I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1254 Goldlas!

Why are there so many beings who want to destroy the world?

This is a question worth pondering.

Because without these existences who want to destroy the world, Ultraman's plot would be at least half less.

Like this incident.

"Since you want to destroy the world, be prepared to be destroyed!" Baili Yuan stared at the materialized monster.


A colorful egg emerged on its body.

Only the monsters that destroyed the world had the power of seven colors.

This is the first time that Bailiyuan encountered a colorful enemy in Dijia's world.

As expected of a family member stronger than Little Silver.

After the monster appeared, Baili Yuan was basically sure that the monster was of the same family as Xiaoyin.

But in fact, Bailiyuan was a little surprised that this monster had the strength of seven colors.

Bailiyuan's first reaction was - this monster is only at the seven-color level!

That's right, "only"!

You know, if you want to mobilize the two powers of time and space, then form the space-time realm, and finally destroy this world, or even destroy the time of this world together, with such a powerful existence, Baili Yuan feels that at least It must also be a supreme level existence.

Originally, Bailiyuan was ready to die in battle.

But this monster only has the strength of the seven-color level, that is, the existence above the Great Heraldry.

But after thinking about it and analyzing it, Bailiyuan felt that it was normal for this monster to only have the strength of the seven-color level.

This monster can indeed mobilize the power of time and space, but it doesn't seem so arbitrary and powerful, it just violently and simply affects and distorts time and space.

And the reason why this monster can destroy the world is not caused by its own power, but by using its ability to mobilize the magnetic field of the world, gather time and space, and then let time and space explode by themselves, destroying the world, and this The polymerization time is up to at least forty-eight hours.

If this monster really has the strength of the supreme level, then the scope it can affect is not only Sakuragaoka, but it is even more terrifying, and even affects the entire world!

After all, Bailiyuan has seen the strength of a real supreme powerhouse!

It can only be said that this monster is the incentive.

And if this monster is solved, the incentive will disappear, the power of time and space will subside, and the crisis will be resolved at that time.


Disk it!

"Just trying out the newly acquired ability!"

This ability was developed by Bailiyuan from the glory egg he touched on Cremos Island last time.

Bailiyuan took out the transformation device.


The battle has begun!

The moment the monster materialized, the victory team and the ground troops began to fight, and a large amount of ammunition rained down on the monster.

Although TPC's firepower is very strong, it is still a bit powerless for this monster.

Moreover, monsters can form a defense by distorting the space to rebound attacks, but the ground troops' forts were quickly destroyed by the rebound attacks.

Even the Victory One was shot down by accidental damage.

At this time, two rays of light lit up.

Ultraman Tiga!

Hero Ultraman!

Dagu also transformed like Bailiyuan.

The current situation is urgent and cannot be delayed, so Daegu hastily transformed after the failure of the ground force.

Herau nodded to Tiga, and then looked at the monster.

And Dagu was a little excited, because last time he saw the human body of Ultraman Helau!

When they met again, the two were no longer strangers.

"Xiao Yuan, the monster's horns have energy fluctuations. It should be the same as Little Silver. It releases power through its horns. Its horns are also its source of power. Destroying its horns should destroy most of its power. It is," Caroline said.

"But be careful, because its horns and body are protected by special energy, your penetrating attack may not be very effective."

Bailiyuan's penetrating attack is physical, but the monster's energy defense can block Bailiyuan's penetrating attack, and even bounce back just like TPC's attack.

After hearing what Caroline said, Bailiyuan nodded.

"Also, the time-space realm has begun to recover, and we cannot allow monsters to re-enter the scope of the time-space realm! Otherwise, this time the monster will be prepared, and if we want to drive the monster out of the time-space realm, it will be difficult for the monster to materialize!" Carlo Lin continued.

At this time, the monster has turned around and wants to go back to the world of time and space.

Bailiyuan rushed up immediately and grabbed the monster.

Dagu also knew that he couldn't let the monster go back to the world of time and space. Dijia immediately became a powerful type, and then helped Bailiyuan pull the monster's tail.

The powerful forces of the two Ultramans united together. Although the monster has a colorful level, it cannot be ignored. Although the monster wanted to go back to the time and space world, it was finally pulled out by Tiga and Herra.

And through this wrestling, Caroline also collected more information about the monster.

"The monster has a stronger power than Little Silver, but it has not improved too much. However, this kind of power has already surpassed the power of the current Tiga powerful type, and it is only a little worse than Herau's power."

You know, through Dagu's practice, the power that Tiga can exert now is different from before, and Bailiyuan's development of the power of Ultraman Hero is stronger. After all, Ultraman Hero is an Ultraman who is good at strength Terman.

But no matter how powerful the monster is, it should be done!

Herau and Tiga rushed up in two directions.

Melee attack, close combat.

But after a lot of punching and kicking, nothing was achieved.

Because as Caroline said, monster defense is really troublesome.

Especially the energy defense shrouded in the monsters made it difficult for Herau and Dijia to attack.

In addition, although it is two-on-one, the horn on the monster's head can also use a special flash to directly attack multiple targets around it. It was unbearable.

Soon, the indicator light on Dijia's chest flickered. Although the indicator light on Helau's chest hadn't flickered yet, Bailiyuan knew that he had also consumed a lot of energy.

The two sides distanced themselves, Tiga stared at the horns on the monster's head, and made a decision.

The power gathered, and then Tiga shot a light bullet at the monster's feet.

However, in the face of Tiga's light bullet, the monster directly opened its defense and bounced Tiga's light bullet, and the bounced light bullet actually shot at Herau.

Haru hurriedly turned over to escape.

"As expected of a colorful monster, it's really difficult to deal with." Baili Yuan sighed in his heart.

"Xiaoyuan, through data comparison, I found that after the monster's horns use flash, its power will weaken within three seconds, and its defense will drop. At this moment, it can attack the monster's horns!" Caroline Said.

"I said that such an attack can't be used casually... But now that you know the weakness, it's much easier to handle..."

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