I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1370 Good brother

At this time, Longlongyan and Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus were helping to clean up the battlefield. Their huge size allowed them to easily dig out the collapsed icebergs and dig out the things buried in the icebergs, so they were sent out to search the surrounding icebergs. See if there are any good things buried, and don't slip through the net.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus looked at the ice in his hand and blinked.

Look at this piece of ice, it's big and wide, hard and sharp like a rock.

try it?

Although Tyrannosaurus rex and Longlongyan also had the habit of eating rocks and soil, they usually ate soil with moss, because such soil can supplement nutrients and trace elements, and was fed a lot by Bailiyuan later. Rare stones and clods are for enhancing strength and potential, but since Baili Yuan learned to cook with soil...

Dirt and stone become delicious!


This also makes it easy for them to arouse the gluttons in their stomachs when they see soil and stones.

I can do it when I think of it, but I don’t know if the ice cubes taste good, or...

First lick?

The heavily armored Tyrannosaurus brought the ice cube to its mouth, deep in its tongue, and licked it...


The armored tyrannosaurus found its tongue stuck to the ice.

After discovering that his tongue was stuck to the ice, the armored tyrannosaurus tried to tear his tongue off the ice, but failed, and could only be anxious for a while.

At this time, Long Longyan finally found out that his good brother had a problem, and rushed over anxiously, wanting to help.

How could my good brother's tongue be stuck with ice?

Could it be a magic trap left by the enemy?

But they tried hard for a long time but failed to get the tongue of the armored tyrannosaurus off the ice.

Longlongyan: Do you want to destroy the ice?

Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus: Are you sure my tongue won't be destroyed along with it?

Rumbling Rock: ...

Although the body is hard, the inside is still soft.

Finally, Long Longyan chose to press the communicator on his body and sent a message to Caroline.

After Caroline connected to the communication, she quickly figured out what was going on.

Although a little speechless, Caroline patiently explained.

"Because the temperature of ice is generally below zero, and when the soft tongue touches the ice for a moment, it is difficult to resist the low temperature of the ice only by the temperature of the body, that is to say, the moment the tongue touches the ice In an instant, the ice will use its temperature to freeze the part where the tongue touches the ice, so the tongue will stick..." Caroline began to explain, "But because the tongue is relatively soft, if you pull it forcibly, it will hurt the tongue. to the tongue."

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus and Long Longyan nodded hastily.

It turned out that it was not a magic trap of the enemy.

But then what? so what? How to get it down?

"If you wait for a while, you can remove the tongue until the ice cube is melted by the temperature on the tongue, but it may cause frostbite to the tongue in reverse. If you want to separate the tongue from the ice cube earlier, the easiest and safest way It is to pour warm water on the joint between the tongue and the ice cube to help speed up the melting of the ice cube."

warm water?

But where do they get warm water?

And now they are digging icebergs alone in the ice field, with no one else around.

"You can use flames to melt ice and make warm water, or I can call elves with hot water skills..." Before Caroline could finish speaking, Long Longyan thought of something.

Long Longyan patted the armored tyrannosaurus and said that he had a solution.

The heavy armored tyrannosaurus was also very moved, and at the critical moment, he still had to rely on his good brother.

Caroline didn't continue talking, she was also a little curious about Longlongyan's method.

Is there any other way?

Long Longyan began to operate, but he said that the armored Tyrannosaurus needs to lie down first.

lie down?

Although the heavy armored tyrannosaurus didn't understand it very well, he still believed in his good brother and lay down on the ground.

Long Longyan came to the front of the heavily armored tyrannosaurus, brewed for a while, and then sank down...


Go to Nima's, super corner strike!

After the heavily armored tyrannosaurus escaped the "Nectar from the Sky", it was a super horn attack when it went up. Let's see if I can hit you today!

Fortunately, Long Longyan hastily avoided the vital points of his body, so he didn't let the super horn blow hit critically.

Then Long Longyan turned around and ran away, and the Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus naturally chased after him.

The two giant beasts just chased and fled on the ice field, like a lost youth.

Caroline has black hair.

The Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus chased after Longlongyan, not paying attention when the ice on its tongue melted and fell off.

But soon Long Longyan paused, raised his hand, stopped the heavy armored tyrannosaurus, and then pointed to the ice, as if there was something wrong with the gap.

Longlongyan is shorter than the Tyrannosaurus rex, so it is easier to find problems on the ice.

The armored Tyrannosaurus was stunned for a moment, then looked down at the ice, and found that there was nothing on the ice except the footprints of Longlongyan...

"Wait a minute!" Caroline suddenly said, she found the problem.

"Heavy Armored Tyrannosaurus Rex, step on the ice and see if you can grab the ice on the ground."

The armored tyrannosaurus stepped on the ice, easily leaving a mark on the ice, and then the armored tyrannosaurus reached out and grabbed a handful of crushed ice... No, it should be said to be melted ice!

The ice sheets are melting!

Caroline contacted the elves in other areas, and soon got the same answer, which means...

"The extremely frosty ice field that has been frozen for an unknown number of years is melting?!"

At this time, the Extreme Frost Ice Field began to undergo special changes at some point.


The skeleton mage stood in the blizzard, resisting the increasingly strong blizzard.

"Why does the wind and snow in the outer area suddenly increase, and..."

You may not believe it, but an undead monarch lost his way in the snowstorm!

The skeleton mage is naturally not a road idiot!

It has been following the five undead monarchs all the time, but in order not to attract the attention of the five undead monarchs, the skeleton mage also opened a relatively long distance and hung behind.

And when the five undead monarchs entered the core area, the skeleton mage who followed behind also planned to enter the core area, but at that time, the wind and snow in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Frost Ice Field suddenly began to increase, turning into the former Wind and snow restricted area!

Even scarier!

Before the natural disaster of the undead happened, the outer area of ​​the Extreme Frost Ice Field needed to rely on strength to enter, except for special means. It was difficult to pass through under the non-legendary, but now, even the legendary is trapped in it!

Even if a blizzard suddenly blew up, with the strength of the Skeleton Mage, as long as he was sure to find it, he would be able to pass through the snowstorm soon. However, the Skeleton Mage walked forward for a long time and did not go out of the snowstorm area at all. Instead, the blizzard became bigger and bigger !

Wait, are you really moving forward?

The skeleton mage stopped and looked around.

Surrounded by a snowstorm, a vast expanse of whiteness, nothing special can be seen.

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