The captain behind him took out the pistol in his waist, his sniper marksmanship was very accurate, but 106 did not care about this physical trauma at all, but someone shot at 106, naturally he would not spare him.

Room 106 moved to the side of the team, fiercely choked the captain’s arm, the captain could not move, could only stare at 106 with his eyes open, there are thousands of possibilities The team wants to strangle 106 to death.


Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling saw that the captain was restrained by 106, and the looks of the two people changed in an instant, and the metal short root in Liu Xiaoling’s hand accelerated towards the arm that grabbed the captain.

106 reacted quickly, lifting its left leg and kicking at Liu Xiaoling’s stomach that was rushing forward, Liu Xiaoling could not withstand 106’s fierce kick and then landed on the hard floor.

Liu Xiaoling only felt as if her money was shattered now, lying on the ground coughing wildly, and Zhang Hong’s cheeks made her look very uncomfortable.

“Lying in the gutter, this old man didn’t even pity Xiang Xiang at all, and actually let my little spirit fall to the ground like this!”

“The old man in front of me got up and let me come.”

“But what I want to say is that this old man seems to be a little powerful, and Xiao Ling and Xiao Mo are almost overwhelmed by it.”

“I still can’t figure out where the disappeared man went?”


This glass was very distressed about Liu Xiaoling’s fierce fall, but after the heartache, it was even more curious about what magic this old man had in his body that could make people disappear out of thin air.

Li Xiaomo quickly ran to Liu Xiaoling’s side and patted her back, and the turbid qi came out of her lungs: “Xiao Ling? ”

Li Xiaomo poetically let him say his plan, but then it was the old man, and now that he said it, I was afraid that the other party would hear his plan, in case he did not implement it according to his imagination, it would not be a wasted fate.

“Xiao Mo, listen to me!”

Liu Xiaoling didn’t say much, knowing that Li Xiaomo would cooperate with himself, he really didn’t expect that the strength of 10 was too strong, and he was actually kicked to the ground by it, so humiliated!

However, before Li Xiaomo and the captain could reply, 106 had already thrown the three people into the pocket dimension, and for three months they had no idea where they were, and they were already unconscious when they were in the pocket dimension.

106 laughed loudly at his own work, the entire x company has become the pocket dimension of 106, the interior of this pocket dimension is not the structure of the original x company, 106 has been placed here from the illusory pocket dimension.

When the prey that was dragged in by 106 woke up, he would see that this was a dilapidated building, a completely unfamiliar environment.

Of course, the live mobile phone around Li Xiaomo’s waist is still broadcasting, but even so, those water friends have not seen clearly how Li Xiaomo came to this mysterious space.

“Changed places in an instant? Or is this still Company X? ”

“I wonder if this old man has a space?” Or he can transfer instantaneously. ”

“Oh my God, I feel like this is getting more and more exciting, but this shouldn’t be human, right?”

“Why aren’t the three of them awake yet?” And the old man was gone. ”

“This place feels like such a big world, is there any clue that will allow them to get out?”

It’s just that the water friends in the live broadcast room can’t help but want to ask these things? It was so mysterious that all of a sudden there was no shadow.

Just when these water friends had lost patience, the captain’s arm suddenly lifted up, and he sat up from the ground in confusion, looking around to find that something was wrong here.

When I turned around and saw Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, who were also lying on the ground, I remembered the previous scene.

“Liu Xiaoling… Li Xiaomo? ”

The captain shook the two men vigorously and pulled them over from the wedding, and now someone needed to discuss the countermeasures to escape from here.

I have to say that this scene aroused the interest of the captain, just like the escape game I saw when I was a child, just like now, except that the protagonist has become himself.

Li Xiaomo woke up as soon as he was shaken by the captain, looking at the motionless Liu Xiaoling, the captain crouched on the ground: “Liu Xiaoling, you hurry up and give me up!” ”

“Hit him!!”

Liu Xiaoling woke up from the dream, opened his eyes and looked at the captain who was staring at him deadly, Liu Xiaoling was actually a little weak-hearted, looking at the strange surroundings, Liu Xiaoling looked around, looking at the large space, Liu Xiaoling knew it in his heart.

Sure enough, as he had guessed before, 106 had a mysterious space hiding its prey in it, but where were the people before them, and how big this mysterious space was, or how this space went out, one question after another came to mind.

“This is probably the mysterious space of 06, before I took the initiative to attack 10, it is because so many people suddenly disappeared, certainly not 106 when they were eaten, so I suspect that 106 hid them.”

The captain then said to Liu Xiaoling, “So you decided to take the risk?” ”

“I don’t think this is a personal risk, after all, we don’t know the attributes of 106, and the other party is too powerful, and if we succeed in taking 16 in, I say if Ha… Do these people who have been caught in the mysterious space have to exist in it permanently? ”

The captain listened to Liu Xiaoling’s plan: “Well, too! ”

Looking at the gray and dark in front of him, although it was not dark, but he also knew that it was not a good place, the captain sighed worriedly: “I just don’t know if there is food here?” ”

Can a person in a mysterious space survive three days without food and water?

Li Xiaomo threw away the bag he was carrying on his back, and then said: “I have two bottles of water and two bags of compressed biscuits in my backpack, maybe I can hold out for a while.” ”

“Little foam, great!”

Two bottles of water and two bags of compressed biscuits last at least a day, and these things can only be consumed until they really can’t be consumed.

“Then let’s hurry up and find those who are missing!”

The captain pulled Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to the ground and crouched down: “Slowly. ”

He had just heard, and there was a heavy footstep in the southwest, and his ears were extremely sensitive, and he could tell that the footstep was the same one from the 106 who had fought before.

I really can’t imagine that 106 is in the mysterious space.

Holding the heavy one and not finding it, slowly drifting away until the voice could not be heard, making sure that 106 had left, and then helped the two people up.

“What’s wrong?”

The captain whispered, “Just 106 is nearby!” ”

The captain walked around to see if he could touch his two team members, but the ground was empty, and the captain did not dare to continue to explore, and in this unknown situation, everywhere was full of crisis. _

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