Chapter 143 After things are done, each person has a T

At this moment, the entire Academy of Arms was in chaos.

The cadets either fought back or sought refuge.

In a separate library room, a blonde girl sat by the window, looking down at the chaotic students.

At this time, a boy with blue hair anxiously pushed open the door.

"It's not good, something serious happened!"

However, the girl ignored the boy, took a sip of black tea calmly, and turned a page of the book.

"Tsk." The boy put away his anxious look in displeasure, walked into the room, and closed the door.

"How's the situation outside now?" the girl asked without the slightest emotion.

"What do you think?" The boy gave a shoulder, pulled away the chair on the other side of the table, and sat down.

"Master Andy is indeed a different person." The girl said suddenly.

"Which normal person do you think would intentionally let people into the academy to cause damage? It's called a new training method." The boy rolled his eyes.

"No, I mean that Mr. Andy would think of sponsorship at this time. Mr. Andy is inexplicably business-minded." The girl said.

"..." boys.

This is no longer something that a business mind can do!

The boy straightened his expression.

"Why, as the strongest, you don't want to take part?" the boy asked.

The girl looked at the boy.

"You should have heard from Wu Ji, right? The little mouse that was put in is our top ten target. If you catch him, you will be given a badge." The boy said with a smile.

"I'm not interested in badges, and I won't continue to fight in the future," the girl said.

"Then what are you going to do?" It was the first time for the boy to hear a girl say such a thing, and he showed a surprised look, "Could it be that you were stimulated by something during the outing experience?"

"No." The girl shook her head, "I had this kind of plan when I first came to the college, but when I was in the third grade, I don't know who changed it for me when I filled out the volunteer form for the future study direction, so I was assigned to direction of battle."

The boy twitched his lips, what the hell?

At the beginning of the third grade, students will fill in a learning direction volunteer form, and the college will divide the students into classes according to the reported learning direction. Change.

The fact that the voluntary form was modified by others has never happened, no, it should be said that it has happened, but it has not been announced, because the person involved is right in front of me.

Because the volunteer form is very important, it has always been well protected. Who has such a great ability to change the student's volunteer form?

Changed by the college? No, no, no, it is impossible for the academy to do such a thing regardless of the students' choice.

Which immortal is so powerful? I really want to get to know each other.

However, this voluntary change directly leads to the number one in the school.

Boys feel that they don't know whether to cry or laugh.

If the second knew about this, he might cry and faint in the toilet.

"Well, can I ask what direction you first applied for?" The boy couldn't help asking, because he was frightened by the girl's experience, and unconsciously put on the honorifics when speaking.

"Planting direction." Girls.

"Then what are you going to do after graduation?" Boy.

"Go home and farm!" the girl said.

The four words were spoken loudly by the girl.


He is his mother!


Although the situation in the academy was chaotic, some caring people found that the instructors seemed to be on vacation collectively and never showed up.

Only the security guards of the academy will show up and save the students when they are in mortal danger.

Yuncheng College has a security team of 100 people, enough to take care of the entire college's students.

Bailiyuan took Mary and followed the students into the auditorium.

Yuncheng College did not have a special refuge, so under the leadership of some people, the students all gathered together, either resisting, or waiting for rescue somewhere.

After all, not all students are good at fighting. It is impossible to ask students to carry a spoon to the battlefield, right?

The flame chicken put Mary on the ground, heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately felt relaxed.

"Miss Mary, I'm safe for now." Baili Yuan said.

Mary nodded, then rubbed her waist, feeling uncomfortable being lifted all the way by the flame chicken.

"Everyone be quiet, listen to me." A boy stood on the rostrum of the auditorium and said with a microphone.

Luckily, the auditorium was not powered off, and the boy's voice resounded throughout the auditorium, temporarily quieting the commotional crowd.

Bailiyuan also looked at the rostrum, and it was a boy with a unique temperament who was speaking.

"I am Walls in the fourth grade, and I brought everyone to the auditorium. If everyone is scattered, it will be difficult to organize effectively, and they will be defeated one by one by the enemy, so I hope everyone can temporarily obey my command. "

The students rioted.

However, Walls did not give the students too much reaction time.

"There is no time to hesitate. The longer it drags on, the more critical the situation will become. Listen to my analysis first. The auditorium may not be safe, but it is a good choice if it is used as a fortress. The auditorium of the college is one of the strongest buildings in the college. , so we only need to guard the door and window to block the attack of monsters outside," Waltz said.

"From now on, all non-fighting Xiang students will stand in the middle, and fighting Xiang students will stand on the outside, guarding the door and windows, and we will use the auditorium as a fortress to guard here and wait for rescue!" Walls said.

"Everyone, don't stand too densely, it is easy to trample, and it is also to prevent the enemy's attack from the underground. Students who can detect the underground situation, please pay attention to the underground at all times and report the situation in time, please."

When Walls said this, his eyes became firm, as if he had made up his mind.

"If everyone can go back alive today, each person will have a T seed! They are all my treasures, and there are out-of-print ones, with quality and quantity guaranteed! I will not disappoint everyone."

cried Walls.

Most of the boys' eyes lit up when they heard Walls' words, but there were still girls around, and they all pretended to be serious, and then quickly followed Walls' order to take their positions, actively defense.

The girls all gave a "bah", and some girls' eyes lit up.

Bailiyuan rubbed his chubby face, a T, I'm afraid he might not be able to keep up with his nutrition.

Mary stroked her face, showing a troubled smile.

"Ah, such an aboveboard spread, something will happen..."


At this time, a crisp voice rang in Baili Yuan's ear.

Bailiyuan looked back, and behind him was a stage in the auditorium. There was a ventilator on the stage. Because the ventilator was grounded, the position was very low, and the students didn't notice it. Only Bailiyuan because of his height Just noticed.

Bailiyuan blinked his eyes, and stared at the vent.



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