Chapter 1380 A mediocre change of term, someone is causing trouble?

One week before school starts.

Andy leaves.

A new life begins.

There was no special ceremony for Bailiyuan to succeed as the dean of Yuncheng College. Bailiyuan simply met with the school directors, then accepted the succession ceremony letter, and then Bailiyuan succeeded the dean for a while. job.

The selection contract for the position of dean has already been signed, and Bailiyuan completed the contract, so Bailiyuan is eligible to become the dean, while others did not complete the contract, so in the end Bailiyuan succeeded in becoming the dean.

At least there is no problem with the contract.

Others can't do much either.

However, when Andy left, he also vaguely mentioned that although other people could not dispute the fact that Baili Yuan succeeded to the position of dean, it did not mean that he would not do anything in the future.

Bai Liyuan said that he knows it very well, after all, Andy "told and experienced".

At this time, Bailiyuan was inquiring about some information with Caroline in the dean's room.

Before school starts, there are a lot of documents that need to be corrected, but these things don't need to be considered by Bailiyuan, don't get me wrong, it's not because those documents have nothing to do with Bailiyuan, it's simply because Bailiyuan's ability in government affairs is quite poor.

Fortunately, at this time, the ability of the dean's secretary is reflected.

The dean of the college needs to be a strong, powerful, meritorious, and trustworthy person. However, when the dean is selected, there is no assessment of his ability in government affairs.

Because the "complicated" matters of government affairs are usually handled by the dean's deputy, the dean's secretary handles them, and finally presents them to the dean, who makes the final decision, or hands them over to the dean's secretary for handling...

This pattern started with the previous dean.

That's right, it started with Andy's term.

Because under normal circumstances, the person who succeeds the dean has certain personal abilities, at least personal talents, and then starts from the bottom of the college, and gradually becomes qualified to run for the dean, and finally becomes the dean, and even many Always the dean's secretary succeeds the dean, and even the dean's secretary was once considered the "dean's heir".

With such a growth path, after becoming the dean, he will naturally have no problem handling some college affairs, and even be handy.

Until the last time the dean of Yuncheng College was re-elected——

The previous dean was picked peaches by the outsider Andy.

No way, because Andy is too strong!

Fortunately, Andy brought Yuexuan, and Yuexuan helped Andy manage the college in an orderly manner.

And now, Bailiyuan's dean's secretary is - Junko Bai Chuan.

Bai Chuan Junzi's ability is still there, and it's not weak. In addition, within a month of Baili Yuan's election mission, Yuexuan trained Shirakawa Junko to a certain extent, and it was no problem for Bai Chuan Junko to take over the affairs of the academy. It went smoothly, no issues.

Of course, Caroline was secretly helping, but outsiders were not aware of Caroline's existence.

And Yuexuan also left with his wife, saying that he retired and started to travel, and didn't mean to leave with Andy, or stay to help Bailiyuan. Andy's original team was left to Bailiyuan. Only the Shedus and Ms. Mary were the only ones, and of course, those elders, but those elders belonged to the academy and didn't care about anything, and naturally they wouldn't help Bailiyuan with chores.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan also has people.

At this time, Junko Shirakawa was sitting on the sofa processing documents, followed by an elf girl in a maid outfit, who was taking care of Nicole at this time.

Don't get me wrong, this is not Baili Yuan who abducted her from the outside, this elf girl is——

God Slayer, Domeka, who claims to be the eleventh princess of the elves.

After such a long period of observation, I found that Domika is not threatening under normal circumstances, and Junko Shirakawa came to help Bailiyuan. Mika brought it with her.

Even if there is a problem, it can be solved in the first time.

In normal times, Domika is also a very kind girl, and Nicole is also willing to get close to Domika, which neither Cosmic Bat nor Succubus Lihua can do.

Cosmic Bat and Succubus Lihua also wore maid outfits, standing behind Baili Yuan, ready to serve Baili Yuan with tea and water at any time.

Although Nicole doesn't like them, Bailiyuan likes them.

Bailiyuan's demeanor did not look like the head of the academy, but rather like some extravagant and lustful young master.

Bailiyuan didn't pay attention to so much, but checked the information.

The information that Bailiyuan checked was the work of the past deans of Yuncheng College.

After succeeding as the dean, Bailiyuan also has more authority, and Caroline can learn more information. Checking the information of previous deans will allow Bailiyuan to understand the foundation of Yuncheng College more quickly , although Bailiyuan doesn't need to be in charge, he must know something about Yuncheng College.

And that includes what happened when Andy succeeded the Dean.

Only then did Bailiyuan know that Andy's campaign mission to become the dean was almost the same as his own this time.

But the difference is that Bailiyuan didn't do it on purpose, but Andy did it on purpose.

Andy directly opened Wushuang, killing all other mission targets and making others unable to complete the mission, so Andy became a topic for a while, but other candidates naturally refused to accept it. After Andy succeeded, they challenged Andy one after another, and then let Andy Di went straight to one-to-many and defeated all his opponents, directly making Andy a legend in Yuncheng and gaining a great reputation.

In fact, Andy has some relationship with Yuncheng College.

Andy also helped Yuncheng College with some tasks, and it was also recommended by the previous dean of Yuncheng College, or without the help of the previous dean of Yuncheng College, it would be difficult for Andy to have the opportunity to "get involved" in Yuncheng College .

This gave Bailiyuan some ideas. The former dean of Yuncheng College, could it be said that he also knew those secrets and was on the same side as Andy?

Maybe it is possible, and the possibility is very high, otherwise why did the former dean support Andy?

However, when Bailiyuan asked Caroline to inquire about the whereabouts of the previous dean, she learned that the previous dean died unexpectedly, with no bones left.

Moreover, Caroline also discovered that after the death of the previous dean, there was a turmoil in Yuncheng College. The specifics of what happened were not recorded, as if they were erased by someone.

This kind of situation is not uncommon. In the records of the deans, many things have been mentioned in one stroke. It seems that some things that they don't want others to know have been artificially erased. Things that are too old cannot be controlled by Bailiyuan. Bailiyuan was a little concerned about the erasure, because it was a turmoil that occurred during Andy's tenure.

Most importantly, Andy didn't mention it either.

Either Andy forgot, or this matter has been dealt with cleanly, and Andy doesn't need to explain.

After reading the information for a long time, Bailiyuan put down the information and let out a sigh of relief.

"Even if you don't deal with other things, it's tiring to read these necessary materials." Baili Yuan sighed.

Shirakawa Junko cast a resentful look, and Bailiyuan smiled awkwardly.

"Go shopping on weekends, buy whatever you want, I will pay for it."

"That's more or less the same." Junko Bai Chuan then smiled.

Bailiyuan scratched his head.

"Caroline, how is the academy?" Bailiyuan asked.

"everything is normal."

After becoming the dean, Bailiyuan realized that Yuncheng College is a real behemoth. The college has many industries and resources, but most of them are relatively advanced and not open to students.

Bailiyuan also naturally understood why the dean of Yuncheng College still had such a high status even though he had no other positions.

Naturally, such a huge organization cannot be managed by one person, it is like a sophisticated and huge instrument, every part is running, and the position of the dean in this "instrument" is similar to that of the general manager. Although the switch does not have any impact on the overall function and utility, and does not need to have any impact, but if it is not there, it will not work, and without Bailiyuan's personal management and arrangement, each department can operate on its own.

But in the same way, if Bailiyuan doesn't have the ability to be recognized by other departments, then even the dean is just a vacant position.

And Caroline's so-called "everything is normal" means that she has not received any "error report".

"Xiaoyuan, there is something you need to pay attention to recently."

"What's the matter?" Bailiyuan asked.

"The news and reports about you have been decreasing recently, and there have been many unfavorable remarks about you, especially when it comes to your age. It seems that someone is deliberately suppressing your reputation." Caroline said.

Bailiyuan understood the situation.

If Bailiyuan wants to gain the recognition of Yuncheng College, the simplest and most direct way is to have a reputation, and if Bailiyuan does not have a reputation, then Bailiyuan's influence on the entire Yuncheng College will be quite limited. It's not impossible for this kind of thing to happen, because the person in charge of some links is also a great heraldry envoy with higher qualifications, theoretically not weaker than Baili Yuan, and it is entirely possible to refuse Baili Yuan's request.

"It seems that some people can't wait." Baili Yuan murmured.

what to do?

"Should I hire a team of big sister maids, will it be more popular to take them out?" Bailiyuan asked.


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