Chapter 1253 Retrograde! Guard your smile!

"Oh, where did you get these kitchen utensils?"

"As a cook, is it normal to carry kitchen utensils with you?"

"Oh, why are there still ingredients?"

"As a cook, it's normal to carry ingredients with you, right?"

"Oh oh oh, why is your food glowing?!"

"As a cook, it's normal to let food shine, right?"

"This is not normal at all!!!"

The man growled at Bailiyuan.

"Are you sure you're really a cook?"

"Don't shout, your spittle will spray into the pot later." Bai Liyuan pushed the man's face away with his hands.

"Okay, it's out of the pan, simple fried rice."

Baili Yuan put the fried rice on two plates, just enough to fill the two plates.

"Okay, let's eat."

Bailiyuan picked up the plate.

The reason why I choose fried rice is because the fried rice is cooked quickly.

And the man looked at the fluorescent fried rice in front of him, which looked like a work of art, and he couldn't eat it.

For beautiful things, some people like to destroy them, while others will take the initiative to care for them.

Is this really for eating?

Questions arose in the man's mind.

But the tangy aroma and the appetite aroused by the aroma made him realize that this plate of fried rice was really for eating.

The man picked up the spoon, scooped up a spoonful of fried rice, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it.

The fried rice is golden yellow, which is the color of egg yolk. Every grain of rice is crystal clear, but the grains are distinct and there is no stickiness!

You know, the man saw it with his own eyes. The rice for fried rice is new rice!

But to be honest, the sight of Bailiyuan taking out a rice cooker with stewed rice in it almost made the man's jaw drop.

And this rice is stewed during the picnic.

"Why can this effect be achieved with new rice, fried rice shouldn't be leftover..." the man murmured.

Although the man practiced kendo, he still had some understanding of cooking, and he was self-taught.

Because men are always punished by the father of the family "not allowed to eat", sometimes when a man can't stand it, he will cook secretly, and the only thing he can use is leftovers.

But there are always leftovers at home, and if the leftovers are gone, his family will naturally find him stealing them, but his family has never said this, but they seem to be ignorant, which makes the man understand, Although his father punished him, he still cared about him, but he wouldn't say it out loud.

A man knows what his father expects of him, which is why he will work hard to practice kendo, and it is also what he hesitates when he wants to give up.

He didn't want to live up to his father's expectations.

"Actually, fried rice made with new rice is the most delicious. As for those who insist on making fried rice with cold rice and leftover rice, it can only be said to be prejudice. The reason why they use cold rice and leftover rice is because of the chef's skill. Not enough, you can’t cook qualified rice, and naturally you can’t use new rice to make fried rice, but if you use certain skills when cooking rice, you don’t have to worry, so that you can make the most authentic fried rice.” Baili Yuan explained.

The man nodded half-understanding, then looked at the rice in front of him, swallowed, and put the fried rice into his mouth.

"Well, this feeling..."

The man couldn't continue talking, because he started to put the fried rice into his mouth frantically, as if he wanted to eat the spoon and the plate together, and when all the fried rice was eaten by the man, the man licked the plate too clean.


The man is crying.

crying like a child.

"What's wrong?" Baili Yuan was taken aback, and stated in advance that the man's crying had nothing to do with him!

"It turns out that food can satisfy me like this, so it can still be like this..."


When the man had cried enough, he wiped his eyes, and then made a very standard taxi exit to Bailiyuan.

"Thanks for the food, I know what to do now!"

Baili Yuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and put away the tableware.

"Although there are many unsatisfactory places in this world, we must not forget to eat."

After finishing speaking, Baili Yuan stood up, looked at the sky, and his eyes became serious.

"Okay, you should exit here now, this place is going to become dangerous."

As soon as Bailiyuan finished speaking, thunder fell from the sky again, and a huge figure appeared, and then changed from illusion to reality.

A figure very similar to Little Silver appeared, but with golden scales on his body.


"What is that!?" The man was shocked and sat on the ground in fright. Fortunately, Bailiyuan had already taken the man to a place far away from the center of Sakura Hill because of eating, and the monster did not step on them directly when it appeared.

"That's a monster, the culprit that caused all of this." Baili Yuan said, his expression became serious, "It's what caused this crisis that will destroy the world!"

"Impossible, it turned out to be such an enemy, so what should I do..." The man trembled a little. He wanted to help "without shame" before, but facing such an enemy, he just went up to die!

At this time, Baili Yuan walked in the direction of the monster.

"You stay away from here first, the rest is my job." Baili Yuan said.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do?" the man asked hastily.

"Of course it's to solve the crisis." Baili Yuan stopped and said sideways.

"No, it's impossible, such an enemy is impossible to defeat!" The man shouted, obviously the appearance of the monster caused a lot of stimulation to the man.

Bailiyuan smiled.

"So what? There are always times in this world where someone needs to go retrograde. If something wants to destroy this peace and tranquility, then I will go and destroy him, and pull people who are shrouded in such fear out of the quagmire." I still want to see the happy smiles from the heart of other people eating my food."

Baili Yuan walked towards the monster without looking back.

The man stared at Baili Yuan with trembling lips, knowing that Baili Yuan had disappeared.

He could feel that Bailiyuan was not joking, and had a firm belief.

"Who the hell is he!"

The man looked down at his trembling hands from fright, and then clenched his fists.

His eyes gradually became firmer.


When Goldlas showed up, the Victory responded.

In order to be able to fight Goldras, it is necessary to destroy the space-time boundary, which is a special barrier formed due to the magnetic field and space-time disorder.

Because if the space-time realm is not destroyed, then Goldlas will use the power of the space-time realm to hide in the space-time realm, unable to attack it at all.

"Magnus 1, Clafus 2, the anti-time and space energy is ready to launch!" Ye Rui said in the temporary command room.

"Attack!" Zong Fang gave the order.

The anti-time-space energy was launched, and under its irradiation, Goldlas finally materialized!

Today, the author's home has also started to close the city, and we have also found patients here. This epidemic is very serious. Everyone must take care of themselves and stay at home as much as possible. During this period of time, the author has also read a lot of news and news about the epidemic. To be honest, I really admire the medical staff who went to the front line and the people who are struggling on the front line. When writing this chapter, I was also thinking In this matter, in the face of disasters, someone must go retrograde and work hard to make others smile again! I hope everyone who goes retrograde can return safely! Hope all those who suffered disaster can smile again! Come on, Wuhan! Go China!

The second chapter is a little later, I have a headache today.

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