I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1445 Arrival

In an unknown space, two figures were chasing each other, fighting, and the forces of both sides were constantly colliding.

This is the gap between time and space, a place where there shouldn't be a confluence.

Because of an accident, it appeared here, which also caused a battle between the two existences.

The surrounding space was torn apart with the battle between the two, and countless unknown totems were blown out from nowhere along with the battle between the two beings, scattered in the space, and floated in unknown directions.

What the two beings didn't notice was that traces of black air spread here from nowhere, merged with the power released by the two beings, and gradually mutated, and even, unknown totems began to merge into the black air.


After knowing that there might be an accident in Baiyang Town, Xiaozhi would not choose to stand by and watch, and the others also chose to stay. After all, from the perspective of the camp, they belonged to the side of order, and they were not the kind of people who would sit on the sidelines.

As a local, Alice chose to ask someone for help.

Of course not to go to Miss Junsha, just like what Baili Yuan said, without direct evidence, Miss Junsha would not believe it, and it was even more impossible for Shi Rabi to come forward to explain.

There is a gap between humans and Pokémon, especially with some Pokémon with special abilities.

Not only to protect Shi Rabi, but also to protect Baili Yuan and the people around him. It is impossible for Shi Rabi to expose his relationship with Baili Yuan in front of others.

The last thing this world lacks is people with ulterior motives.

Now the person they are looking for is Alice's friend, and at the same time Alice's childhood sweetheart - Dong Niou.

The reason for looking for Dong Niou is because Dong Niou is a scientist.

Now the team that Bailiyuan and the others gathered temporarily has a certain combat effectiveness, and finding a scientist to help is more effective than continuing to find a stronger trainer.

Asking a local scientist for help is not for research, but to learn about the recent situation in Baiyang Town through Dong Niou, maybe he can find some clues, so that Bailiyuan and the others will not mess around like headless chickens run.

But at this time, Caroline also began to invade Baiyang Town's monitoring system. Although Bailiyuan suspected that this incident was related to the legendary Pokémon, there was no guarantee that no ambitious person would intervene in this matter.

Under the leadership of Alice, everyone arrived at the Tower of Time and Space.

The Tower of Time and Space is a twin tower. The two towers are called the Tower of Time and the Tower of Space. There is a huge pendulum in the Tower of Time. The spire is carved with horns. The spire is a circular carving.

Between the two towers is a long and thin spiral staircase leading to the top of the tower.

The interior of the Tower of Time and Space is also the venue for the Baiyang Town Gorgeous Contest, with huge gorgeous reliefs.

And below the Tower of Time and Space is Dongnio's research room.

After Alice briefly introduced the Tower of Time and Space to everyone, the group came to Tonio's laboratory, but Tonio was not in the laboratory.

"Donio isn't here? He may have gone out to do research." Alice said apologetically.

"It's okay, let's wait here." Baili Yuan said.

"Then you guys sit down as you please, and I'll make tea." Alice started to get busy as she said that, she seemed to be familiar with this place.

Waiting in the laboratory, Bailiyuan also took advantage of this time to chat with everyone.

The reason why Xiaozhi's group and Lizi's group met was not because they were traveling together or by coincidence, but because they all came to participate in the gorgeous contest in Baiyang Town.

And tomorrow is the game!

Unfortunately, Xiaoyu and Xiaoguang are competitors.

"I said why Baiyang Town is so lively, there are lights and festoons everywhere, like a festival." Bailiyuan said.

At this time, an elf ball on Xiaoyu's body suddenly shook, and then a figure ran out of the elf ball.

It is Xiaoyu's lobster minions.

"Your lobster soldiers are well bred." Baili Yuan said.

"That's natural!"

But Xiaoyu's lobster soldier ran to Bailiyuan's side and waved his pincers at Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan understood what Lobster Xiaobing meant, and released his iron-clawed lobster.

"Has your lobster soldier evolved?" Xiaoyu asked unexpectedly.

"That's right, my lobster soldiers are also working hard." Baili Yuan said casually.

Although the lobster soldier in Bailiyuan has evolved, the relationship between the lobster soldier and the iron claw lobster has not changed at all. They soon got together, and the iron claw lobster told the lobster soldier about his glorious deeds like a big brother.

Soon, Alice came back with a tea tray.

"I planned to show you Baiyang Town, but now I can only wait here, sorry." Alice said to Xiaozhi and others apologetically.

"It's okay, we can still visit Baiyang Town in the future, but now Baiyang Town is in danger, we can't just ignore it." Xiao Gang said, Xiao Gang is still very serious when encountering serious things.

"I'm also very grateful for Xiao Yuan's reminder. If we don't know anything, it will be difficult for us to deal with something suddenly." Alice said.

"I didn't help much either." Baili Yuan said.

Caroline still hasn't found anything. There are not many city surveillance in Baiyang Town, so it is more difficult for Caroline to gain something.

While everyone was sitting and chatting, Baili Yuan suddenly stood up from his chair and looked up.

"Xiao Yuan, what's wrong?"

The others noticed Baili Yuan's movements and asked questions one after another.

"There is a situation!" Bailiyuan ran out of the research institute immediately, and the others followed.

At that moment just now, Bailiyuan felt a special and powerful power fluctuation, and at the same time, Bailiyuan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He felt that something was coming, and that thing was not a good thing.

It will cause Bailiyuan to have such a feeling, and Bailiyuan is sure that that thing should indeed have something to do with him.

And as Bailiyuan ran to the outside of the laboratory, this feeling gradually became stronger.

Soon, Bailiyuan and the others ran out of the Tower of Time and Space.

Bailiyuan stared at the top of the Tower of Time and Space, and the others followed Bailiyuan's gaze, and their expressions changed one after another.

At this time, the top of the Tower of Time and Space seemed to be cracked, and then a strange light suddenly lit up on the Tower of Time and Space, and the light enveloped the entire town.

Everyone watched this scene in shock.

"what is happening?"

At the same time, in Baiyang Town, a black shadow rushed towards the Tower of Time and Space from a distance.

Outside Baiyang Town, a shadow rushed towards the direction of Baiyang Town from a distance. It was a helicopter.

A blond figure sits in the helicopter.

"How far is it from Baiyang Town?"

"Your Excellency Sirona, we will be here soon." The pilot replied.

The blond figure is the Sinnoh champion Sirona.

Sirona looked in the direction of Baiyang Town, her eyes changed, and she also noticed the light that lit up in Baiyang Town.

"what is that?"

However, before the helicopter approached Baiyang Town, the speed of the helicopter slowed down.

"Your Excellency Sirona, there is fog ahead, and the fog looks abnormal," the pilot said.

Sirona also noticed the fog ahead.

Soon, under the gaze of Sirona and the pilot, the entire Baiyang Town was surrounded by thick fog.

"What happened in Baiyang Town?" Sirona's eyes widened, trying to see through the fog, but she found nothing.

But Sirona knew that something had happened to Baiyang Town, and... it was not a trivial matter!

"What Angela said is true, something happened in Baiyang Town!"

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