Because I came too early, Mr. Xuetang hasn’t arrived yet.

The three of them waited at the door and asked Li Xiaojiao to study first.

After a while!

As soon as Mr. Xuetang showed up, he was blocked by Wang Yingjun and three others who had been waiting for a long time.

Mr. Xuetang asked without surprise: "Which children are the three parents of?"

"I am Li Xiaojiao's master!"

"I am Li Xiaojiao's mistress!"

"I am Li Xiaojiao's senior brother, the leader of the No. 1 sect in the world, and the president of the Invincible Gang!"

Mr. Xuetang: "...I can't tell, you are quite proud!"

"Since you are Li Xiaojiao's parents, come and see the good things Li Xiaojiao has done!"

Zhao Liming chuckled and said, "What good has my junior sister done?"

Wang Yingjun hurriedly gave Zhao Liming a hand and whispered:

"Why do I feel that Mr. Xuetang's tone is not right?"

As one of the few normal people, Xia Qingyun also nodded seriously, "Looking at the tone of the teacher's tone, it doesn't seem like he wants to praise our Xiaojiao!"

"Praise her again, praise her again, and she will almost sit on my head and shit on the old man!"

"Impossible, my junior sister is very polite!" Zhao Liming spoke up for Li Xiaojiao.

"Stop talking!" Wang Yingjun pulled Zhao Liming behind him and said with a smile: "Sir, why did you call us here?"

"You'll find out later!"

The three of them followed Mr. Xuetang into the room, and Mr. Xuetang threw a stack of papers to Wang Yingjun.

"You are Master Li Xiaojiao, right? Look at the good things your apprentice has done."

Wang Yingjun and the other two curiously flipped through the test papers and found that all the papers were blank and the scores were all zero.

When I turned to Li Xiaojiao's paper, although the score was also zero, it was full of words, but nothing was correct.

"Xiaojiao is still studying seriously. Look, the other children don't do the test papers!" Xia Qingyun was the first to praise.

"The teacher's wife is right. This test paper is very difficult at first glance. Other students will not do it as soon as they can't understand it. Only we, Xiaojiao, must fill it in even if we don't know it. This kind of courage to explore the unknown and not be afraid of failure His spirit is exactly the same as mine!”

Zhao Liming suddenly pointed at the teacher in the school and said: "I know why you old guy called us here. It's because my junior sister has filled up her papers, making it difficult for you to grade the papers, right? You're such a sneaky old guy. I will check my junior sister’s test papers to see if you have marked them carefully.”

Zhao Liming glanced at it, slapped the test paper directly in front of the teacher, pointed at a question on the test paper and asked:

"I ask you, what's wrong with the interpretation of the word 'mend the sheep after it's dead'? Doesn't it mean that if the cage is broken, don't worry about it, the dead sheep will mend it by themselves. It is used to express the wisdom and superb corpse control techniques of the ancient shepherds. How is this? Maybe something is wrong?"

"Master, my junior sister didn't score zero, everyone else got zero. My junior sister got first place in the class, oh yeah!"

The school teacher is as angry as his grandson!

" out of here!"

Wang Yingjun wiped his face, feeling very humiliated.

All the lessons I learned as a stupid apprentice went into the dog's belly, and I don't even know the meaning of "making amends after a lost sheep".

"Sir, my eldest disciple is just a fool, don't argue with him!"

"You are arguing with me... No, just tell me!"

The school teacher slammed the table and said angrily: "The other students all handed in blank papers because before the exam, Li Xiaojiao said that he wanted to be the first in the exam, so the other students didn't answer a single question. Do you think this is ridiculous?"

"This is what Li Xiaojiao did!"

Zhao Liming: "Hey, this shows that my junior sister is as dominant as me and can get everyone's heartfelt support!"

Mr. Xuetang: "Shut up!"


Wang Yingjun and the three of them lowered their heads and walked back listlessly.

How proud you were when you came, and how downcast you were when you left.

"Well..." Wang Yingjun said: "Ling Ming, as Xiaojiao's senior brother, you can just deal with anything in the future. I have just made a breakthrough as a teacher, and you still need to consolidate your realm."

Zhao Liming was scolded by the teacher in the school and was in a bad mood now.

"Master, didn't you say yesterday that you haven't been busy at all recently? I've been very busy recently and I don't have time to deal with these small problems. I'll leave the affairs of my junior sister to you."

Wang Yingjun: "What I said last night was that I won't be busy today, but I will be busy tomorrow."

"Didn't you say yesterday that all the young disciples go to school with their senior brothers, without the master going there in person? As Xiaojiao's senior brother, you should handle these issues!"

Zhao Liming retorted: "Master, you personally said yesterday that Master can go."

"Besides, I have already left the sect. Junior sister has nothing to do with me in name, so it is not appropriate for me to go."

Wang Yingjun said angrily: "You are simply bullying your master and destroying your ancestors. Once you are a master, you will always be a father. Have you forgotten this truth?"

Zhao Liming: "You said yesterday that you don't recognize my son."

Wang Yingjun turned his eyes and said tentatively: "Why don't you let your wife go?"

Zhao Liming immediately supported: "I think it is most appropriate for Master Niang to go."

Xia Qingyun: "Huh?"

Wang Yingjun: "'s better for you to go, Liming!"

Zhao Liming: "I won't go, Master, you go!"

Wang Yingjun: "How about scissors and a hammer?"

Zhao Liming: "No, you are at a higher level than me, so it's easy to cheat!"

Wang Yingjun: "Then we'll take turns one day at a time!"

Zhao Liming: "... OK!"

"Then you go back first, I'm going to take care of some personal matters!"

Wang Yingjun flew to Qin Yu's door and knocked on it.

"Qin Yu, little thief, come out if you dare, I know you're at home."

"You'd better come out and explain to me, don't force me to break in!"

"Elder Wang Yingjun, wait a moment, I'll open the door right away!" Qin Yu's voice came from inside the door.

"Be sure to stay calm!"

A moment later!

Two teams of law enforcement officers came here and arrested Elder Wang Yingjun who wanted to break into a private house.

Sentence: two days and two nights!

(Thanks to the boss 'Zi Jin who loves to chew ice cubes' for the 'God Certification'!)

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