in Bailiyuan disappeared at some point, and the elves that had appeared around the Tower of Time and Space also disappeared.

Chestnut looked in one direction.

"A flower of time and space?"

The direction Lizi was looking at was exactly the direction where Miao Frog Flower was before, but at this moment there was nothing there.

The people from the alliance came late, and they didn't see the twin gods of time and space and the sacred scene. After hearing this scene, many researchers beat their chests and stamped their feet, and turned their heads and began to spray why the people of the alliance didn't bring themselves to come soon .

And the alliance can only learn the general story from the people present, such as Xiaozhi and the others, the power of the two gods of time and space, the appearance of the mysterious light elf, and the blooming flower in the poplar. The "space-time flowers" in the town!

Although Xiaozhi and the others also mentioned that a trainer named Xiaoyuan was also involved in this incident, the alliance people did not find Xiaoyuan.

The Alliance is busy in the town, carrying out post-disaster appeasement.

The time soon came to the setting sun, and the peaceful town was shrouded in the golden sunset. No one could have imagined that the town was almost destroyed before.

As the champion, Sirona also wandered around the town. After a busy day, she has free time now. She is going to go around. In fact, she mainly wants to go to the place where the flowers of time and space bloom, although someone has already checked. Passed and found nothing there.

"I think after today, the alliance will be busy... Oh, it's a cone shop, ah, it's a pity that it's not open." Sirona said with some regret.

"Go eat a big meal today!" A voice caught Sirona's attention.

Sirona turned her head to look, and found that it was a boy with a Pikachu on his shoulders and a frog seed at his feet. The boy was walking out of the city.

"A trainer?" Sirona looked at the other party.

Facing the setting sun, the young man walked into the distance, and a green shadow flashed past the young man.

"Understood, do you want to go together?" the boy continued.

Sirona rubbed her eyes. She seemed to see a special elf just now, but when she went to look for the boy again, the boy had disappeared.

Sirona froze for a moment, then smiled, turned and left, and continued with her own business.

There are some things that don't need to be delved into.

The boy with Pikachu and Bulbasaur came outside the city. He suddenly felt something, turned his head, and looked in the direction of the Tower of Time and Space. On the Tower of Time and Space, stood a black figure with white hair that resembled it. Some are blown by the wind.

The boy smiled, he knew that the other party was looking at him, and the other party should also know his identity.

The boy waved his hand in the direction of the figure.

"Bye now."

The boy turned and left.

Baiyang Town is shrouded in black shadow, but this shadow is particularly reassuring.

one more chapter

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