However, if we don't find a cooler place to escape the heat soon, we might really faint from heatstroke in the hot night.

At this moment, Ling, who was wearing cool clothes suitable for the season, was patiently waiting for the so-called contact person in the back alley of Liufen Street. Although she was wearing shorts, her upper body was still conservatively wearing a long-sleeved black sweatshirt. She even put on a vest, which made people worry. It was hard to judge whether she was uncomfortable just by looking at her expressionless and spiritless face.


Originally, Zhe wanted to go out and meet the unknown contact person. After all, he was reluctant to let his sister do such a dangerous behavior, but Ling said: "If I let my brother do it himself, he might mess it up because of his poor mouth. This commission is related to our electricity bills and living expenses in the second half of the year. Of course, your smart and capable sister, I, will do it myself."

In this regard, in order to continue to use the background to play games in the second half of the year, Fairy also supported Ling's behavior.

[Master, I think it would be better if your blood relative did this. According to the data I have collected recently, your blood relative is 2.5 times better than you in dealing with people and interpersonal relationships. Therefore, the success rate of her being in charge of the connection is indeed much higher than yours. ]

Zhe: "..."

After being scolded by his sister and Fairy, even Zhe, who has a good attitude, couldn't help but feel a little sad.

He complained helplessly: "You don't have to say that. Am I so bad at dealing with people?"

"How could that be? My brother is just too gentle, so sometimes he seems to be a little too concerned. And this is a good thing. Ling also likes such a brother."

At the same time, it can be seen that Zhe is worried about him. After a round of comfort, Ling smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, isn't the agreed location stipulated by Mr. Shepherd near the alley not far from our garage?"

"My brother and Fairy can completely observe the situation here through the camera on the corner of the street. If they find anything wrong, they can come out to help me at any time, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Although he was still a little worried, under the persuasion of Ling and Fairy, Zhe finally lost the battle and could only agree to this request helplessly, and then reminded him with concern.

"Well, then, remember to be careful when you meet, Ling."

"Also, don't forget the street code that Uncle [Shepherd] prepared for us: Flame - Thunder. If you are in danger, be sure to call me."

"Well, don't worry, brother, I remember it all."

So Ling nodded in the midst of Zhe's caring instructions, and then set off alone.

But what she didn't expect was that the so-called contact person had not shown up until now. The originally scheduled late-night meeting was already suspicious and troublesome enough, but now it could be stood up.

This made Ling start to doubt in her heart whether this big client and this extremely urgent commission that the Shepherd had agreed to was reliable?

Generally, the commission to rope craftsmen is extremely urgent, otherwise they would not leave the formal channels and go to them. At such moments, the client usually hopes that the task will be finalized on the same day before they are satisfied. Now the client who stood up is the first time Ling has seen a rope craftsman who has been working for so long.

If she hadn't trusted Uncle Shepherd's ability and credibility, she would have turned around and gone home.

"Brother, it's been an hour, and the client hasn't shown up yet. Is Shepherd's information reliable?" Ling immediately called Zhe who was still in the store, hoping that he could help contact Shepherd to ask about the situation again. After all, waiting here all the time is not a solution. In such hot weather, she felt like she was about to faint after standing in the alley for two hours.

"I know, Ling, I have just contacted Shepherd, and he said he is contacting the client."

For this situation, not only Ling, but Zhe obviously hadn't seen it before, so he decisively contacted Shepherd, the middleman, again.

Soon, Shepherd also gave their response.

The other party said that the client had encountered a little trouble, but it has been handled now, and he is rushing to you. And please be patient, two young store managers, in order to make up for your losses and the trouble caused by this breach of contract, he can add some more prices.

In short, in the end, under the continuous increase in money from the shepherd, Ling and Zhe's original anger and resentment were calmed down.

Although they wanted to accuse him loudly, he gave too much.

Under the attack of money, the accusation that was about to come out soon evolved into a soft reply: "I know, but it won't happen again."

In this regard, the shepherd knew that the two little ancestors did not reject him and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that he had fooled them. After all, as long as they can accept the commission, spending more money is not a problem at all. Although he did not make a lot of money from this commission, the potential value of this commission is far more real than money. This is a good opportunity for him to expand his business and connect with the military.

As a senior intelligence broker, money is no longer a problem for him. The money he earns is enough to buy several houses in Guangying Plaza. What he lacks now is connections and resources. So this time he would not hesitate to offend his peers to make a connection with the defense army.

Moreover, this commission is too involved. If he is not absolutely sure, he dare not accept it.

But he has this brother and sister under his command. Although the requirements put forward by the other party are harsh, it is a tailor-made commission for them, so the shepherd will pay a huge price to let the brother and sister take the commission.

On the other hand, after receiving the huge compensation from the shepherd, Ling's mood, which was about to go crazy, immediately calmed down a lot.

Especially when she heard Zhe say that the extra compensation from the shepherd this time would be given to you to buy toys and go out for dinner, Ling's heart was even more happy.

She suddenly felt that this late client didn't seem so annoying.

Humph, this is the power of money.

Da Da Da——! ! !

Then, about ten minutes later, Ling heard a burst of hurried footsteps not far away, and she couldn't help but look back.

"Is she here?"

Soon, at the end of her sight, a dignified girl with long white hair and orange combat uniform appeared hurriedly at the entrance of the alley, but her body and hair seemed a little wet, and her expression seemed to be panting and embarrassed because of the intense long-distance running.

Although she was not sure that this was the contact person the shepherd mentioned, Ling also estimated in her heart that the other party was probably the person she was waiting for.

After all, a girl wearing tactical goggles and combat uniforms running around on the street, and finally accurately found her own deserted alley, it couldn't be a coincidence. But her wet appearance made Ling wonder, did this girl fall into the river on the road when she was in trouble?

Number 11: "..."

Because of Mo Yu, she was two hours behind schedule. She ran at full speed and took half an hour to complete the two-hour journey. So she looked very embarrassed.

Even Mo Yu, who followed along with the mirror world motorcycle, couldn't help but admire Number 11 after she was beaten by the Broken Wood Shark and the Hammerhead Shark.

"This girl has a really good physique."

After entering the alley, she looked around vigilantly and confirmed that there were no other figures around. Then Number 11 walked into the alley.

In the darkness, Ling's face also came into her eyes at this moment.


Her expression was a little surprised, because this was different from what the shepherd had agreed to in advance.

What she needed was a senior rope maker, not a high school girl like this.


Seeing No. 11 coming over, Ling's expression could not help but be a little nervous, but with the reminder of Zhongzhe in the communication device, she still tried to say the contact code prepared by the shepherd in advance.


Although she had almost guessed it in her heart, after hearing Ling actually said this contact code, No. 11's footsteps still paused uncontrollably, and her expression was a little surprised.

"Thunder." Then he immediately said the other half of the contact code prepared in advance.

"Hey, it's really the contact person."

Hearing that No. 11 answered the other half of the code, Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After waiting for so long, she finally waited for the contact person.

After confirming that Ling was her partner, No. 11 did not say much, but first expressed his sincere apology, and then began to list the mistakes he made tonight.

"2 hours, 57 minutes, and 32 seconds. I was 2 hours, 57 minutes, and 32 seconds late for the agreed meeting time."

"Although there are reasons, in the defense force, no matter what the reason, this is an indiscipline that cannot be ignored."

"As a punishment, you will have to run 10 kilometers and do 3,333 push-ups, or 1,666.5 one-handed push-ups."

"Eh? 0.5 one-handed push-ups? How... how do I do this?" After hearing this outrageous number and punishment method, Ling's eyes were full of surprise.

In response, No. 11 just calmly explained: "In the defense force, the punishment for those who ask such shallow questions will be doubled."

"But this time I am the one who made a mistake. I will personally demonstrate and make up for these punishments later. You can come to supervise."

"Huh?" Hearing No. 11's serious words and the serious look that could demonstrate how to do 0.5 one-handed push-ups at any time, Ling was stunned, and then hurriedly waved her hand to stop her behavior.

"That's not necessary. I didn't wait that long. Mr. Shepherd also gave me appropriate compensation. There's no need for push-ups. Let's talk business."

"Well... OK. There are more important things to do now than punishing myself."

Hearing Ling's words, No. 11 nodded slightly.

It has been delayed for such a long time, and now is really not a good time to punish herself, so she decided to put this punishment until the end of this commission. So she moved her gaze to look at the young and beautiful blue-haired girl in front of her again, but this time she looked at her with a slightly more scrutinizing attitude than the first time she looked at her.

But don't worry, this review is not malicious, it is just a confirmation and observation of your next partner before taking action. After all, she cannot easily trust even the ropemaker recommended by the shepherd. Maintaining the necessary vigilance is an important prerequisite for survival no matter what the environment.

So she looked at the bell in front of her, then adjusted her posture and asked with an extremely formal expression.

"Are you the ropemaker recommended by [Shepherd]?"

Chapter 110 I play myself

The so-called star chasing actually refers to fans’ worship of celebrities. This behavior stems from the inner extreme worship and obsession with idols. It refers to the admiration, following and love for a certain celebrity or idol. In some cultures, star-chasing has become a popular cultural phenomenon.

For many people, chasing stars is a way to pursue self-worth and happiness. They learn the strengths and qualities of their idols through the act of chasing stars, and apply this learned knowledge to their own lives. Star chasing can also be a social activity, and many people make new friends in the process. However, for star chasers, the process of chasing idols may also involve some troublesome problems. They may spend a lot of time and money chasing stars, and even give up their studies, work and social life. Moreover, in some cases, star chasing behavior may also be misunderstood as blind worship and addiction, which is also a relatively unhealthy mentality.

However, star chasing mostly occurs among students who are not too mature and modern young people. The reason for this phenomenon is mostly because they like someone out of love or simply because they think they are handsome.

This kind of thing is not uncommon nowadays, and it is even less surprising to Mo Yu. But when No. 11 heard that a professional military spy who could sneak into the defense force's fortress was also star-chasing, Mo Yu had to be surprised by such an outrageous development.

Are even military spies starting to chase stars these days? Moreover, the star that the opponent was chasing turned out to be the one he was most familiar with - [Phaethon].

A completely unexpected development.

So when No. 11 said such outrageous words seriously in front of the original owner of Phaethon, not only Ling, who was in charge of the connection, was stunned on the spot, but also Mo Yu and the video store who were hiding in the reflective mirror. Zheya in the middle couldn't help but wonder whether the white-haired girl in front of him had already known Ling's identity, so he brought up Phaethon's name to test her face to face.

After all, Phaethon has the only hollow internal and external communication system in New Eridu. Even the defense forces will definitely covet such a treasure, right?

As rope craftsmen, Ling and Zhe's business abilities are certainly very strong, but when it comes to combat, these siblings are just ordinary people, and of course they cannot be No. 11's opponents. So Mo Yu was always carefully observing what was happening outside, holding the arrival card firmly on his fingertips. If No. 11 really grabbed the bell, he would rush out of the mirror and subdue her without hesitation. .

Just a few minutes ago.

"As a rope maker, you must know the name [Phaethon], right?"


When No. 11 revealed his true identity to his face, Ling and Zheya couldn't help but be shocked. Although they pretended to be nonchalant on the surface, their bodies and hearts were actually sweating, and they even began to regret accepting this unreliable commission.

After all, such an outrageous thing as calling out the true identities of their brothers and sisters in front of their faces made them wonder whether the shepherd had betrayed them?

But in the current situation, Ling, who was serious and concerned, did not reveal any flaws without revealing any flaws, but answered No. 11's question very seriously.

"Well, I know that Phaethon, the famous legendary rope maker, the legend on the rope net, is said to have a mysterious existence with a mission completion rate of up to 90%, as long as he is in the circle of rope makers, he will Know this legendary name.”

"So, what's wrong? Why bring up Phaethon?"

"Well... you actually know Phaethon's information in such detail. It seems that you are indeed a good rope maker."

Hearing Ling's serious and then bragging answer, No. 11 nodded with satisfaction.

Her hiring partner this time knew Phaethon very well, which was a good situation. After all, this was the factor he needed for this action, so she stopped concealing it and spoke to Ling seriously.

"[Shepherd] told me that you are an exile from the south. You are very young and have superb skills but you have no roots in New Eridu."

"He was active in the rope-making world under the name [Hermit of Crimson Eyes]."

What is... The Crimson-Eyed Hermit?

Ling couldn't help but be stunned when she heard this name that sounded very strange. Zhe, who was on the other end of the phone, quickly reminded her that this name was the new identity arranged by the shepherd for them.

So, Ling, who understood the situation, quickly responded: "Yes, the hermit of the crimson eyes, yes, that is my name..."

Even Zhe couldn't help but complain about the uncle Shepherd's naming taste.

"Well, let's make it short."

Seeing Ling admit it, No. 11 also straightforwardly stated the content of his commission this time: "My commission is very simple, that is, I need you to help me - catch the traitor."

"In the recent period, our intelligence personnel sent news that our army has mixed with a traitor - a spy from a nearby rebel force, and he has not yet realized that his identity has been exposed."

"So... what you mean is..."

Hearing this development plot that is very consistent with the development of spy movies, Ling seemed to have thought of some strange developments.

"Yes, that's why our military leaders hope to follow the clues and use this spy to reversely detect the real location of the enemy rebels, and then catch them all in one fell swoop."

"I am the executor of this plan, responsible for pretending to be a traitor who betrayed the defense army and trying to contact the spy. And so far, my plan of pretending to surrender has been going smoothly. But even though I have patiently played the role and lowered my posture to please, I have not gained the other party's real trust."

"So, is there anything I can do to help you? For things like catching spies, I think you should go to an agent... I'm just an ordinary rope maker, a hermit named Scarlet Eyes, and I may not be able to help you with this task."

Hearing No. 11's explanation, Ling and Zheton felt that the situation was not good. After all, there is no serious rope maker business that has to contact the defense army and deal with the rebels.

They are really just rope makers. The difficulty of the commission in front of them is obviously too supermodel, right? They all began to wonder if the shepherd was getting old and confused? This kind of commission should be given to assassins and agents, how can it be given to them? Isn't this cheating? !

Just when Ling and Zhe were confused and were about to shirk it, No. 11 in front of them spoke again.

"Please rest assured, I will not let you catch the spy yourself, it is too dangerous. And if you, a non-professional, rashly participate in the operation, it will only make things worse and have no effect. So I have to present the important intelligence I have collected."

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