I let you cultivate immortality, not bring harm to the immortal cultivation world!

Chapter 156: The Dream Dog Tribe Chief VS the Know-It-All

"Fuck, how can you appear in my soul sea?"

Qin Yu was shocked when he saw the huge, winged, and majestic leader of the Dream Dog Clan in front of him.

This made Qin Yu feel that his soul sea was an open space and he could enter whenever he wanted.

"Stinky Tofu Immortal, this is the soul body condensed with the help of the mark left by the Sang Biao here. We Dream Dogs are best at combined attack skills, so I can also communicate with you with the help of the Sang Biao's mark."

"Woof woof~" Wangcai nodded in agreement and licked Qin Yu's feet to show his closeness.

"Is that so? Then do you have something to ask me?"

The chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan glanced at Wangcai and said to Qin Yu: "It was Sang Biao who had something to ask you. I'm just a translator."

Wangcai looked at the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan in confusion, "Woof woof?" (Didn't you ask my master for stinky tofu? How did it become me who has something to ask?)

The chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan hurriedly translated: "Sang Biao said that he went to your residence to look for you but couldn't find you. Now he really wants to eat stinky tofu and wants to ask where you are now."

Wangcai barked anxiously: "Woof woof woof~" (Chief, I didn't say that, why did you translate it randomly!)

Qin Yu looked at Wangcai barking and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with Sang Biao? Why does he look a little anxious?"

The chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan chuckled: "He said that his great, handsome and powerful chief, that is, me, translated it very correctly and is thanking me now!"

Wangcai: "Woof woof woof woof~"

When Qin Yu heard it, Wangcai's scolding was a bit unpleasant!

‘This Lao Liu, you can call Wangcai whatever you want, and you can translate whatever you want for the rest!’

Qin Yu then realized that it was no wonder that both parties in the negotiation had to bring an interpreter.

It’s a pity that Li Zhengtong couldn’t enter his soul sea, otherwise he would definitely bring Li Zhengtong with him.

But the Dream Dog didn’t have a big deal, it was just that little bit of stinky tofu, so Qin Yu just went along with it.

“I’m playing at Li Zhengtong’s house now, and I can’t go back to the sect until a few days later.”

The Dream Dog Clan leader thought to himself: ‘Damn Li Zhengtong, he actually dared to take the stinky tofu fairy away, and I must arrange for him to step on some dog shit later! '

"Sang Biao asked, where are you now?"

"Wu Sheng City!"

The chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan thought for a while and said, "It's not far. I'll take the whole clan to find you!"

"Stop... stop!" Qin Yu was startled and said hurriedly, "Why are you looking for me?"

"To eat stinky tofu... Wangcai... No, Sang Biao said."

Qin Yu: '... Wangcai didn't say anything just now! '

"That... Scar, I don't have the materials to make stinky tofu with me now. Even if you come to find me, you can't eat stinky tofu."

Qin Yu hurriedly told the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan to give up this idea.

If the Huanmeng Dog Clan collectively came to find him, it is estimated that the top leaders of Xuantian Sect would be furious.

The sect's guardian beast was kidnapped!

"Besides, my stinky tofu is not free. You gave me Xuantian tokens before, and I gave you stinky tofu. This is a deal."

"Of course, if you want to withdraw all the stinky tofu you saved before and eat it, then I have no objection, but there will be no interest on stinky tofu in the future."

A trace of struggle flashed in the eyes of the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan.

He misses stinky tofu day and night now, but if he really wants to take out all the stinky tofu and eat it, he is a little reluctant.

He is like a miser, and he is reluctant to eat stinky tofu.

At this moment, Wangcai's dog brain moved: "Woof woof~" (Clan leader, you quickly ask the master what he needs, we can prepare it in advance and use it to exchange for stinky tofu!)

The eyes of the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan lit up: "Stinky Tofu Immortal, do you need anything now? I'll find it for you."

"What I need now..." Qin Yu thought about it, and there was really nothing special he needed.

"Wait... I really need something. I need an attacking spell that requires high attack, good effect, and is easy to learn. It's best if it fits my own advantages."

"If you have it, you can exchange it for a full portion of stinky tofu!"

The Dream Dog Tribe leader was embarrassed: "It's easy to find an attacking spell, but so many requirements make it difficult for me... I have to add stinky tofu."

"How much?"

"At least one more!"


"Okay, then I'll go find it and contact you when I find it."

After saying that, the Dream Dog Tribe leader's body dissipated, and Wangcai also went offline and fell asleep.

Qin Yu was in a good mood, 'Two portions of stinky tofu means one spell for free, a huge profit! '

The Dream Dog Tribe leader was in a good mood, "Hahaha, I'm really a genius at negotiation. I made that man pay twice as much stinky tofu with just one sentence!"

"Sang Biao, you did a great job this time. Let's each have one portion of these two portions of stinky tofu."

Wangcai was overjoyed.

Although as the owner's only dog, if he wants to eat stinky tofu, he can basically get it just by asking for it.

But what dog would complain about having too much stinky tofu? The more the better.

"Then I'll go out and see if I can find the spell that the stinky tofu fairy wants."

Wangcai: "Woof woof~" (Clan leader, you can speak dog language now!)

"How do you say dog ​​language?"


"Where did Qin Yu go? Why didn't he come to the Sutra Library after so long!"

"Disciples nowadays are too hard to learn!"

Bai Shi Tong was lying on the table at the main entrance of the Sutra Library, humming and moaning in boredom.

A few days ago, he found the fatal loophole in Qin Yu's problem and ended his retreat.

This time, he will definitely defeat Qin Yu in one fell swoop and make Qin Yu admit his mistakes.

Suddenly, Bai Shi Tong saw a black shadow coming over and immediately felt like he was facing a great enemy.

"You... why are you here again?"

The Dream Dog Clan leader strode over: "Why are you so long-winded? I just picked up a few books. What's the big deal?"

"Didn't you taste it last time? Books can't be eaten. Why are you picking them up?"

"That book can't be eaten, but it can be exchanged for food. Don't be stingy!"

"Last time someone lied to you that this book was delicious. You must have been fooled this time."

The Dream Dog Clan leader said disdainfully: "This time it must be true. Do you think I'm as stupid as you and so easily fooled?"

"Hey, who are you calling stupid? I'm the smartest book spirit in the world. You dare to call me stupid with your dog brain?"

"At least I still have a dog brain, unlike some things that have no brain?"

"You Who are you scolding?"

"You can't even tell who you are scolding, so stupid!"

"Ah!" Baishitong was almost furious. He rummaged through the boxes and finally pulled out a sign, "Look, the Dream Dog Tribe is not allowed to enter!"

The Dream Dog Tribe leader shook his head, "I can't read, so let me ask you, where can I learn the spells that can be learned by refining qi, and have high attack, good effect, and are simple and easy to learn!"

"I don't have it here, why don't you go to the sect master to have a look?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Don't try to trick me. If you don't tell me, I'll find it myself."

Baishitong opened his arms and blocked the Dream Dog Tribe leader's dog head, "If you want to go in, you have to step over me."

"Sleep with me!" The Dream Dog Tribe leader glared at Baishitong.

Baishitong's mind suddenly felt chaotic, and the phantom slowly dissipated.

This time, it really crashed!

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