I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 101 I am an Emotionless Killer

There was a bronze egg on the body of a suspected shining unicorn, Baili Yuan fell into deep thought and rubbed his face.

The easter egg system has its own set of operating rules, and the system intelligence has no ability to interfere with the operation of the system. Even if Bailiyuan messes up the system intelligence, the probability of system errors is not high.

Therefore, this matter must not be simple!

Bailiyuan took out the illustration book and began to look through the information about the unicorn.

Compared with other types of Pokémon, one of the characteristics of insect Pokémon is that most insect-type Pokémon grow very fast.

The more common the insect-type Pokémon, the faster the evolution rate.

As a large number of bug-type Pokémon, the unicorn is more obvious in this growth rate.

The unicorn belongs to the caterpillar Pokmon. It can have the ability to move freely within three days after birth. It only needs a month of simple accumulation to undergo the first evolution, and then evolve into an iron-shelled insect.

Iron-shelled insects belong to pupa Pokmon, which is the transition period of the unicorn beetle evolution system, and the evolutionary stay is shorter. It often happens that the unicorns evolve into iron-shelled insects in the morning, and then evolve from iron-shelled insects into large needles in the evening. The case of bees.

Because of the fast evolution of insect-type Pokmon and the low difficulty of raising them, insect-type Pokémon are very worthy of training by newcomer trainers to accumulate experience.

However, compared to the unicorn beetle that evolves into a vicious beetle wasp, the green caterpillar that evolves into a better-tempered Butterfly is more recommended.

In addition to these, the illustrated book also reminded that because of the fast evolution, the evolution level of the unicorn is very low.

Generally speaking, a unicorn beetle will evolve into an iron shell beetle at level seven, and a beetle at level ten.

Because the unicorn beetles may not be of high level even after they evolve into giant needle bees, so the big needle bees often huddle together to keep warm and come and go in groups.

The large needle bee colony in the wild is extremely dangerous, and the illustration book reminds you to avoid it as much as possible.

After reading the records in the illustrated book, Bailiyuan put the illustrated book away.

Then Bailiyuan looked at the unicorn that might not have reached level seven, and the bronze egg on her body, and suddenly wondered if this was a mysterious Pokémon wearing a unicorn coat.

You know, even the big needle beetles who besieged Bailiyuan before have not refreshed even a single black iron egg, but this unicorn, which is the initial form of the big needle beetle, has a bronze egg on it. Easter eggs!

Bailiyuan could feel that although this unicorn had a unique temperament, its strength was not very strong.

Although the existence of the bronze egg on his body is not enough to pose a threat to Bailiyuan, but because of the uniqueness of this unicorn, it is very likely to be a flash elf, so Bailiyuan decided to chat with this unicorn .

Bailiyuan came under the tree, spit on his hands twice, rubbed his hands together, and climbed up the tree.

Baili Yuan came behind the unicorn, but the unicorn didn't seem to care about him, still looking at the sky quietly.

Bailiyuan broke off a branch, and carefully licked the unicorn's ass.

"Hey." Bailiyuan said.

The unicorn used its tail needle to push away the branch in Bailiyuan's hand, and then looked back at Bailiyuan with a blank expression and no fluctuation in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" the unicorn asked, and the easter egg system started an instant translation.

"It's nothing, I just want to chat with you." Baili Yuan said.

Fluctuations finally appeared in the eyes of the unicorn, "Can you understand what I said?"

Baili Yuan scratched his cheek, "Almost."

Hearing Baili Yuan's answer, the unicorn only had a little emotional fluctuation, and then regained its calm again.

"You go, I won't chat with you." The unicorn said.


"Because I am a killer without emotion!"

Bailiyuan:? ? ?

Could it be that Pokmon also has a secondary school?

"I'll just ask you a question." Baili Yuan said.

The unicorn stared at Bailiyuan for a while, maybe because Bailiyuan gave her a good feeling, the unicorn finally nodded.

"Can you whistle?" Baili Yuan asked out of question.

The unicorn's expression didn't fluctuate, and she even wanted to make a move, so she moved.

Bailiyuan also chose to dodge the first time the unicorn made a move.

The unicorn's attack was not the silk spinning and poisonous needles that most unicorns are good at, but it directly stabbed in the direction of Bailiyuan with the spikes on its tail.

And because Bailiyuan dodged, the unicorn's tail thorn directly pierced into the tree trunk.


The unicorn's tail thorn easily pierced into the tree trunk.

Bailiyuan was a little surprised, is the unicorn's tail spine so fierce?

The unicorn only has thorns on its head and tail, but only the sharp horns on the unicorn's head have good power. It is impossible to use the tail thorns to easily penetrate the tree trunk, no, it should be said to be Most of the unicorns couldn't do it, because in front of Bailiyuan was a unicorn that easily pierced into the tree trunk with its tail thorns alone!

This is probably the big brother among the unicorns.

Immediately afterwards, something that surprised Baili Yuan even more happened.

At the part where the unicorn's tail stabs into the tree trunk, there was a "squeaky" sound, followed by a foul smell.

Bailiyuan discovered that the poison on the unicorn's tail thorn was actually corroding the tree trunk!

Although the unicorn is an elf with dual attributes of insect and poison, it is too poisonous. Even the bee venom of the big needle bee seems to be unable to achieve this level!

Moreover, even the Frog Flower, which also has the poison system, cannot release this kind of poison that can corrode the trunk.

Bailiyuan frowned.

Could it be that the unique ability of this unicorn is in terms of toxicity?

But no matter what, it's better to control this unicorn, because the unicorn in front of him has retracted its tail spine and is ready to attack again.

So Bailiyuan took out the egg-smashing hammer, quickly approached the unicorn, and hit her on the head.

However, the unicorn did not faint.

So Bailiyuan smashed it a second time.

The unicorn fell down and couldn't get up again.

Although the unicorn's toxicity was strong, it couldn't change the fact that she was low in level, her movement speed was slow, her defense was fragile, and her blood was very thin. Bailiyuan killed her with two hits.

Bailiyuan probably understood the reason why the bronze egg appeared on the unicorn's body.

The toxicity of the unicorn can already threaten Bailiyuan, but it is not enough to see it together. No matter how toxic the unicorn is, it is useless if it cannot stab Bailiyuan, but there are also cases where Bailiyuan is stabbed. In that case, Bailiyuan will fall down, but the probability is very low, so the bronze egg is refreshed.

"Then it's time to check your body, hehehe..."

Bailiyuan stretched out his hands.

The main line of the Pokémon world is coming out soon, forgive the author for the late update, during the exam, Lan Shou...

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