The Lord's Mansion of Wusheng City holds various immortal cultivation competitions on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year.

The purpose is to increase some children's desire to cultivate immortality, and at the same time, it can provide a platform for the younger generation of immortal cultivators to discuss and communicate, and provide certain resource rewards to make them more friendly to their hometown.

In this world, the quantity and quality of immortal cultivators in a city fundamentally determine the prosperity of the city.

Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪

Every year, the City Lord's Mansion conducts spiritual root tests for some children who are old enough but don't have the money to try out at major immortal cultivating sects.

If you have spiritual roots, then you can help the other person go to various sects to participate in selections, or you can directly join their city lord's palace and practice the skills of the Liang Kingdom's official government. No matter which way you go, it is a shortcut for ordinary people to turn around.

Qin Yu is not very interested in Xuan-level magic weapons.

He has 100,000 contribution points in his hand, so he can buy whatever Xuan-level magic weapon he wants.

What interests him is this platform for discussion and exchange.

He has been cultivating immortality for half a year, but Qin Yu has been practicing behind closed doors, practicing alone, and he really has not competed with his peers.

I just want to take advantage of this platform to test my own strength.

Before Qin Yu could speak, Li Zhengtong spoke first and said, "Dad, sign up for me for the formation competition and the ring battle!"

"Okay!" Father Li nodded and said, "There are no levels in the formation competition, while the ring competition is divided into Qi refining group and foundation building group."

"I know this!"

Qin Yu asked: "What kind of competition is there in the ring battle? Is it attacking and defending?"

"No, the ring battle is just a fight in a ring. It means randomly matching opponents to fight before the game. The winner advances, the loser is eliminated, and finally the final winner is determined."

‘Then I won’t win for sure? ’ Qin Yu was secretly happy.

After all, with the blessing of the Powerful Pill and the Rapid Pill, who would be his opponent in the Qi Refining Group?

Even if he met Li Zhengtong, he would not be afraid because he would not provide any pills to Li Zhengtong.

Li Zhengtong, who cannot turn into a gorilla, is not a threat.

Seemingly sensing Qin Yu's thoughts, Li's father reminded: "The battle in the arena is about pure strength, and external forces such as pills, weapons, formations, and spiritual beasts are not allowed."

"That's it!" Qin Yu was a little disappointed.

If the rules of the competition do not allow the use of elixirs, Qin Yu will be at a disadvantage.

Because he has only practiced for half a year and does not know magic.

Although Qin Yu cares about winning or losing, when the probability of winning is low, he will also say that participation is the most important thing!

Human beings are a flexible species and must learn to adapt.

"Uncle, please help me refining the alchemy and fighting in the ring!"


"Uncle, I also sign up for alchemy and ring competition!" Li Tian came over and said.

Qin Yu glanced at Li Tian in surprise. He didn't expect that the other person was also an alchemist. He had never seen the talent for alchemy in Li Tian before.

Li Tian's father is an alchemist, and his son inherited his father's business. It is not surprising that Li Tian is an alchemist.

But before Li’s father could speak, Li Tian’s father cursed and said:

"You signed up for alchemy. With your alchemy skills, you can't even make it into the preliminaries. You just embarrass me."

"You just need to sign up for the group competition!"

"Okay!" Li Tian said it didn't matter. He had no interest in alchemy anyway.

"Okay, then I will only sign you up for the arena competition!" Father Li reminded: "You must restore your original shape before the competition, otherwise you will be sentenced to using elixirs."

"Okay, I'll take the antidote right now."

Li Tian took an antidote and saw that all the black hair on his body had fallen off, and he immediately felt that it was more comfortable to be a human being.

Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong turned their heads and saw each other's bare, black and reflective backs of heads.

"Dad, I have something else to do, so I'll go back first."

Li Zhengtong said hello and fled quickly.

"What's wrong with Tongzi? Why are you running so fast?" Li Tian said with a smile.

Then, he felt that everyone was looking at him strangely.

"Shouldn't I just turn a little darker? I'll just take a shower later. As for looking at me like this?" Li Tian murmured doubtfully.

Qin Yu kindly reminded: "Cousin, don't forget to bring a hat when you go out in the future."


Li Tian realized something, quickly touched the back of his head, and then let out a heart-rending roar.


"Li Zhengtong, don't run away, I will fight with you!"

Li Tian rushed out like crazy.

Qin Yu did not leave. He still had a few questions to ask.

"Uncle, how do alchemy competitions usually go? How should I prepare?"

Compared with the arena competition, Qin Yu feels that his winning rate in the alchemy competition will be higher.

"The Alchemy Competition is divided into a preliminary round and a formal round. The formats of the two competitions are the same, but the formal round is much more difficult than the preliminary round."

"During the competition, the city lord's palace will randomly select an elixir recipe and provide each person with ten medicinal materials to refine the elixir within the specified time. In the preliminaries, as long as one elixir is refined, regardless of the efficacy of the elixir, one will be considered for advancement. "

"In the official competition, the rankings will be based on the potency. If the potency is the same, then whoever uses ten parts of the medicinal ingredients to refine more pills will be ranked."

Qin Yu asked: "What should I do if I haven't encountered the pill recipe I drew before?"

"Haha..." Li Tian's father laughed and said, "This is the biggest difficulty of this competition. For most of the contestants, the pills they refine are new pill recipes that they have never encountered before. So, as long as they can successfully refine the pills, they have surpassed 90% of the people."

"Generally, the preliminaries are first-grade pills, and the official competitions are second-grade pills."

Qin Yu nodded and said he understood.

If they are all new pill recipes, then the level of an alchemist can be truly reflected.

Then there is no need for him to make special preparations. He just needs to continue to consolidate his foundation and practice alchemy!

After asking clearly, Qin Yu did not stay any longer, said goodbye to the elders, and returned to Li Zhengtong's house.

After a round, Qin Yu did not find Li Zhengtong.

I don't know where he and Li Tian went to play.

Qin Yu moved the alchemy furnace out. The time for the competition was imminent, and he had to race against time to improve his strength.

Qin Yu's desire to win is still very strong, otherwise he would not have resolutely opened another game after losing 29 games in a row to pursue the illusory victory.

Just as he was about to start refining the elixir, Qin Yu suddenly felt that his soul sea was constantly shaking.

This was Wangcai calling him.

Qin Yu suddenly had the illusion that 'Wangcai requested to talk to you...'.

"What's the matter?"

Qin Yu entered the soul sea and saw Wangcai barking at his feet.

"What happened, Wangcai?" Qin Yu touched Wangcai's dog head to calm his emotions.

"Woof woof~ Stinky Tofu Immortal, why aren't you in the sect?"

"Damn, Wangcai can talk?" Qin Yu was shocked.

"No, this is the greatest, most handsome, and most powerful leader of the Dream Dog Clan, the great Scar Lord, who is translating!"

Qin Yu: "..."

"I thought, it turns out that there is a dog translating!"

"Also, can you translate more accurately? Wangcai... Sang Biao just barked, why did you translate so many words?"

"Stinky Tofu Immortal, it's mainly because Sang Biao's description of me is not accurate enough, so I slightly modified it."

The voice sounded, and a big dog appeared directly in Qin Yu's soul sea.

(The following plot should not be so boring...)

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