"Date?" Zheng Yi looked up at the ceiling.

To be honest, he has never dated a girl since he was born. After all, he basically stays at home and rarely communicates with the opposite sex.

And this is an invitation from a young lady.

What should I do?

Zheng Yi shook his head and threw away the messy thoughts in his mind.

Forget it, there is no point in thinking so much. Anyway, I have agreed to do it.

After that, Zheng Yi set off for home.

After returning home, Zheng Yi turned on the computer.

Looking at the private message showing 999+ on the Zhutian Game website, Zheng Yi smiled bitterly,"Sure enough, being an intelligence expert is a meal, everyone is scrambling for intelligence."

After completing a few commissions casually, he closed the Zhutian Game website.

He now has sufficient funds, so there is no need to complete so many commissions on purpose. Just complete a few commissions every day and treat it as a stable income.

Zheng Yi glanced at the time, thought about it, and got up to go to the training ground in the ancient city.

Arriving at the training ground, Zheng Yi walked straight to the front desk and said to the receptionist:"Hello, I want to enter the gravity training area."

The gravity training area is a special area in the training ground.

Unlike the normal training area, the training room here can adjust the gravity in the room to achieve high-intensity training.

And Zheng Yi can also test his limits here.

"OK, please wait a moment."The receptionist typed quickly on the keyboard,"Um, there are quite a lot of people in the gravity training area right now. Non-members need to wait for a while before entering, but members can enter immediately."

Then the receptionist asked Zheng Yi,"Excuse me, do you have a membership card?"

Zheng Yi was about to say no and apply for a membership card.

A hand with a membership card reached out to him,"Use mine, and the money will be deducted from the card."

A familiar voice came into Zheng Yi's ears.

He turned around and saw that the man was Lin Zhongluo.

This surprised Zheng Yi,"Lin Zhongluo!"

Lin Zhongluo looked at Zheng Yi with a smile,"Long time no see, I'm glad to see you're okay"

"Me too, but you're not..."Zheng Yi paused, as if thinking about what to say. Lin Zhongluo guessed what he wanted to say,"You should have heard from others, right? I was controlled by a demon in the Demon Slayer World and killed my classmates with my own hands, which caused me to have mental problems."

Zheng Yi nodded,"Yes, I thought you haven't gotten over it yet."

"In fact, I haven't gotten over it yet."Lin Zhongluo smiled bitterly,"I still often dream about the scene at that time when I go to bed at night, but even so I still force myself to cheer up. After all, I can't delay the task of conquering the dungeon in order to survive."

Zheng Yi looked at Lin Zhongluo's pale face and the heavy dark circles under his eyes, and he could tell that he must not have slept well since he conquered the initial dungeon.

Yes, he has nightmares every night when he goes to bed, and he also dreams of killing his classmates with his own hands. No one can sleep well, and it is even a kind of mental torture.

At this time, the receptionist took the membership card from Lin Zhongluo.

Zheng Yi saw this and hurriedly said,"Well, don't bother you, I can just pay for a membership card myself."

Lin Zhongluo waved his hand,"It's okay, this is my thank you gift to you, thank you for killing the ghost in time, so that I didn't continue to kill people, really, thank you very much."

Hearing this, Zheng Yi was too embarrassed to say anything and could only agree.

After the receptionist operated on the computer for some time, she returned the card to Lin Zhongluo,"Okay, you can now enter the gravity training area. The training room is also open. It's number 411."

As she said that, she took out an access card and handed it to Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi looked at Lin Zhongluo and asked,"Then aren't you coming?"

"Me? Forget it."Lin Zhongluo shook his head,"That's not a place for normal people to stay. The intensity is too high and it's easy to damage your body. I'll just go to the normal training area."

Lin Zhongluo patted Zheng Yi on the shoulder,"Oh, by the way, just a reminder."

Hearing this, Zheng Yi suddenly felt bad.

Could there be something bad going on there?

"There are a few annoying guys in the gravity training area. Although they are quite strong, they are just too weak. They often encourage people to challenge gravity beyond their limits, causing others to become physically disabled. If you meet those people, just ignore them."

"I understand. Zheng Yi nodded in response.

""Okay, then I wish you a happy workout."

With that, Lin Zhongluo walked into the ordinary training area.

Seeing this, Zheng Yi turned and came to the gravity training area.

He found his own training room, opened the iron door with the access card, and walked in.

The training room in the gravity training area is obviously different from the training room in the ordinary training area.

The whole room is dark inside, and the walls and floors around are made up of black blocks. These blocks are special devices for releasing gravity.

There is also a glass wall in the room, and you can see into the room through the glass wall from the corridor outside.

This design is probably so that people outside can see when someone in the training room can't bear the gravity and faints.

Zheng Yi came to the control panel in the room.

The training room here can't simulate the environment like the training room in the ordinary training area, it can only adjust the gravity.

Zheng Yi adjusted the gravity here to 2 times.

He immediately felt his body sink, and his whole body was oppressed by an invisible gravity.

But this kind of gravity is still within the acceptable range for Zheng Yi, so he adjusted the gravity to 3 times.

The next second, the whole body became heavier, and even raising his arms required a lot of effort.

"This gravity should be about right."

Zheng Yi began to exercise in the training room.

He first jogged around the training room, and when he gradually got used to the gravity, he began to run at full speed.

Later, he also tried to do push-ups, sit-ups and other exercises.

After two or three hours, Zheng Yi, sweating profusely, came to the panel and planned to double the gravity.

Suddenly, a big man stood in front of the glass wall and knocked. There were several men of similar height beside him.

Zheng Yi, who noticed the other party, turned off the gravity in the room and then walked outside.

He asked the big man,"What's wrong?"

The big man looked Zheng Yi up and down, and then asked,"I haven't seen you before, are you new here?"

"That's right, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, the big man and several younger brothers around him smiled slightly, as if they had found some fun.

The big man suggested to Zheng Yi:"I have a challenge here, are you interested in trying it? Don't worry, there is no fee to participate, and you can get rewards as long as you achieve the goal."

Zheng Yi frowned, he had guessed that the other party had bad intentions, but still said:"Tell me about it"

"The challenge is simple. If you can survive ten times the gravity for one minute, you will get the skill book of Armament Haki."

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