After dealing with Li Xiaojiao's problem, Qin Yu's life became leisurely again.

But unfortunately, because of Li Xiaojiao, Qin Yu was forced to send the other party in before he had time to ask Elder Wang Yingjun which footwork he recommended.

And after the other party came out, Qin Yu had to try to avoid the other party.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

So Qin Yu didn't plan to drag it on, and went directly to the Sutra Pavilion to choose a footwork to practice. The spells that can be selected into the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion must not be too bad.

Having made up his mind, Qin Yu set off directly.

All the way to the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion, Qin Yu took out the five footworks that he had been optimistic about before.

"Yanyu Footwork"

"Falling Leaves Footwork"

"Explosion Footwork"

"Niu Zuo Footwork"

"Piao Piao Ran Footwork"

These five footworks have their own advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own characteristics.

For example, the "Smoke and Rain Step" emphasizes true and false, real and fake, making the opponent seem to be shrouded in mist and rain, and unable to see the user's figure clearly, but the speed itself is not particularly fast, suitable for fighting in a small range.

"Explosive Step" emphasizes burst, speed, and explosion. It is a combination of strength and speed, suitable for a strong man with biceps all over his body and can do at least two pull-ups.

"Niu Zuo Step" is a senior named Niu Zuo, which is a relatively balanced step.

Qin Yu thought for a moment and picked up the "Smoke and Rain Step".

This step is more suitable for him. There is a speed pill for long-range pursuit and escape. His current shortcoming is close combat.

And the "Smoke and Rain Step" is suitable for close combat.

"The decision is..."

"Hahahahaha... It's done, I, the know-it-all, finally succeeded!" A fanatical voice suddenly resounded in the Sutra Library, scaring Qin Yu.

"The know-it-all has come out of seclusion?"

Qin Yu was delighted.

He has a lot of things to ask Baishitong recently.

Qin Yu hurriedly ran downstairs and saw Baishitong with his arms spread upwards, as if he was going to the sky, laughing loudly.

The few people in the Sutra Library looked at Baishitong as if he was a fool.

But Baishitong didn't care.

A true genius never cares about other people's eyes.

Only the little disciple on duty in the Sutra Library was happily packing up his things, and he could go off work when Baishitong woke up.

After Baishitong finished laughing, he saw Qin Yu who was walking down.

He flew in front of Qin Yu and said excitedly: "Qin Yu, I have studied the contents of your book!"

"Wow, senior, you finally studied it!" Qin Yu said perfunctorily.

As for the contents of this book, Qin Yu felt that Li Xiaojiao could study it for a month, so there was nothing to be proud of.

But Baishitong was still very excited.

"Let's go to a place where no one is. I'll show you my research results."

Without waiting for Qin Yu to refuse, Baishitong grabbed Qin Yu's shoulders and quickly rushed to the back mountain and came to a dense forest.

"What research results are you going to show? Why did you bring me with you?"

Qin Yu was a little confused. Can't you recite the periodic table anywhere? Why do you need to recite it in this deep mountain forest?

Are you afraid that others will eavesdrop or learn secretly!

Baishitong said mysteriously: "I will demonstrate it to you later. It is too powerful and it is easy to hurt others in the sect."

"Let me tell you about my research process first!"

"After the water molecule is electrocuted, the covalent bond between the hydrogen atom and the oxygen atom breaks, forming hydrogen and oxygen, right!"

Qin Yu nodded, "Didn't I tell you that?"

"Yes, on this basis, I suddenly found that if two hydrogen atoms collide and fuse into a new atom, energy can be released."

"Don't underestimate this energy. If it is just the energy released by two hydrogen atoms, it is indeed not scary, but if a large number of hydrogen atoms collide with each other, the power can be seen to be considerable."

Qin Yu was stunned by what he heard.

Isn't it buddy who gave you a copy of "Junior High School Chemistry" and you researched nuclear fusion?

Isn't your research direction too crooked?

If there is another copy of "Junior High School Physics", two-dimensional foil is not far away.

Baishitong finished describing it happily and reached out to absorb a water ball.

"I'll show you my research results right now!"

"Wait, wait, I'm still here!" Qin Yu hurriedly stopped him.

If this thing really succeeds, with Qin Yu's small body, he will probably vaporize instantly, leaving no bones.

"What are you afraid of, I'm here!"

Baishitong's expression was crazy, and the water ball in his hand instantly turned into hydrogen and oxygen.

Then Baishitong used his mental power to divide the hydrogen gas into two parts, restraining them in his left and right hands respectively.

The whole process took less than a second, and Qin Yu didn't have time to react at all. Baishitong put his hands together.

There was no skill, no fancy, countless hydrogen molecules collided together under the pressure of brute force.

This moment!

The wind stopped!

Everything was silent, and time seemed to stand still!

Qin Yu only felt that the light in Baishitong's palm was getting brighter and brighter, from red and yellow to bright white. Qin Yu felt that a small sun appeared in Baishitong's hand, and then Qin Yu lost his vision for a short time.

"Knowledge is power!"

When Bai Shitong shouted, Qin Yu temporarily lost his hearing, and his brain suddenly became bright, as if he had fallen from the top of a cliff!


The ear-splitting sound swept toward the distance along with the unparalleled air waves.

A huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky!

The entire Xuantian Sect trembled, and all the disciples looked toward the back mountain and started talking.

"What blew up?"

"Isn't it the Eighth Elder's alchemy furnace?"

"Fart, the Eighth Elder's alchemy furnace doesn't have this power!"

Two rays of light soared into the sky and headed straight for the back mountain.

"Who is offending my Xuantian Sect here!"

The voice of the sect leader came, followed closely by the voice of the great elder: "I didn't expect that Xuantian Sect, with me in charge, would still dare to offend someone who is not afraid of death. Enemy, I admire your courage, but after all, you You must pay for your arrogance!”

"Woof woof~"

"Woof woof woof~"

"Woof woof woof woof~"

Countless dream dogs are rushing towards me in a mighty and mighty manner!

"Quack, quack, quack!" The leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan rushed towards him with excitement on his face, shouting: "After so many years, we finally waited for someone to attack Xuantian Sect!"

"Everyone, get out of the way. I am the protector of the sect. I will be the first one up!"

"Woof woof~" (It is the dog's responsibility to protect Xuantian Sect!)

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