Hearing this, Zheng Yi frowned even more.

Could it be that those people that Lin Zhongluo was talking about were them?

Zheng Yi glanced at the few people in front of him who were expecting Zheng Yi to agree.

It should be them.

Is this how they encourage people to challenge high gravity? Using rewards to tempt.

It's really a low-level method, but it is indeed very effective.

I have to say that Zheng Yi was a little tempted, that's Armament Haki.

Although the ability is simple and crude, it is to improve personal defense and attack power, and at the same time can cause damage to natural fruit ability users. It is the only physical attack method that can harm natural fruit ability users except seastone.

Originally, Zheng Yi was also thinking about buying an Armament Haki skill book to deal with natural fruit ability users in the future.

After all, it is still difficult to deal with those natural fruit ability users with seastone weapons alone.

And now there is a chance to get it for free, so he has to try it anyway. He should be able to survive a minute under ten times gravity with his current strength and the Eight Gates.

It can be regarded as a challenge to test his own limits. He originally came here to do this.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi asked the big man:"What if you don't give me a reward after I complete the challenge?"

"Don't worry, I'm a trustworthy person and I'll keep my word."

He took out a skill book, which was the skill book of Armament Haki.

"If you're still worried, there are surveillance cameras here that can be used as evidence." The big man pointed to the surveillance camera on the ceiling and said,"After the incident, if I don't give you anything, you can go to the vigilante to deal with it. Of course, the premise is that you can complete the challenge first."

""Okay, it's settled, I accept this challenge."

Zheng Yi turned and walked into the training room.

Watching him close the door, the big man's mouth slightly raised, he knew he was going to see a good show.

The younger brothers beside him laughed, as if they were mocking Zheng Yi's ignorance.

"This guy actually dared to take it, he is really brave, I just hope he doesn't ruin his body because of it"

"As expected, he was new here and had no idea what ten times gravity meant. He was afraid that once it was turned on, his body would be crushed."

"As far as I know, the highest record here is to endure eight times the gravity for one minute, and the person's body will be ruined after that. Boss, your challenge is too difficult for him?"

The big man smiled disdainfully,"He participated voluntarily, I didn't force him, if you want to blame someone, you can only blame himself for not knowing his own weight."

As he said this, he looked through the glass wall at Zheng Yi in the training room.

Zheng Yi in the room couldn't hear the conversation of the people outside, but from their expressions, Zheng Yi could roughly guess that they didn't think he could do it and were ready to see him make a fool of himself.

Zheng Yi felt that it didn't matter. Whether he succeeded or not, he was not the one who lost. He came here to test the limits of his ability.

Even if he failed, there would be no loss. At most, he would be used as a joke by those guys, but if he succeeded, he could get an Armament Haki skill book for free, which would be a win-win for him.

But if possible, he still hoped that he could succeed.

Zheng Yi took a deep breath and adjusted the gravity in the room to four times.

In an instant, a strong gravity came immediately, causing his body to sink sharply.

His knees began to bend uncontrollably, and his body kept bending under the pressure of gravity.

Seeing this scene, several people outside laughed at Zheng Yi.

"This guy can barely handle four times the gravity. If it were five times the gravity, he would definitely fall to the ground."

"I wonder if he can survive a minute without collapsing under four times the gravity.".……

The big man looked at Zheng Yi, who had bent down under the pressure of gravity, and felt disappointed.

"Hey, are you kidding me? It's going to fail so soon? This is not even fun."

The people outside began to feel bored and planned to leave.

"Let's go, this guy is too weak, there's no point in looking at him"

"Yeah, it's a waste of time. I'm better than him."


At this moment, Zheng Yi felt the gravity pressing on him, his teeth chattered, and his joints creaked.

Zheng Yi was sweating profusely just by holding on.

Since four times the gravity is the limit under normal conditions, what about after opening the Eight Gates?

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi opened the Eight Gates.

""First door, open the door, open!"

With a roar, Zheng Yi's whole body was filled with strength.

This made him, who was originally suffocating under the pressure of gravity, feel much more relaxed.

When the people outside saw Zheng Yi, who had been unable to straighten his waist due to the pressure of gravity, suddenly stand up straight, they all stopped and stared at Zheng Yi.

Their faces were full of disbelief.

"What the hell? He couldn't even stand up straight just now, how come he can stand up all of a sudden? And he looks relaxed, is he cheating?"

"Could it be that he used some skill to strengthen his body?"

"It is possible, but he can only survive four times the gravity by relying on the enhanced skills. It is impossible to survive ten times the gravity unless he can continue to enhance his skills."

"That's even more impossible. There are only a handful of skills in the country that can continuously strengthen the body. Even the most widely used Kaio-ken is not something that most people can use. If they are not careful, the side effects will first destroy their bodies."


Although the sudden situation aroused their interest in Zheng Yi, they still did not think that Zheng Yi could withstand ten times the gravity.

Zheng Yi in the training room raised the gravity to five times.

A stronger gravity than before followed, and red lights flashed throughout the training room.

This means that the gravity in the room has reached a dangerous multiple.

Many people in the corridor were attracted by this.

They were all curious about what kind of person dared to challenge five times the gravity.

When they saw that there was only a young man in the training room, they were very surprised.

This guy looks like he has just become a player this year. His strength should not be very strong. He dared to go to the training room under five times gravity to exercise. Is he crazy?

You know, even those experienced and strong players only dare to exercise at three or four times the gravity.

Gravity above that will cause serious damage to the body, and most people will not do this.

Unless they are here to test their limits.

Zheng Yi took a step forward, feeling the heavy pressure on his body.

He bent down and crossed his hands together.

"The second gate, the rest gate"

"The third gate, the gate of life, open!"

Zheng Yi's whole body exuded green energy, and his body began to become red with blood.

Seeing that Zheng Yi could still stand firmly under five times the gravity and continue to strengthen his body, the big man couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

He felt that he might have kicked a steel plate today.

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