Chapter 1228 Zilda Gas

Preventing problems before they happen is Bailiyuan's idea, and TPC also has this idea.

For example, on the issue of dealing with strange birds and monsters.

When there is a threat to security, then there is only limited consideration for survival.

The reason for this situation is that TPC estimated the route of the strange bird and monster, and then found a problem.

In the direction of the strange bird and monster, there is a secret base called Zilda Center, and this secret base is not simple, because there is an explosive gas called Zilda gas stored in it.

Zilda Center is a secret institution of the old defense force. After the old defense force was banned by TPC, this secret base was also taken over by TPC.

The Zilda Center was created to store the Zilda gas. The Zilda gas is extremely flammable. Once it comes into contact with air, it will explode. The explosion can release huge energy, and the gas reserves of the Zilda Center Enough to wipe out one-tenth of Japan's territory.

Such power has far exceeded the existing nuclear weapons.

Whether it is true or not, there is no denying that Zilda gas is a gas of terrifying power.

Therefore, both the Zilda Gas and the Zilda Center have become secrets. Even the captain of the Victory Team, Jujianhui, knows nothing about it. Only Sawai, who is the director, knows about it.

Therefore, Sawai stopped the original plan, but chose to attack from the front, making the strange bird and monster change direction.

Because he dare not bet that the strange birds and monsters will not destroy the center of Zilda. If the center of Zilda is really destroyed and the gas of Zilda explodes, then no one wants to see the consequences.

Even if the real consequences are smaller than the estimated consequences, under the disaster, it doesn't matter how big or small it is.

As long as disasters happen, there can never be such feelings as rejoicing.

To prevent disasters from appearing, stop them before they appear!

So this time we must fight head-on and protect the Zilda Center. This is the responsibility of the winning team!

And it was too late to explain, Director Sawai could only directly issue an emergency order, and for the rest, he could only hope that the winning team would succeed.

At this time, facing the strange birds and monsters flying head-on, and the emergency order of Director Sawai, Zong Fang, who was at the scene as the conductor, also made a choice.

Although he doesn't know the reason, but as an action team, he must carry out the order!

"The No. 1 machine dodges, and the No. 2 machine aims at the monster to attack, Dagu, please!" Zong Fang said.

Dagu, who was driving the No. 2 machine, nodded, his face became serious.

Finally, the strange birds and monsters flew towards them.


Dagu aimed quickly, and then fired. The No. 2 machine successfully hit the eye of the strange bird and monster.

But the strange bird monster and the Victory Feiyan No. 2 are going towards each other, and the speed cannot be judged by the speed of one party alone.

The maximum speed of Feiyan-2 is Mach 4, which is converted to 4900.32 kilometers per hour, and the sum of the speed of the strange bird and monster reached 6400.32 kilometers per hour.

Even if the No. 2 machine has not reached the highest speed, but the two are moving towards each other, the comparative speed can still reach more than 6,000 kilometers per hour.

And with Dagu's driving skills...

Then the plane crashed.

Fortunately, Dagu didn't rush over straight away. He turned around before installing the machine. Although the impact was serious, it didn't directly destroy the machine, but it still became a serious accident. Zong Fang directly because of the impact Lost consciousness.

Dagu was also seriously injured, but he was not in a coma, and just when Dagu was about to transform into a rescue, he suddenly turned around and saw Horii, who was still a little unresponsive, and he was also injured. some injuries.

Most importantly, Horii didn't faint.

Why didn't he faint? !

Is it good for fat shock absorption?

Dagu silently put away the transformation device, and then...


Fortunately, the ejection device was not damaged, the cockpit ejected successfully, and broke away from the severely damaged body. Then the parachute opened, and the three of Dagu fell from the sky unsteadily.

In the cabin, Zongfang was unconscious and Dagu was seriously injured, so he could only rely on Horii alone.

Horii also checked Zongfang's condition. Although he was not very optimistic, he was not directly fatal, but he still needed timely treatment, otherwise his life might be endangered. As for Dagu's physical condition, he was also not optimistic.

Everyone was sweating when the No. 2 plane collided, but fortunately, the cockpit was ejected successfully, but the situation of Zong Fang still could not let others relax.

Fortunately, although the No. 2 machine had an accident, the strange bird monster also had to change its direction because of its first creation.

Although the battle was won, everyone was unhappy.

Ju Jianhui contacted the ambulance team as soon as possible.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner amidst the panic.

Bailiyuan also changed course, he went to chase the strange bird and monster.

"What's going on?" Bailiyuan asked.

Director Sawai's sudden order made Bailiyuan feel that something was wrong, because Director Sawai was not the kind of person who would joke about the lives of team members, unless there was a reason to do so.

And the reason for everything should be in Director Sawai's order to force the victory team to force the strange bird and monster to change direction, that is to say, there is something in the direction ahead!

Caroline is also monitoring the situation in the TPC base.

"Now Jujianhui is questioning Director Sawai about the reason for this matter." Caroline said.

Because of Director Sawai's sudden order, the members of the Victory Team were seriously injured, which made Hui even ignore the identity of Director Sawai.

Because the relationship between everyone in the winning team, with the continuous fighting, is no longer a simple team member relationship, but a family member. It is impossible for Ju Jianhui to watch her relatives get injured and remain indifferent.

If Director Sawai can't come up with a reasonable reason, Megumi may directly resign as the captain of the winning team.

Fortunately, this time it really happened for a reason, and in order to explain to the Victory Team, Director Sawai also informed Junhui and the Victory Team of the confidential documents about Zilda Gas.

Ju Jianhui naturally understood the importance of the matter, and temporarily suppressed the feelings in her heart.

Bailiyuan also learned about this through Caroline on the road. At the same time, he also followed the strange bird and monster to a volcano, and the strange bird and monster were hiding in the volcano.

"Is it just down here?"

Bailiyuan didn't hesitate, and jumped in directly.

Be prepared in advance, the volcano did not have any impact on Bailiyuan.

The strange bird monster was injured, and it hid in the volcano to absorb the energy of the volcano to restore its physical strength.

At this time, the monster, which was recovering its strength, also fell into a deep sleep.

"The monster's body has a high temperature, but it's not stable. It has the characteristics of a bird. The preliminary judgment is that the bird mutated into a monster due to special reasons." Caroline made a judgment.

Baili Yuan came to the monster.

"Are you asleep? It's a good opportunity."

Bailiyuan released his heart power, and it was even more difficult for the target in his sleep to hide his inner feelings.

Baili Yuan wanted to see what was going on with this strange bird and monster.

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