I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 123 Big purchase (6000 votes plus updates)

"Bah." Bailiyuan hid in an alley and spit on his fingers, then started counting the money.

After half a day, Bailiyuan put away the last wad of money and smiled excitedly.

"Get rich!"

There was a full two hundred thousand yuan in the box!

One thousand yuan can provide food and clothing for the trainer and his six elves for a day, so the whole two hundred thousand...

Baili Yuan snapped his fingers, it's about twenty days, bah, I can't even count the number of excitement, it's two hundred days!

What do you do when you have money?

Of course it is to buy!

Before going shopping, Bailiyuan made a shopping list.

Reasonable consumption, get rich, impulsive consumption, one-armed success!

What is most needed in front of the eyes is food, which is the unique Pokémon food in this world.

Bailiyuan prepared various finished foods to buy some, and bought some raw tree fruits along the way. On the one hand, they were used for eating, and on the other hand, they could see if they could be planted after returning to the world of the coat of arms.

If you can buy seeds or saplings, it would be even better if you have a breeding manual.

For this, Bailiyuan set aside half of the funds.

Then there is another much-needed thing, which is - knowledge! All kinds of knowledge about Pokémon!

And Bailiyuan's purchase target is books!

If you have spare money after buying the book, you can also buy some other interesting things.

It was night now, and there were two days left, enough for Bailiyuan to make purchases.

However, before the mall selling Pokémon food closed, Bailiyuan was going to buy some food tonight.

You need an ID to stay in a store, and you need an ID to go to the Pokémon Center. It is impossible to ask for an ID when shopping!

"Please show your ID!" A big man at the entrance of the shopping mall said to Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan: "..."

"Boss, don't interfere with my work here!" The guard at the door looked at his boss a little dumbfounded.

"Hahaha, just kidding." The big man touched his head, showing a hearty smile, then turned around and patted Baili Yuan's head, "Little friend, do you want to go see the goldfish with uncle?"

Bailiyuan shook his head hastily.

"What a pity, this month's Goldfish King is quite beautiful, but I wish you a happy shopping." The big man shook his head regretfully and left.

Bailiyuan looked at the big man leaving, and twitched the corners of his mouth. Is this really the owner of the mall and not some "pervert" who just escaped from prison?

"That is our boss, not a bad person. Since his son and daughter set foot on the trainer's trip two years ago, he has rarely come back. The boss also misses them very much. I don't know when it started. This feeling of nostalgia It turned into love for children, and the children in Nibi City also like our boss very much." The security guard said to Bailiyuan with a smile.

Bailiyuan blinked and nodded.

"This is for you." The security guard handed Bailiyuan a lollipop.

Bailiyuan looked at the security guard suspiciously.

"The boss stipulates that every child who comes to the mall can get a fruit-flavored lollipop for free." The security guard pointed to a box beside him, and Bailiyuan looked inside, and sure enough, there was still half a box of lollipops inside. .

"Although there are quite a few kids who will come to scan their faces and ask for free lollipops, but the boss doesn't care, hahaha..." the security guard laughed.

"Thank you." Bailiyuan took the lollipop and walked into the mall.

The lollipop is milky white, a little yellowish, I don't know what flavor it is.

Bailiyuan put the lollipop in his pocket, and then went straight to the food section of the mall.

The food area is divided into three areas.

Human food area, tree fruit area, Pokémon food area.

Bailiyuan first went to the Pokémon food area.

After a simple observation, Bailiyuan statistics Pokmon food is divided into three types, common canned food, high-end energy cubes, and Pokmon snacks that only the rich can afford.

When Bailiyuan and Xiaozhi walked together, the elves of Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia ate canned food directly, but according to reports, if there is a Pokmon breeder or a trainer who can cook, they can completely eat canned food It is a pity that neither Xiaozhi nor Xiaoxia can cook, so they can only let the elves eat canned food directly. If the canned food is eaten directly, the taste is not satisfactory, not very delicious.

However, because of the simplicity and convenience of canned food, its low price and the ability to be reprocessed, canned food is relatively poor and has a wider audience.

Energy cubes are food processed from tree fruit, which can allow elves to better absorb nutrients, and is conducive to the development of elves and the growth of strength.

According to the different tastes, different raw materials, and different grades of energy cubes, the price fluctuates greatly, but the overall price is still more expensive than canned food, which belongs to high-end food.

The last Pokémon snacks are very expensive, but it is said to have the effect of increasing the intimacy of Pokémon.

In addition to these three divisions, Bailiyuan also found that the mall divides Pokémon food into two types, one is general-purpose and the other is special-purpose.

The universal type is the kind of food that any Pokémon can eat, and the price is relatively cheap.

The special type is the Pokémon food prepared according to different attributes and types of Pokémon, and there is also a special type of food for a certain ethnic group.

Long-term consumption of these special Pokémon food is of great benefit to the development and growth of Pokémon, and the price is relatively expensive.

In addition to the division of these types, there are reminders in the food area, indicating that in addition to these foods in the food area, the elves also need to regularly eat special foods suitable for themselves.

The food area also provides an elf nutrition manual for free to help trainers reasonably plan the diet of elves.

Bailiyuan looked through the nutrition manual. There are some common elves in the nutrition manual, and the food in the nutrition manual is planned with the food sold in the mall as the core. If you want to cultivate according to the method in the nutrition manual, you must This mall buys food.

Nutrition booklets are more of a marketing strategy.

However, it includes the cultivation methods of very common spirits such as Miaowahua, Big Needle Bee, Longlong Stone, Bibi Bird, Pikachu, and Mosquito Frog, which can be used as a reference for Bailiyuan's future cultivation of spirits.

Bailiyuan did not place the main purchase goal on canned food, but directly chose energy cubes.

Energy cubes are the representative existence of elf cultivation in this world.

Energy cubes are divided into low-level, medium-level, high-level and top-level.

However, there are only a few high-level energy cubes in this mall, and there are no top-level energy cubes.

The non-attribute general-purpose energy cubes are the cheapest, 500 yuan a piece, enough to feed an elf for a day.

Secondly, there are general-purpose energy cubes of various attributes, but the eighteen kinds of attribute energy cubes are not complete, lacking eight types of goblin, evil, steel, dragon, ghost, superpower, fighting, and ice.

Seven of the attributes are elf attributes that are not commonly seen in Nibi City, and the fairy type has not been discovered and announced at this time.

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