Chapter 1227 Do you want... powerful power?

The World Cooking Competition is about to begin.

Bailiyuan also followed the competition with interest, and was also invited by Mr. Miyamoto to join a group of chefs.

In the group, Bailiyuan also learned a lot of news, such as the identities of the contestants who had received recommendation letters, and various anecdotes.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, there was an incident related to him, and it was a highly topical topic.

And this matter is naturally the matter of the previous exchange meeting in Yanye Town.

Ayako Shiranui got a letter of recommendation because of Baili Yuan's relationship. Some people at the scene saw this and spread the matter.

The consequence was that Ayako Shiranui was murdered.

Mr. Mano has a high status, no one dares to be hacked, Bailiyuan is just a chef with little reputation, and has not received a letter of recommendation, has no conflict of interest with others, and is not worthy of being hacked, so the only one who gets hacked in the end is I don't know Fire Ayako anymore.

After all, Ayako Shiranui was able to get the letter of recommendation not because of strength, but because of luck and Bailiyuan.

Other chefs think they're fine on them too.

Naturally, many chefs were unconvinced, and Ayako Shiranui got a letter of recommendation.

Some people bluntly asked Bailiyuan to challenge Ayako Shiranui to "take back" his letter of recommendation.

Baili Yuan smiled at these voices.

Because it doesn't make sense.

And the blackmail of Ayako Shiranui didn't last too long, because the photos of Ayako Shiranui leaked out.

Although many people despise Huo Ayako's luck and tricks,'s really too big.

They are degraded, they are greedy for Ayako Fire's body.

But not everyone is flooded with hormones.


"Damn it, why did that woman win the final victory? She doesn't deserve it!"

In the bar, a man angrily knocked on the table.

This made other people subconsciously stay away from his surroundings.

People who drink are not terrible, what is terrible is that there is no wine.

The man is a chef. He has held a kitchen knife since he was three years old. He has learned knife skills for three years, then three years of firework, and then three years of cooking spoons...

Three years later and three years later, he was almost thirty, and he finally became a well-known chef and owned his own restaurant.

And his ultimate goal is to participate in the World Cooking Competition and win the championship. He thinks he has the strength.

However, seeing that the competition has already started, he has not received a letter of introduction, which means that this year's World Culinary Competition may not have his share.

Immediately, he was so angry that he sent his two kitchen assistants to the African branch.

He has been going smoothly for a long time, and he can't bear such grievances. Although this kind of thing is not regarded as grievances in the eyes of others, it can only be said that it is bad luck.

Coincidentally, he was also a participant in the exchange meeting in Yanye Town.

Then Ayako Shiranui picked the peaches.

Moreover, he also had some feuds with Ayako Shiranui.

Now as the World Culinary Competition is approaching, he becomes more and more irritable when he sees people who have a relationship with him flourishing and about to be honored. The more I think about it.

The most important thing is to hate Shiranui Ayako, um, and the one called Bailiyuan.

What kind of soba noodles do you have nothing to do?

Whoever makes soba be damned!

At this time, a woman suddenly came to the man's side, which made the man more energetic.

Is it for fun?

In the bar, there are many men and women looking for fun, all kinds of fun~

Men think that mature men like themselves are very attractive to many women.

However, to his surprise, the woman didn't directly approach and choose the hotel, but took out a note from her pocket and handed it to the man.

"Do you want to solve your own distress? Do you want... powerful power?"

"If you want to, go to this website, there are means to solve all your troubles."

The man wanted to throw the note away, but for some reason, he held the note by mistake.

And when the man came back to his senses, the woman had disappeared, but the note in the man's hand represented that everything just happened was real.

The man looked around hastily.

The people in the surrounding bar were still noisy, only he was holding a note and looking around blankly, like... a chosen person!


"A monster appeared!" Caroline said, "The winning team has already dispatched."

Bailiyuan, who happened to have time, also sneaked out of the TPC base.

"What's the situation with the monster this time?" Baili Yuan asked.

"A bird-monster that flew out of a volcano."

"A bird that flew out of a volcano?"

"That's right, it appeared from Mt. Rausu in Hokkaido. It is characterized by orange-yellow cheeks. It is flying in the air at a speed of 1,500 kilometers per hour. As far as the specific destination is concerned, the victory team is already going to contact it."

"Does the Victory Team have any battle plan?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Because we have been discussing the topic of living together with strange creatures, such as monsters, the initial plan of the victory team is to use flash bombs to force the monsters to stop, and then communicate. It is best to live together. If there is hostility, then attack. At the same time prevent monsters from entering the city," Caroline said.

Baili Yuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

The transformation of TPC and Victory Team can be regarded as the growth of human beings.

The so-called growth is not "wanting", but "doing".

Although some people have said that "people who are not of our own race must have different hearts", but even if they are of the same race, there are situations of killing each other, and even if they are of different races, as long as they can understand each other, they can also achieve common progress.

After all, the earth is not just for human beings. To protect the earth requires the joint efforts of other beings on the earth.

Although this kind of thinking is a little naive, it can be accepted by more lives, and it can avoid killing to the greatest extent.

Of course, this does not represent the Virgin Mary.

This kind of thinking only treats the situation between beings that can understand each other and live together. For those beings that are hostile, there is only one choice, and that is-fuck you!

And when faced with some situations that have to be faced, then the survival of oneself and one's own race must be the premise.

Is this the path of peace?

No, it can only be described as relatively peaceful.

Truth is born from contradiction, and relative peace is also a kind of peace.

There is evil, there is good, this is human beings.

Bailiyuan felt that his state of mind had grown more and more, and he seemed to be getting closer to the promotion of the Great Emblem Envoy.

"If this continues, what kind of core will I gather? Will I become a loving warrior like Gauss by then?" Baili Yuan thought.

But accidents always happen at unexpected times.

"Xiao Yuan, something has happened. Director Sawai has ordered a frontal live ammunition attack!"


The live ammunition attack is still frontal, but the meaning of the matter has changed.

Sorry, I have something to do today, but there is still a second update, but you have to wait a while, sleepy veterans can go to bed first, and watch it tomorrow when you get up

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