Chapter 100 The Flashing Unicorn

Although Katie Dog and Galagala have also fought against wild elves before, their opponents are too weak, and they can easily deal with them. In order to exert one's own strength to the best of one's ability.

Katie's fighting style is to rely on speed and use sharp claws, teeth, and jets of flames to attack at the same time. It is very mobile, but it consumes more energy.

Bailiyuan silently remembered that Katie Dog's future training needs to strengthen his physical strength.

But Gala Gala's attack is more chic, the bone stick in his hand is danced like a dragon by his vigorous dance.

The bone stick was thrown out by Galagala, and then retracted, playing with the big needle bee that was fighting him.

Gala Gala's fighting talent is obviously stronger than that of Katie Dog.

Moreover, the flame on the bone stick is also extremely difficult to entangle. Once it sticks to the body of the big needle bee, it is like a tarsal maggot, which is difficult to extinguish. It doesn't look like an ordinary flame.

Based on Gala Gala's battle just now, Bailiyuan has an understanding of his fighting style, and decides that in the future, Gala Gala will also learn some fighting skills for battles while improving his own skills, so as to be better at fighting. With the use of bone rods, the flexibility of the body also needs to be exercised.

As long as the skills are sufficient, Galagala will be the kind of showman in the future.

Knowing the situation of the two elves, Bailiyuan began to command the battle of the two elves, and reminded and changed their wrong fighting methods.

They have not undergone systematic training, have very little combat experience, and their combat modes are very rough, mostly relying on instinct.

With Bailiyuan's ability, the two elves after receiving the command also had a good appearance in battle, but it was only limited to good appearance, and they could not form a systematic fighting mode.

It was only with the hard work of the two elves that they defeated the two big needle bees who were fighting with them.

"Nine Tails, get rid of them." Baili Yuan ordered.

Ninetails nodded.

Although the two elves still have the strength to fight, they obviously cannot continue to deal with the next big needle bee, and the two elves also need a buffer period after this battle to absorb the gains of this battle.

Soon, the battle is over.

The entire battle lasted about ten minutes. It took Katie Gou and Galagala nine minutes to deal with the two big needle bees, and it took less than a minute for Kyuubi to finish the remaining big needle bees.

This is the gap in strength. If the elves in the future are strong enough, they can completely fight in waves, but it is very difficult.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan summoned Menus and sprinkled a circle of water around to prevent the existence of residual sparks. If it caused a forest fire, then Bailiyuan would be guilty.

After Bailiyuan checked the bodies of Katie Gou and Galagala and found that there was no problem, Bailiyuan took a look at the big needle bee lying dead all over the ground, patted his buttocks, and left.

Nine-Tails' attack was not fatal, it was just to teach these big needle bees some lessons, so that they could temporarily lose their ability to move, and they would recover soon. It is even more impossible to give them any compensation.

Temporarily separated from Xiaozhi and the others, Bailiyuan began to wander in the forest alone.

I'm not worried about being separated from Baili Yuan, as long as I go to Nibi City first to guard, I will definitely be able to wait for Xiaozhi and the others to arrive, what is this called, just wait for wisdom!

There are also some safe routes in the Viridian Forest. At the beginning, Bailiyuan and Xiaozhi took the safe road together. The attack of the big needle bee was completely accidental. If Xiaozhi successfully captured the unicorn, it would be safe It will attract the attack of the big needle bee.

Bailiyuan took out the illustrated study book presented by Dr. Oki, which contained a map of the Viridian Forest and marked the safe route. As long as you follow the safe route on the map, the safety factor will be greatly enhanced. It is those Pokémon who are not strong.

Bailiyuan didn't take back Katie Gou and Gala Gala, but let them follow her.

The weaker elves who jumped out were handed over to them to deal with.

If the strength is stronger, Bailiyuan will carry the egg-smashing hammer and let the opponent go to the sky.

The strongest elves encountered on the safe route were only around 20th level. Facing Baili Yuan, who had a physical fitness of 50th level, they did not procrastinate at all.

Walking on a safe route, they didn't encounter any elves that could threaten Bailiyuan and his party.

In the Viridian Forest, the elves that Bailiyuan encountered mainly had four attributes: poison, grass, flying, and insects. He hadn't seen elves with other attributes yet.

And the elves are also common elves on the roadside, such as walking grass, green caterpillar, Bobo and so on.

Bailiyuan took out the easter egg detector, wanting to see if there are any easter eggs in Viridian Forest.

There are indeed Easter eggs in Viridian Forest, but there are not those high-level eggs. Most of them are made of black iron and bronze, and there are not many silver ones.

That's right, if there was any dangerous place in the Viridian Forest, it would have been blocked long ago, otherwise there wouldn't be so many young insect hunters in the Viridian Forest.

With the strength of the samurai boy that Xiaozhi met, if the Viridian Forest was too dangerous, he would have died a long time ago, and he could still bring his elf to wander outside?

After choosing the nearest silver egg, Bailiyuan turned around.

Now it's time to move on by yourself, and you can explore and explore appropriately.

The positions of the easter eggs all deviate from the safety line.

After snatching two black iron eggs from the hands of two Bobos, Baili Yuan met the first bronze egg.

However, what surprised Baili Yuan was that the bronze egg was actually on a unicorn!

Bailiyuan is the unicorn found on the trunk of a tree.

This unicorn looked smaller than normal unicorns, and it was still yellow in color, but the horn and the spikes on its tail that were supposed to be silvery white were purple!

The black eyes that should have been round were slightly squinted, as if looking at something.

This unicorn was standing on the fork of the branch. It didn't look like a normal unicorn at all. Instead, it had an indescribable aura.

Bailiyuan looked at this special unicorn.

"Flash elves?"

Different from ordinary groups, elves generally have two types of existence.

One is different colors, such as katti dogs, which are only different in color, but have no other characteristics, and their own values ​​and abilities are not different from ordinary groups.

The other is the flashing elves. Compared with ordinary elves, flashing elves will have greater changes. The most obvious changes are changes in shape and color. The most common form of flashing is to change all or part of its own color. The values ​​of elves will change compared to ordinary groups, and most of them have their own unique abilities.

In addition to these, regional variations of elves are not counted as Shimmer or Chromatic, such as Galagala.

Dr. Oki told Bailiyuan about this point, and Bailiyuan also had flash elves and strange-colored elves under his command, and Bailiyuan knew enough about this.

However, Dr. Oki did not explain to Bailiyuan the reasons for the appearance of the flashing elves and the strange-colored elves.

The horns on the head and spikes on the tail of the unicorn in front of him have changed, and the temperament of this unicorn is obviously different from that of ordinary unicorns. Bailiyuan thinks that this unicorn is probably A flash elf!

If it is true, then this unicorn is the first shining elf that Baili Yuan met in the wild!

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