I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1369 Are you weak?

The undead emperor has come!

However, before the undead emperor could do anything, Baili Yuan rushed directly towards the undead emperor.

Bright form!

The power of the supreme level suddenly appeared, making the undead emperor who had just stepped out of the passage freeze in place.

Ola Ola Ola... (Seven pages omitted here)


World Peace.


Bailiyuan suddenly realized that he was really strong.

When the undead emperor, who was difficult to face before, was defeated by him in less than a minute, Bailiyuan suddenly felt dull.

Of course, this is all an illusion.

After this minute, Bailiyuan's strength this month will be like that.

At most, it can only crush the diamond level. Facing the normal seven-color level strongman, Bailiyuan is still powerless.

There is a lot of luck in this battle against the Dragon King, and of course there is also the reason why the Dragon King just broke through.

But if facing other seven-color-level powerhouses in the future, and loses the Baili edge of the hole card of the brilliant shape, he can only do his best, and if he can't, he will run away.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan still has a lot of cards in his hole.

There is no doubt that Bailiyuan's strongest hole card is arrows, but it does not mean that Bailiyuan can use arrows successfully at any time, and the number of remaining arrows is limited, not to mention that all arrows stabbed All the targets will die, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no Ouhuang directly shot into the soul, and the success rate of the arrow will continue to increase, and there will be a day when it will increase to 100%.

Relying on arrows is not a long-term solution.

Then there is the Gwent card. The Gwent card has a special ability and can be used as a hole card, but Bailiyuan has to admit that the Gwent card has an element of gambling. Conversely, if you encounter those intelligent beings, you may be killed. Fortunately, there are not many such intelligent people in this world, and Bailiyuan is not their enemy.

There are only these two items that can really be used as hole cards, and the rest are commonly used equipment. Although Bailiyuan's quality has been improved in all aspects, under normal circumstances, they do not have the ability to decide the outcome.

And even if it is a divine weapon, it does not mean that it is invincible. You must know that a colorful easter egg can produce a divine weapon, and it also includes non-combat artifacts such as the Eternal Soul Knife. Even if it is a combat-type artifact, you need to have enough Driven by the ability of Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan does not have the ability to normally drive artifacts. In addition to his own transformation tool staff, the Guardian Shield can also be used by Bailiyuan normally, but the strength will still vary with Bailiyuan's Will fluctuates.

But this time, Bailiyuan got another fragment of an artifact—the fragment of the crown of the dead.

In addition to the fragments brought back by Geng Gui, Bailiyuan assembled it and found that there was still one fragment missing. Four fragments were needed to synthesize the real artifact crown of the dead. In addition to increasing the practice speed of the undead, these three fragments also There is no other effect, and there is no three-piece trigger effect.

After victory, it is time to clean the battlefield and count the harvest.

Bailiyuan photographed some of the undead and took away the lairs of ancient undead dragons and ice-attributed ghosts. He also said that the lair of the terrifying banshee was also searched clean, and he got a lot of good things.

The corpse fragments of the Dragon King and the Undead King were also collected by Pikachu. Although there were not many, they could be used to strengthen the damaged "Pikachu Suit Type 1" that Bailiyuan was wearing now.

In terms of eggs, Bailiyuan also harvested a lot this time. The diamond eggs were put away first, and then two colorful eggs were harvested. There are currently two sacred eggs, and there are one sacred egg and one glory egg left in the deep pit. under.

Bailiyuan didn't go down for the time being, but put the crystal ball on the ice field. As expected by Bailiyuan, the crystal ball immediately lit up.

The five requirements this time are almost completed, and it seems that they have exceeded the standard by a lot.

With so many recipients, Bailiyuan also lost a lot, at least several clones of himself died.

"In short, my election for the dean should be almost stable." Baili Yuan judged.

After dealing with the surrounding situation almost, Bailiyuan entered the deep pit.

No matter what is below, Bailiyuan wants to go down and have a look.

The deep pit is deeper than Baili Yuan imagined, but it is not as cold as imagined. There are a lot of claw marks and traces of attacks on the surrounding ice walls, but there is little breath of undead, which means that this deep pit may not be If the undead dug it, then it could only be dug by the dragon clan.

And it wasn't until near the bottom that there was a lot of undead breath, which means that the lower part was dug by the undead, but the undead didn't dig too deep, the glory egg and the sacred egg are at the bottom of the deep pit .

Bailiyuan harvested two eggs, then looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the ice under his feet.

Through the pure ice, Baili Yuan vaguely saw something under the ice.

The dragons and the undead want to dig down, is it for the things below?

Bailiyuan touched the ice surface, then attacked the ice surface fiercely, but found that he couldn't shake the ice surface at all, and instead shook his hand painfully.

"So hard ice!"

Although Bailiyuan didn't use all his strength, the attack he caused wasn't weak anymore, but he didn't shake the ice, but Bailiyuan could tell from the traces on the ice that the undead should be able to destroy the ice, but... …

"It should be the undead monarch who came down to dig it himself, and it took a lot of strength to dig a hole. No wonder there are no undead below."

If ordinary undead were allowed to dig holes, the undead monarchs would definitely squeeze the labor of the undead. Therefore, it is impossible that there will be no undead under the deep pit. The reason why there is no undead can only be because it is useless.

And the dragons and undead monarchs before coming here can only grind away the ice little by little, and then get closer to the bottom thing little by little, otherwise if it is a normal ice layer, the dragons would have been able to dig through it after so many years .

Bailiyuan caressed the ice surface, spreading his mental power down, wanting to see what was underneath, but Bailiyuan found that his mental power could not penetrate the ice too deeply.


Push hard, go in deeper, push hard, almost pierce it...

Then Bailiyuan failed.

For the first time, Bailiyuan felt powerless, and even wondered if he had become a little weak because of the previous battle.

No, it's definitely not me who has the problem!

Then there can only be a problem with the ice layer.

What exactly is this place? What is buried below? Why is it so special?

And just when Baili Yuan was in doubt, the ring on Baili Yuan's finger lit up.

The God of Fate has something to say.

I started to pack up and go out, I am busy and messy, and the update is late...

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