Beauty and the Beast, the white-haired girl and the shark monster, these scenes that only exist in tokusatsu dramas will inevitably be distorted even if you don't think too much, right?

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!!"

Especially when he saw Abyss's fierce face that was not easy to mess with, the man who was still full of anger was even more excited, and then stood up and bowed at the speed of light.

"You go on, you go on, I won't interrupt, I'm leaving."

After a sincere apology, the strong man began to escape from the area that looked like a crime scene as quickly as possible in his life. His movements were smooth and smooth, leaving only Mo Yu and the white-haired girl who were still standing on the ground looking at each other.


The two looked at each other speechlessly, and the scene could be said to be extremely awkward.

Mo Yu, who was originally quite impressive, felt that his style of painting was not right under such interference.

So in order to prevent the man from going out to call the police, a police officer came to watch later and saw this misleading scene. Under the astonished gaze of the white-haired girl, he suddenly approached and grabbed her arm, hugged her still somewhat unstable body, and prepared to take her to a quiet place before continuing the interrogation. .

"What do you want to do?"

This sudden scene caught the white-haired girl off guard, and she quickly tried to break free, but with her injured and weak body, she was of course unable to break free from Kamen Rider Abyss's arm. In the end, she even leaned directly against Mo Yu due to excessive exertion. on the body.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to find a quieter place to chat. And, hold me."


The girl's expression was slightly stunned, and she obviously failed to understand the other party's intention. But the rising air next to her ears and the sudden feeling of falling still made her wake up immediately and realize what was happening to her.

However, this is the sixth floor! !

Chapter 108 Rebels and Defense Forces


"Number 11."

"It's not a code name, it's your real name. What is your real name?"



"What about gender?"

"?? Do you need to ask such obvious questions?"




"Keep it secret."

"Tsk, do you think women's age is a secret like Lina? It's really troublesome..."

"Which force are you from? And why do you keep following me?"

No. 11: "..."

"Don't you want to tell me? It doesn't matter. I have already expected this situation. After all, no villain will confess all the information from the beginning of the interrogation."

"However, don't look at me with that suspicious look. You were the one who followed me first. And if I wanted to hurt you, I didn't need to go to all the trouble of catching you here. Just my two contracted beasts just It’s enough to finish you off.”

Looking at the suspicious and wary eyes of the girl next to him, Mo Yu sighed helplessly.

Even after he was brought to this safe place and started interrogating her in a kinder tone, the white-haired girl in front of him still looked indifferent.

Obviously, he can be regarded as a prisoner at the moment, but the white-haired girl nicknamed No. 11 has always looked like a tough-minded person. Her attitude has not softened at all, and she just chooses. He just answered Mo Yu's question, which gave Mo Yu a headache.

Although there is a huge gap in their fighting power, and he can easily subdue the girl, if the other party is determined to implement the principle of silence is golden, there is nothing he can do.

After all, he is a Kamen Rider, not a villainous knight.

If it was about fighting crime and punishing villains, he was very familiar with it, but he was not interested in interrogating other people's behavior such as coercion and inducement.

Abusing violence and power is not a matter of justice. Although the girl named No. 11 is acting suspiciously, she has not done anything evil or illegal except stalking herself. The limit is to arrest her for questioning. , if lynching and the like are abused, it is putting the cart before the horse.

So when the other party refused to tell, Mo Yu didn't force him. He was just going to take him to the Public Security Bureau and hand him over to Officer Zhu Yuan and the others, and let the more professional police officers interrogate him.

After all, violence cannot be abused, which does not mean that he can sit back and do nothing. There are many doubts about this girl, and he will not let her go easily. After all, wandering around the city wearing a combat uniform and carrying weapons of mass destruction in the middle of the night is not something a normal person would do no matter how you think about it.

And the title No. 11 sounds like a code name. It must be from some militant organization, right? Without a thorough investigation, Mo Yu would definitely not be at ease.

"Okay, since you are so uncooperative, let's forget it. I will send you to the Public Security Bureau later. After all, you are running around the city in the middle of the night and carrying this kind of destructive weapon with you. No matter where you come from No force will be able to escape punishment."

As he spoke, Mo Yu waved the tactical sword that the Abyss Broken Wood Shark had snatched from No. 11 in front of the girl. The hard gauntlet tapped lightly on the shimmering blade, making a series of crisp sounds.

From this tactical sword and the orange combat uniform on the girl, Mo Yu could tell that the other party's origin was not simple. Although he didn't know much about technology, whether it was the tactical sword made of obviously unusual material in the girl's hand, the orange-yellow advanced combat uniform on the opponent's body, or the opponent's flexible skills and mobility, he could detect the girl's The identity is extraordinary.

Just looking at the other party's stoic look, he was a little reluctant to take action, but it was unreasonable to let such a dangerous guy run around, so it was better to leave her to professionals to handle this situation.

He just happened to ask the Public Security Bureau to help him find out about this white-haired girl. When the Public Security Bureau interrogated her, he could hide in the mirror and eavesdrop. With this in mind, Mo Yu was just about to take No. 11 to the Public Security Bureau and hand it over to the police officer. However, No. 11's expression softened after hearing that he was going to hand it over to the Public Security Bureau.

"You want to hand me over to the Sheriff's Department?"

"Otherwise? Since you are unwilling to say anything, and I can't tell whether you are a good guy or a bad guy, is there any better way besides handing you over to the Public Security Bureau?"

Mo Yu replied matter-of-factly that if he was in trouble, he would call the police. He was very aware of such obvious things.

This answer was somewhat beyond the expectations of the white-haired girl in front of her. She also did not expect that the ending that awaited her was not the torture she had expected, nor was it some humiliating inhuman treatment, but a simple handover to the Sheriff of New Elidu.

So she couldn't help but seriously began to examine the figure in blue and black shark armor in front of her, and then asked with a puzzled face.

"Aren't you a rebel?"

In the eyes of No. 11, it is impossible for the rebels not to recognize him and the tactical auxiliary armor he wears. She is a special personnel of the military. The information in her mind and the armor on her body are the treasures of the military and what the rebels only dream of.

If she is caught by the rebels, they will definitely use the most cruel means to deprive her of all available value. By then, what awaits her will be inhumane torture. This is why after she realizes that her situation is not good, The reason why he immediately activates the bomb and prepares to destroy his body and all values.

For an excellent soldier, it is more glorious to commit suicide than to be caught by the enemy and harm his comrades. However, she did not expect that at the last moment when she was ready to self-destruct, this shark man in blue armor But he stopped her, and inserted the bomb into the mirror in a very strange, even unheard of, and incomprehensible way, easily defusing the explosion and completely destroying her hope of finally self-destructing.

And the two green monsters were also created by him and were controlled by this shark armored person. One was named the Abyss Broken Wood Shark, and the other was named the Abyss Hammerhead Shark.

Due to preconceptions, No. 11 only regarded Mo Yu's act of rescuing her just now as the value of keeping her alive was greater. It was only when she saw that the other party had never hurt her from the beginning to the end and wanted to send her to the Public Security Bureau that she suddenly reacted.

The shark-armored man in front of me who doesn’t look right seems to be not a rebel...

After all, the rebels would not ask her where she was from, such an obvious question, and they would not stand here chatting with her for so long, and then say childish words like sending her to the Public Security Bureau, using the other party's methods and Crazy, it is already an extremely merciful thing to do without first destroying your own limbs to show off your power.


Mo Yu frowned when he heard this familiar word coming from No. 11's mouth.

He has not seen any rebels with his own eyes, but he still knows a little bit about the news about that group of guys. After all, this is news flying all over the rope net, and you can know it as long as you pay a little attention on the Internet.

The area of ​​New Elido is very large, and because it is a new city, the open and secret fighting in the streets and alleys has never really stopped. The number of illegal organizations in New Eridu is therefore particularly large, and the rebels are one of them.

This is a violent organization organized by a group of militants who are dissatisfied with the new Elidu government. Although they use the excuse of fighting for freedom and justice, they do all kinds of evil things. Some time ago, there were often news that the empty edge enterprises or buildings in New Elido were suddenly attacked by the rebels, posing a huge threat. Therefore, Mo Yu had no sympathy at all for these guys who were doing evil things under the banner of justice. None.

If he were to meet him, he would beat him up and hand him over to the Public Security Bureau just like he did to those gangsters.

It's just that now this girl has actually beaten him into a rebel, and she is also very vigilant. This strange behavior is a bit intriguing.

So Mo Yu replied seriously: "Of course I am not a rebel, or how can you tell that I am a rebel? I am Kamen Rider Abyss. Have you been following me? How could you even connect me? Don’t you even know his identity?”

"...Are you really a Kamen Rider?" The white-haired girl tilted her head. She didn't quite understand the situation here.

Previously, she saw motorcycle gang robbers rampaging through the streets of New Elido, possibly causing casualties. As a soldier, she couldn't just sit back and watch such behavior, so she chased after them.

Then she saw the two-color knight figure on the corner of the street riding a motorcycle and chasing after them. Because they were too fast and the tornado that suddenly rose took the gangsters and their cars to another place, she lost them for a while.

As a result, she just groped along the approximate location where the green wind fell, and two hideous green shark monsters suddenly appeared from nowhere and blocked her way. For a moment, she thought it was a trap set by the rebels to lure her into the trap, and then the next thing happened by coincidence...

However, if this person is really a Kamen Rider.

Then who was the one who chased on a motorcycle before? Or Kamen Rider does not refer to a person, but an organization. Did they go out together?

Hearing this, No. 11's brain immediately began to seriously analyze the information about Kamen Rider, but Mo Yu's answer directly dispelled her speculation.

"Don't think too much. The one chasing the bandits just now was me. This is just another set of armor."

"Multiple sets of armor... OK, I remember it. This is very useful information. Anything else to add?"

Mo Yu: "..."

"Why did you suddenly start to ask questions from me? Shouldn't you be the one who should answer the questions seriously now?"

"Are you really bullying me just because I'm a decent person? No. 11, no, you don't even want to tell me your real name, but use a very perfunctory digital code to deal with me."

"...I'm sorry, because the two monsters you released and the armor didn't look like good people, and they suddenly appeared at such a critical moment to intercept me, so I naturally regarded you as an enemy. But now it seems that it should all be a misunderstanding."

No. 11 breathed a sigh of relief, and then the look in his eyes when he looked at Mo Yu changed slightly.

"If you are a Kamen Rider, it's okay to share some information."

"Well, go ahead." Seeing the white-haired girl in front of him gradually relax, Mo Yu's frown gradually relaxed.

"During the operation, I don't have a real name, just call me No. 11, from the Obsidian Battalion of the Defense Force."

"Defense Force?"

Mo Yu didn't feel surprised to hear this information. After all, from the tactical sword in her hand and the combat uniform on the other party, it can be inferred that the girl's identity must be extraordinary, but he didn't expect that she was from the Defense Force.

After several simple tests and questions and answers with them, No. 11 gradually confirmed that the person in front of him really had no ill intentions, and all this seemed to be just a misunderstanding.

So, she began to explain her bravery tonight and the series of misunderstandings that followed.

Although there are many slots in it, it has a familiar sense of battle caused by misunderstandings in third-rate special effects dramas, but it is so reasonable under each other's explanation.

After confirming that the girl in front of him is really a military person, Mo Yu also felt speechless. They were here to catch criminals, but they ended up catching people from the Defense Force. This kind of thing is weird no matter how you think about it.

And these guys really said that they would die if they didn't make it clear, which made him waste so much time here in vain.

So after the questioning, Mo Yu decisively let her go and didn't continue to embarrass this white-haired girl from the Defense Force. In this regard, the white-haired girl seemed a little reluctant, because she had been answering Mo Yu's questions from beginning to end, and Mo Yu only answered one of the questions she asked.

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the questions she asked. After all, who asked right away: "What is your true identity, Kamen Rider?" "Where did your armor come from?" "Which faction do you belong to in New Eridu?" and other in-depth questions.

So except for the other party's last sentence, "What is your purpose?"

Mo Yu casually answered her: "Fight to protect everyone's love and peace." The rest were decisively ignored. After confirming everything, he turned around and disappeared into the mirror world, leaving behind the white-haired girl who wanted to catch up but bumped into the glass.

"Wait a minute!"

Under the silent night sky, the white-haired girl looked at the blue shark knight's back gradually disappearing in front of the mirror. She was slightly distracted and hurried to catch up but was blocked by the mirror. The smooth mirror in front of her also reflected her face at this moment, and nothing else could be seen.

"For love and peace..."

No. 11 stood there and whispered quietly. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart when she had completely lost Mo Yu's figure in front of her.

He is really a magical and weird guy, and he is also very dangerous.

Whether it is the ability to freely cross the mirror or the ability to command two terrifying monsters, it is something that No. 11 could hardly imagine before tonight. She has completely recorded the information about this contact and is going to write a report and hand it over to the military leaders after returning.

At the same time, it was confirmed that the danger level of the mysterious figure Kamen Rider had to be raised several levels. The other party was not a vigilante who liked to be a hero, but a terrifying existence with decisive power.

After recording the matter, No. 11 did not stay there any longer. She came out tonight for an important mission to complete.

But now she was delayed by these episodes. Twenty minutes had passed since the agreed time. Although she was not sure whether the contact person was still waiting for her there, she had to go and see.

After all, this mission was related to the internal problems of the defense army, and no negligence was allowed.

The moonlight was cold, and No. 11 picked up the tactical sword in her hand again and rushed to the agreed place in advance.

But what she didn't notice was that at the moment when she turned her back, a blue shadow appeared again in the tall reflective building behind her. It was quietly following behind her and quickly followed the location where No. 11 was going.

Although the general situation was confirmed, Mo Yu would not take it lightly before finding out the real purpose of the other party carrying such weapons into New Eridu.

He would never let go of any bastard who made this city cry, and he would not miss any threat, which was definitely not just talk, so he decisively chose to turn around and follow.

Chapter 109: Flame, Flame, I am Thunder

The sky was completely dark and it was already very late. However, even though the sun was no longer shining overhead, it felt even hotter than during the day. I didn't know if it was because I had been waiting here for too long.

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