I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1446: Two Gods Fell from the Sky (50 Monthly Ticket Plus Change)

This is the inverted world, a world of chaotic gravity.

In the reverse world, terrain and buildings are presented as mirror images.

The reverse world is a world dominated by Giratina, and Giratina is the only Pokémon here.

In the myths and legends of the Sinnoh region, Arceus created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.

Dialga and Palkia jointly created the Pokémon world, and they control time and space respectively.

And Giratina controls the power of antimatter!

The Pokémon world is a material world, and the power of Giratina will cause huge damage to the Pokémon world, so Giratina was expelled to the reverse world, which is equivalent to the other side of the world, and this world is also Known as the destroyed world.

As for the story behind it, it is not known to outsiders.

At this time, a large number of black clouds appeared in the reverse world, making the reverse world even darker.

Giratina wandered in the reverse world, roaring and venting her anger.

These black clouds are no ordinary clouds.

There is a corresponding relationship between the inverted world and the real world, and they can even interfere with each other. At the same time, there are many bubbles in the inverted world that reflect reality. When the bubbles are disturbed, the real world will also be affected.

A battle between two powerful beings is taking place in a huge bubble.



It stands to reason that Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina are in three different spaces, but at this time, the spaces where Dialga and Palkia are located are actually connected. Let them all think that the other party is invading their territory, so they fight.

Regarding the phenomenon of the connection between the spaces where the two are located, Giratina has some guesses. That adult may be about to wake up, and only when that adult is involved can such an impact be produced, but this is not something these two guys do for themselves. The reason for the matter!

Because as they fight, their power also begins to affect the Pokémon world, and because the real world and the reverse world can interfere with each other, this also affects the reverse world in disguise.

The time and space of the real world began to distort, but more black clouds appeared in the reversed world, covering the reversed world.

Although the inverted world is not very beautiful, for Giratina, this is its chassis, even if it is not good-looking, it cannot be ruined by others.

The appearance of these fogs not only destroyed the inverted world, but also represented causing trouble on its territory, pressing it and slapping it!

It's like being spit on by someone else when you lose your job.

The most important thing is that Dialga and Palkia are fighting, but it is it that is affected!

I didn't recruit anyone, I didn't offend anyone, why should I be wronged like this?

Just very angry!

Bullying the dragon too much!

That adult, wake up quickly, can you take care of them? When will my Giratina stand up? Shaking and cold!

Although Giratina was able to leave the reverse world, it did not participate in the battle between the two. After all, although it was very angry, it was not mentally retarded. If Dina had intervened in the past, the scene would probably have turned into a 1v2 with Giratina.

That's really sending your face to them to beat them up.

Giratina swam around the huge bubble, her eyes fixed on the picture in the bubble.

I will remember this hatred!

If you have the ability, don't place orders!

However, at this time, Giratina's eyes changed, and the anger in his heart was fragmented.

Because it saw something that shocked it.

At this time, two figures appeared in the bubble again, and the appearance of these two figures—it turned out to be a Palkia and a Dialga again!

what's the situation? That adult gave birth to a second child? What about my brother?

Palkia and Dialka also noticed the sudden appearance of two shadows similar to themselves, and they temporarily stopped their hands tacitly, looking at the extra Palkia and Dialka.

However, they stopped, and the newly appeared Palkia and Dialga attacked them.

Naturally, the genuine Dialga and Palkia were not used to the counterfeit goods, and also fought back.

Finally, a more powerful force erupted, tearing apart the dimension and sucking a town into the dimensional gap.

However, the genuine Dialga and Palkia were not able to defeat the counterfeit goods, and were knocked down into the town that was sucked into the dimensional gap.

At the same time, the power that erupted was also transmitted to the reversed world through the real world, causing more black clouds to erupt in the reversed world.

And the black cloud that suddenly erupted directly blurred Giratina's face and overturned it.

Giratina's roar came from the reverse world.

The translated meaning probably refers to a kind of plant.


Changes and accidents are more sudden than anyone imagined.

A strange light suddenly lit up in the sky, and when the light disappeared, the sky above the entire town disappeared and turned into distorted black, as if it was going to swallow the entire town.

"Xiaoyuan, the entire town has been disconnected from the Internet, and has lost contact with the outside world. At the same time, the entire town is enveloped by powerful space forces. Now the town has been trapped, and the distorted space has also appeared to destroy the city. The situation." Caroline said suddenly.

"What's going on here?" Bailiyuan frowned and looked up. There was a distorted space above, a void. If you entered rashly, you would end up being distorted by the space and lost in it.

Suddenly, a sacred egg and two supreme eggs appeared in Bailiyuan's field of vision.

The sacred egg is on the top of the Tower of Time and Space, and the two supreme eggs appear from different spaces one after the other and fall towards Baiyang Town.

"Something has appeared!"

Bailiyuan's pupils shrank, allowing him to see clearly the situation of the two supreme eggs.

Those are two Pokémon!

No, those are two gods!

Dialga and Palkia!

God of Time and God of Space!

No wonder it is supreme class.

The two elves fell from the air to the ground, and both hit the ground.

The people below had already seen the bad situation and ran away.

"That is……!"

Everyone was attracted by Dialga and Palkia, more in a daze, and then wondered if they were dreaming.

The sky was clear and sunny just now, and then the sky was suddenly distorted like this, and now two divine beasts fell from the sky... As expected, I didn't wake up!

Then can you drop two quasi-gods for yourself?

Diyaluka and Palkia got up from the ground, and Bailiyuan also saw the appearance of the two elves clearly.

To put it simply, Dialga is on all fours, and Palkia is standing on two feet. Dialga is mainly blue and white, while Palkia is purple-gray.

The same thing is that the two elves have a strong oppressive force, and the pressure brought by the two elves envelopes the entire town.

"They seem to be injured." Baili Yuan saw some problems.

At this time, neither Dialga nor Palkia was in good condition, especially Palkia, who still had obvious scars on his body.

The most important thing is that Bailiyuan also felt the familiar aura from the two elves.

"It's the breath of evil!"

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