Chapter 124 Don't forget to eat at any time (7000 votes plus updates)

In addition to special attributes, there is another kind of energy cube dedicated to elves, which is more detailed, and the price is higher.

Bailiyuan took a look around and saw that there were quite a lot of elf-specific energy cubes, but they were all common elves, but they included the energy cubes of the three stages of Kanyu Sanjia.

In addition to these, there is a more special energy cube, which is an energy cube that increases a certain ability of elves, such as increasing strength, increasing the softness of fur, etc., and the price is similar to that of elves.

This special class of Power Cubes is very popular with Pokémon Coordinators participating in the Splendid Contest.

It was also at this time that Bailiyuan learned that a gorgeous contest venue had been established outside Nibi City, and that the gorgeous contest in the Kanto area was about to be held. Recently, a large number of Pokémon coordinators came to Nibi City. Today The gorgeously dressed people he saw in the morning were the Pokémon coordinators who came for this gorgeous contest.

The above is the situation of the energy cubes placed in the mall, but what is certain is that no matter what kind of energy cubes, the energy cubes that can be placed in the mall are the common energy cubes, the effect is average, but it is Most people can afford it.

In addition to energy cubes, the mall also sells machines for making energy cubes.

But only the kind of large, small machine that can be carried around is not sold in the mall.

However, this large machine is very expensive, which has exceeded Baili Yuan's budget.

After some calculations, Bailiyuan selected the energy cube.

I bought two copies of the non-attribute general-purpose energy cube. As the most basic energy cube, it is very necessary to take it back for research.

Then, there are ten types of non-energy cubes in the mall, each of which comes with a copy, and they are also brought back for research and use.

Then add energy cubes of various attributes, one for each, take it back for research and use,

Finally, there are energy cubes for the elves to eat for two days. If there are special types, they will buy two days' worth, and then buy an extra one for research.

If there is no special type, I will buy energy cubes with the same attributes, and buy two days' worth.

If you don't have any, you will buy general-purpose energy cubes, and you will also buy two days' worth.

Bailiyuan also bought some of those high-level energy cubes.

After some purchases, more than 80,000 of the budget of 100,000 was spent directly.

After all, there are a lot of elves in Bailiyuan, and one cannot favor one over another, so each elf needs to buy some.

As for the canned food and snacks, Bailiyuan didn't touch them, as he didn't have the financial strength yet.

After purchasing the energy cube, it is the tree fruit.

The division of berries is not simple, but the general division is human edible berries, Pokémon edible berries, and non-edible berries.

Each tree fruit has a clear division according to taste and value, and there are a variety of them.

At the same time, the tree fruit area also provides a free shopping guide.

The price of tree fruit is much cheaper, and it supports retail.

Bailiyuan bought three of each kind of fruit, two for research and use, and the remaining one to see if it can be planted.

Although the fruit is cheap, the quantity is quite a lot, and the odds and ends cost more than 10,000 points.

A total of more than 90,000 yuan was spent on purchasing energy cubes and tree fruits, which almost exceeded expectations.

After buying these things, although there were still many good things in the mall, Bailiyuan stopped in time.

Check out and leave!

The guard at the door showed a shocked expression when he saw Baili Yuan walking out of the mall carrying a package several times his size.

This child... is incredible.

Bailiyuan turned to a remote area with no people and packed everything into the space in the coat of arms, then turned around and walked out of Nibi City, preparing to set up camp in the nearby forest.

Although the forest is not safe, at least it is more comfortable to live in than the barren hills.

And it is completely possible to pitch a tent to sleep near the main road in the fringe area.

At this moment, as if feeling something, Bailiyuan looked up at the sky.

It was night now, and the sky was pitch black, but Bailiyuan's vision didn't affect anything, after all, Ultraman was able to move forward in the dark universe without getting lost.

After Bailiyuan concentrated a small amount of power on his eyes, he could see more clearly.

I saw in the sky, under the light of night, a huge pyramid floating in the sky, flying quietly to the distance, leaving gently, waving his sleeves, without taking away a cloud...

Wait, pyramids! ?

Bailiyuan turned around and ran, aiming at the barren mountain last night.

What grove are you going to? The pyramids are all in the sky, why don't you hurry to see what's going on?

Bailiyuan's two short legs run at a limited speed, but fortunately he has elves.

Baili Yuan called out the flame chicken, jumped onto his back, and patted his shoulder.

"Flame chicken, run!"

Flame Chicken: "..."

Half an hour later, when Bailiyuan arrived at the top of the mountain, the pyramid on the top of the mountain was gone, along with the dense dots of light representing Easter eggs.

Bailiyuan led the elves to search the vicinity for more than ten minutes, but found nothing. There was no such thing as picking up leaks.


Bailiyuan chose a good location, called out all the elves and started eating under the moonlight.

Always remember to eat.

The food tonight is different, it is energy cubes.

The elves who got the exclusive energy cubes reported good emotions, and the elves who got the attribute energy cubes said that although the food tastes good, the energy is not very sufficient.

As for those elves who ate ordinary energy cubes, they said that the energy cubes were not delicious, not as good as the previous food, and then Bailiyuan brought out the food that elves usually eat.

All kinds of energy cubes, Bailiyuan, let the elves try some.

Based on the feedback from the elves, Bailiyuan roughly evaluated the comparison between the energy cube and the food prepared by the breeding team.

High-level energy cubes are more popular with elves than the food prepared by the breeding team for elves. The mid-level energy cubes are not as good. They are about the same level as the food prepared by the breeding team, but the energy cubes have better taste and The taste made the elves like it more. As for the primary energy cube and the general type of energy cube, the elves didn't buy it.

It's hard to say which one is better between the energy cube and the food prepared by the breeding team. It needs to be tested in more detail after returning to the academy.

After eating the food, Bailiyuan led the elves away from the top of the mountain, returned to the woods outside Nibi City, set up camp, and began to rest.

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