Li Xiaomu and Liu Xiaoling, who had reached the third floor, were blocked outside by the pocket dimension, 106 could clearly feel their presence, compared to the group of people upstairs, 106 was actually more interested in Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling downstairs, they had that power in them, attracting him to conquer.

It’s just that… 106 considered where to go up and downstairs first, and finally 106 chose to go upstairs, because the time spent upstairs was not much, and they could directly drag them all over the pocket words, and they could also expand their territory.

And downstairs, you have to go to a good pair.

The whole upstairs screamed, followed by screams, but this did not hinder 106’s movements, and in less than 20 minutes, 106 had already solved all the people upstairs, dragging the prey suitable for his pocket dimension into it, and throwing it downstairs unsuitably, without any ambiguity to waste his time.

Next downstairs!

The captain listened to the voice coming from the headphones, had already learned of the old man’s behavior, looked up at Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomomo and said: “That old man has been solved by the people upstairs, a group of people should also disappear, 13 people were thrown downstairs by him!” ”

Thrown downstairs? It was a height of more than seven floors, and I really didn’t dare to imagine the picture of blood and flesh splashing, this sentence had been heard by the people in the live broadcast room.

“By the way, Captain, the old man you speak of is scp106.”

scp06? The captain silently recited the word scp106, is it the SCP that escaped from the SCP Foundation this time?

Looking at Liu Xiaoling with a doubtful look, she looked at herself and nodded, confirming that the captain’s idea was like that.

Why did they escape from the SCP Foundation? Hearing this organization captain remembered once again everything that had happened on the waterfront that time.

Without waiting for a few to think about it, they heard the distant clicking, the footsteps were very heavy, heavy enough to make these five people tremble in their hearts, and they could feel that 106 was about to arrive here.

The first time I was facing just 106 I was inexplicably nervous.

“That footstep is so heavy, the other party should be very fat, but also very fierce!”

“What I want to know is that after you get to the third floor, you can’t go up?”

“Listen to Xiao Mo’s wife, it seems that there is some kind of barrier, I don’t know!!”

“I fuck, I fuck, he’s coming… He’s coming!! ”

The appearance of 106 will ignite the atmosphere in the live broadcast room again, although there are several photos of 106 on the website, but in the video you can see the 106 that is active.

106 Dark Eyes stared at Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling, this time not only because of their age to become their own prey, but also the mysterious power in their bodies to attract its attention.

Looking into her eyes, the five of them unconsciously stepped back, their aggressive eyes already invading the defensive range that these five people had just designed.

Li Xiaomo looked at Liu Xiaoling’s face: “Xiaoling? ”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo had not yet moved, the two team members had already taken action, Liu Xiaoling was afraid of the situation before the reappearance and quickly joined the battle, while the captain and Li Xiaomo were carefully observing the matter about 106.

After all, it had suddenly disappeared before, and if you wanted to find out the whereabouts of those people, you had to start from 106.

The two team members supported the wall with their left and right hands, and their legs were raised high to prepare to kick 106’s head left and right, and Liu Xiaoling was not idle, holding these two metal short roots and attacking behind 106.

But 106 was extremely responsive, committing himself to dodge all three people’s attacks, he smiled and exited the semi-encirclement, turning over to look at the three people who were surprised.

Before they could fight back for the second time, the two team members had already been violently pinched by 106’s hands, and their legs were pounding the ground, but 106 slowly put them in the air, and then the two team members disappeared in front of Liu Xiaoling’s eyes.

What’s the situation?

What just happened? How did people disappear?

Completely unaware of what was happening, the three people looked at each other in a daze, but it was clear that those two people were not dead, and it was possible that 106 had used some special method to get them to a place?

“Did I have a bad eye?” What about those two team members just now? Did it disappear out of thin air? It’s so amazing that this world really has this situation! ”

“It startled me, I thought I was doing magic, people really disappeared out of thin air.”

“I specially recorded the live broadcast just now, and I didn’t see the reason for watching the replay!”

“What is the little spirit going to do?”


I saw that Xiao Ling was already very close to 106, and Liu Xiao Ling had planned that he could only save those people by placing himself in the same situation as those people.

Even if the 106 is allowed to succeed now, those people may never be locked up by 16 and cannot get out there.

In this situation, it is impossible for him and Xiao Mo to take in 106, the strength of the two is too weak, and only by waiting for the CP Foundation to join can they complete this shelter activity.

Li Xiao did not look at Liu Xiaoling, and even infinitely approached the dangerous scp of 106, regardless of whether the live broadcast was live or not, and directly shouted: “Xiao Ling!!!” ”

The next action is to summon your own lasso whip, which is the first time that the lasso edge is summoned to attack the target, and I don’t know how effective it is.

Li Xiaomo’s live broadcast mobile phone stuck in front of his waist can prevent the mobile phone from falling to the ground, and can also make the live broadcast continue as long as possible.

The right hand constantly waved the lasso whip, the whip body hit the ground hard, if the ground is not the floor, it is likely to raise a large piece of dust, and then Li Xiaomo will transform into a 106 body, the blue flame around the whip, with the whip swinging constantly shifting.


Two whips sounded, 106 only felt that his back was a fiery pain, but it did not hurt itself, but he could not believe that something could hurt himself, and then slowly looked down at the whip in Li Xiaomo’s hand, and he also neglected the metal short root that Liu Xiaoling attacked from this side, and Liu Xiaoling successfully hit the metal short root on 106’s left chest.

106 Face looked at her left chest in disbelief, and then looked at Liu Xiaoling, and then remembered herself, she was really angry now, the anger in her eyes could not be completely hidden, and it was the captain who quickly pulled Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo apart, and the distance between the three people gradually moved away from 16.

It’s just that 106 doesn’t have that confusion, and Liu Xiaoling doesn’t want to leave now, but instead wants to let 106 enter his secret place like everyone else, and then find a way to get those people to rescue them together.

“Can’t go!”

Liu Xiaoling threw away the captain’s hand, clutched the metal root tightly with both hands, and walked towards the 106 that Ben was chasing behind them, watching Liu Xiaolin’s movements, the captain and Li Xiaomo certainly did not stand by and follow behind Liu Xiaoling to meet the 106 who was in anger.

Li Xiaomo knew that her girlfriend could not distinguish the situation, so she chose to fight with Xiao Ling. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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