I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1381 Board of Directors

If you want to be famous, you need to make some achievements and things. It is more difficult to make achievements right after taking over, so you can only make some things.

It's just that what Bailiyuan wants to do is a little crooked.

Therefore, Bailiyuan's proposal was naturally rejected.

"I knew something would happen from the smooth transition of the general election ceremony. Maybe this is Andy's test for me." Bailiyuan said.

The change of the dean of Yuncheng College is not a trivial matter. It is not an exaggeration to create a city-wide ceremony. It is also a good opportunity to gain fame, but it is only a simple meeting with some directors, and the ceremony is over. That thing is a bit intriguing.

"Maybe this is Andy's help to you." Caroline said.


"If nothing happened, how could something happen? If nothing happened, how could there be a chance?" Caroline looked at the matter from another angle, "Perhaps Andy's choice of such a bland handover is a kind of calculation in itself, and also Sending a signal, giving an opportunity, letting someone with a heart take action, and you need to do the rest, but Andy still has a lot of confidence in you, so he came up with this strategy, which is simple and rude."

"Is that so? Why does it feel like you are praising Andy?" Bailiyuan was a little surprised, Caroline had never spoken for Andy before.

Caroline smiled, but said nothing.

She also participated in the farewell party, and was recruited by Andy. Andy chatted with her about some things. Their communication did not make Bailiyuan aware of it, but it was also because of this, that Caroline had feelings for Andy. changed.

Although Andy seems to be a person who acts recklessly with his own ability and talent, it would be ridiculous if someone underestimated Andy's wisdom and strategy because of this.

It's not that Andy is not good at it, but that the enemy is not qualified.

Why do you have to go around and calculate something that can be killed with a single punch?


Board of Directors.

The board of directors of Yuncheng College has fifteen seats this year, one of which belongs to the dean, that is, Bailiyuan, and the remaining fourteen directors.

Seven men and seven women are formally dressed and dignified. Fourteen directors sit on both sides, with a balance of yin and yang.

At some point, the round table of the board of directors was replaced by a long table, Bailiyuan had never heard of this.

Baili Yuan, who was sitting alone in the middle, looked at the directors sitting on both sides. He didn't feel like he was in a meeting. Instead, he looked like he was being interrogated by fourteen directors.

Bailiyuan smiled slightly.

Things get interesting.

The power of the heart was opened, but no kindness was gained.

In short, all the famous red monsters present.

It is one of the traditions of Yuncheng College to hold a board meeting before the start of the semester.

And there is nothing special about the purpose of this board meeting. Generally, the dean will come up with a plan for this semester, and then the directors will give their opinions, and everyone will work hard for the work arrangement for this semester.

When Andy was still there, the meeting also changed, that is, the directors came up with a plan, and then Andy chose whether to pass it or not.

The direction has changed, and so has the priority.

Andy knew that the directors had opinions on her and the college, and wanted to intervene, so Andy said, "If you have any opinions, speak up", but it's just what Andy said.

Because during Andy's tenure, the board of directors needed to see Andy's face.

Usually small things, small arrangements, such as arranging a relative to work, these things, Andy will not refuse, after all, it is not a big deal, and it is not too much. If it is a request or a request that makes Andy unhappy, Andy will choose to tear up the submission in person, and then stuff the paper into the director's mouth.

This is not an exaggeration, but something that really happened. Naturally, there were some twists and turns afterwards, but the final result was that Andy was still drinking tea in his office, and the director was replaced.

This is not something that can be achieved simply by being strong.

Some things, without that perspective and relevant experience, it is difficult to understand what it means.

"Then, directors, please present your opinions." Baili Yuan said.

Bailiyuan was alone, and the board of directors was naturally not something that other people could just come to.

Several directors frowned slightly.

The so-called harder the suppression, the faster the rebound. Andy has suppressed the directors and some people for a long time. The most important thing is that Andy didn't leave any support for Bailiyuan, so some people can't wait .

The "just breakthrough" and "some luck" Bailiyuan did not have the prestige to deter others, and even many people had never paid attention to Bailiyuan before.

As for Bailiyuan's words just now, the tone was quite that of a principal, and he even used words like "present", which made some directors feel angry.

Regarding Bailiyuan's words, there was no director's action.

"Bailiyuan... Dean, according to the regulations, you should submit it to us." Director Keito said slowly, and then looked at Bailiyuan: "Master Dean, you may not have written a plan Book, maybe I need to introduce you to a capable secretary."

Although he used the honorific title, he couldn't feel any respect from it.

The other directors watched Bailiyuan and Director Keituo, watching the development of the situation.

Someone took the lead in attacking and saved others' tongues.

But Baili Yuan's eyes lit up after hearing Director Keituo's words.

"Ability? Is that the kind of ability?" Although Bailiyuan wanted to ask, but he still remembered that he was the dean, and he needed to have the majesty of the dean, so Bailiyuan swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

It's a little uncomfortable.

As for Director Keituo's words, Bailiyuan nodded.

"So that's it. Fortunately, I prepared in advance." Baili Yuan said, and then he was about to take something out of the emblem space.

Director Keto had a smile in his eyes.

Hehe, sure enough, does a mere child still want to continue your glory?

Andy, you miscalculated...

Then director Keto and other directors saw Bailiyuan take out from the crest space...a large stack of papers, the height of half a person.

There are fourteen stacks in total.

Just a stack of directors.

The other directors were taken aback.

Is that all you have in your heraldry space?

"This is the simple plan that I worked overtime last night. It's all my little ideas. Directors, take a closer look and hope everyone can give you more opinions." Bailiyuan said.


Are you sure you want us to watch that much?

No, should I say you're sure it's for people to see?

I'm afraid you want to be like us and dominate the board of directors.


The directors couldn't pick a problem yet.

Because like Director Keto said - follow the rules!

According to the rules, they were about to start reading the dean's proposal.

If the rules are broken, then Bailiyuan can also break the rules. This is not what the directors want to see, they want to change the board of directors back to the way it was before!

The directors swallowed their saliva as they looked at the half-person-high proposal in front of them.

Then, the fourteen directors were buried under Bailiyuan's "simple plan", and no heads could be seen, only the rustling sound of paper pages turning on the board of directors.

Bailiyuan poured himself a cup of tea.

Today is another day full of hope.

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