I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 144 Leeches

Baili Yuan stared at the ventilation opening and squatted down, making himself flush with the ventilation opening.

Mary noticed Baili Yuan's movements and looked at Baili Yuan curiously.

Through the gap in the ventilation fan of the ventilation opening, Baili Yuan looked at the other side of the ventilation opening.

The other side of the vent was pitch black.

Everything was quiet.

"That..." Mary wanted to call Bailiyuan.

at this time--


A jet of water sprayed out from the other side of the vent, hitting Baili Yuan's face.

The sudden spray of water attracted the attention of others, and they all retreated quickly with a scream, and Mary was also pulled away by enthusiastic practitioners.

The combat-oriented students stepped forward, faced the ventilation opening, and put on a posture of vigilance.

When the water column disappeared, Bailiyuan was already soaked, squatting on the ground with his mouth and eyes closed.

Bailiyuan wiped his face.

"Bah, is the sewer fried?" Baili Yuan cursed.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from the vent, bit Baili Yuan, dragged Baili Yuan into the vent, and then disappeared.

"Ah!" A girl was startled and screamed.

The members of the fighting direction rushed to the hole, but some were faster.

Xanadu's eyes lit up, and her super power tracked Bailiyuan's figure through the ground, and then her super power covered the flame chicken, Bibi bird and big needle bee.


The figures of the four elves disappeared instantly.

When the four elves reappeared, they were already underground.

When the four elves looked in Bailiyuan's direction, they saw that Bailiyuan was wiping his hands in disgust. The mysterious creature that dragged him to the ground was already lying dead.

"Ouch~" Baili Yuan wrinkled his chubby face.

"..." Four elves.

"Huh? Has everyone come down?" Baili Yuan looked in the direction of the four elves.

Although it was pitch black underground, it did not affect Bailiyuan's vision.

Bailiyuan wiped his hands clean, and was about to let Xanadu take him back, but then his body paused, and the four elves became vigilant.

rustle rustle...

Sounds as if some creature was advancing sounded from all directions.

"There are quite a few here!" Baili Yuan raised his left hand.

"Come out, everyone!"

The battle is on!

The creature that crawled over and the creature that dragged Bailiyuan down were the same.

This kind of creature is black in body, similar to a leech, and its moving speed is usually not fast, but the speed and extension of temporary bursts are very strong.

But this kind of leech creature is not strong. Its attack methods are spraying water, impacting, sucking blood, and "biting" the enemy with its extendable body. Its defense is extremely weak.

To kill this leech-like creature completely, you need to crush the heart-like organ in its body.

How do you know?

Because Bailiyuan personally killed one.

The unknown liquid sprayed out at that time got Baili Yuan's hands, making Baili Yuan sick for a long time.

Because it is impossible to judge whether the heart-like organs in these leech creatures are all grown in one place. After all, Bailiyuan is not willing to dissect a few such disgusting creatures by himself, and even Xanadu is unwilling to use his superpowers to Detect the internal structure of this leech creature. There is an energy fluctuation in the body of this leech creature that both Xanadu and Super Miaomiao hate.

Therefore, Bailiyuan and the elves could only shred the body of this leech creature as much as possible when attacking.

There are a lot of leech creatures, densely packed, but fortunately, there are also a lot of elves in Bailiyuan, but because Bailiyuan and the others are underground at this time, it is impossible to easily use powerful skills, and they can only use not-so-powerful ones The skill kills little by little, limiting the power of the skill within a certain range.

Baili Yuan stood among the elves, looking at the surrounding battle situation.

It took more than half an hour for the elves to completely clean up all the leeches.

The elves with insufficient strength became a little breathless.

"Do you want to go back next?" Xanadu asked Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan frowned and thought for a while, and just about to nod, he found something strange.

The Gyarados wandered leisurely around the corpse of the leech creature, as if devouring something in the air, showing a happy expression.

what's the situation?

Baili Yuan thought of something, and subconsciously looked at Katie Gou.

At this time, the Katie dog was panting, but it could still be seen from the expression that the Katie dog hated these leech creatures very much, even though the other party had turned into a corpse.

Bailiyuan recalled the battle just now. Bailiyuan only had a simple impression of the battle just now. His main attention was on the weaker elves. Bailiyuan vaguely remembered that he was stuck in the battle just now. Tigou is much braver than usual.

Looking at the other elves now, remember that Shanaido and Super Miaomiao don't like the power of leeches very much, and Galagala is also a little uncomfortable.

After breaking his fingers, Baili Yuan began to calculate.

In the end, all the clues point to a noun - evil!

The zodiac restraint list Bailiyuan has been memorized.

The evil type restrains the super power type and the ghost type, and is restrained by the fighting type, insect type, and fairy type. The power of the super power type skills to attack the evil type elves will be greatly weakened. Genie, super powers will be disabled and become useless!

No wonder Xanadu and Super Miaomiao feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, the creature with the energy of evil is the cardy dog ​​with the characteristic of the heart of justice is the nemesis!

Could it be that the energy fluctuations on the leech creature were produced by evil energy?

Now the leech creature dies, the evil energy dissipates, and is then swallowed by the Gyarados...

Wait, what's the thing doing with the carp dragon swallow?

Isn't the Gyarados of the water system? Won't you eat your stomach?

Could it be related to the attribute changes after the super-evolution of Gyarados?

At present, Bailiyuan cannot be determined, and further testing is needed.

For future research, Bailiyuan endured the nausea and asked Menus to freeze the corpses of some leech creatures and put them into the space.

"Let's not go back for the time being, and go to the front to have a look."

Discovering the existence of suspected evil energy, Bailiyuan was very interested and wanted to go to the front to see the situation, maybe new ideas could be born for the cultivation of Gyarados.

After packing everything up, Bailiyuan took back most of the elves, leaving only four elves, Miaowahua, Xanadu, Menus and Flame Chicken, to deal with possible unexpected situations.

"Meinas, seal the vent with the freezing light, and then we will move on!"


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