I Just Reopened My Life

Chapter 153: [Attack means call]

The magic array needs to be displayed through the medium.

   In ancient times, people often used plants and trees in the mountains to arrange large arrays, such as bamboo forests, stones, and flowers.

   And Xia Jie's choice of array method is paper, and the phantom array he needs is arranged through shredded paper.

   Formation teacher Wang Huihao stood up abruptly, he could see it! This kid on the stage is setting up an array!

   can complete a big battle in such a short time!

   The future of this son is unlimited.

   "What a pity! It would be nice if he wasn't a pervert!" Wang Huihao immediately thumped his chest!

   Li reopened and nodded in approval. In the past ten days, Xia Jie has been fishing while practicing.

   Whenever he has free time, he plays with his magical array to watch anime, thinking that Li Zhongkai doesn't know. In fact, Li Zhongkai just wanted to give play to each student's own strengths.


   The shredded paper flying on the ring slowly fell to the ground.

   With the formation of the formation, Xia Jie's eyes lit up!

   "Let you take a look! I have worked **** the swordsmanship for a long time!" Xia Jie slowly folded the paper in his right hand into a paper sword.

   Bai Shui Kai sees this and suddenly retreats!

   The power of Gu Chengyu's sword before is still vivid, and he doesn't want to follow Tang Jingle's footsteps.

   What's more, both of them are the same teacher, maybe the swordsmanship is equally superb!

   Xia Jie urges the magic array!

   I directly attacked the sword that called Gu Chengyu!

  The magic array is fake, but the special effects are real!

   Suddenly, there was a violent wind on the field! A flash of light carries an unparalleled wave of air! Swept half of the arena!

   A seat of sword light suddenly pierced towards the white water!

   A powerful threat instantly enveloped him!

   It was the moment when the white water was boiled that he knew what kind of monster Tang Jingle had just encountered.

"I surrender!"

   Seeing that a sword was about to stab, Bai Shui immediately raised his hand to admit defeat.

  As a serious person, Bai Shuikai feels that it is better to be decent.

   As the players surrendered, the results of the game were immediately shown on the big screen.

   Class 7, win!

   Bai Shui shook his head helplessly. The opponent is too strong, and there is nothing he can do if he loses. Then he turned around and left.

   But at this time, the breeze on the field was blowing, and the original paper sheets were slightly misplaced.

   This is also the disadvantage of using the paper to form an array. Compared with the bamboo forest and other items, the paper is too easy to be moved.

   There is another violent wind on the field! A flash of light once again carries an unparalleled wave of air! Swept half of the arena!

   "I surrendered, come back?!"

   Bai Shui Kai seemed to be aware of something, and when he turned his head, he saw a sword light. He was caught off guard, so he had to subconsciously block his head with his hands.

   But the flash image went straight through him!

   "This?" Bai Shui Kai looked at the image passing through his body in amazement, "Is this a fantasy formation?"

   The voice hasn't fallen yet, and the video plays again!

   kept stuck in the air!

   is like playing a video of ghost animals.

   At this moment, a lot of barrages exploded in the live broadcast room.

   "I thought the live broadcast was stuck... I didn't expect the player to be stuck..."

   "Laughing to death, playing the status quo of the game."

   "It has been recorded, let's put it at Xiaopo Station to just use the money."

   "Send new materials to the ghost animal district, right?"

   "Sorry, sorry! There was a bug!" Xia Jie quickly wanted to forcibly recycle the paper.

   Maybe it's the reason that I usually use phantoms to watch anime when fishing. Xia Jie directly engraved the phantoms for fishing on some paper for convenience.

   As a result, he accidentally triggered all of them when he recovered the paper.

   "Meow Pass~"

   "Jiaxin candies have been with you forever, as long as you are happy, you will follow them~"

   "Nikou Nikou Ni~"

"Hey, the people of the second element... are the most kind-hearted existences☆ Doxite... do you want such a child? I don't understand--? Well... after all, you are all just filthy, right? Your lord or something, it's the most annoying, annoying..."

   Countless images suddenly appeared on the arena.

   Formation teacher Wang Huihao put away the previous action of beating his chest and pausing his feet, and began to become expressionless.

   The seventh class student quietly stood back.

  The audience at the scene also gradually became silent...

  When the white water standing on the opposite side opened, his pupils shrank. Who on earth did I lose to?

  The barrage also exploded!

   The heat even surpassed the moment when Gu Chengyu swung the sword just now!

   "Broken, I have committed the embarrassment of others again."

   "The second element is right?"

   "I am not, I don't, I can't afford two things!"

   "Good fellow, this two-dimensional taste is too aggressive, and it evokes my social memories..."

   "Oops, my goose bumps are all up, and I finally forgot it!"

   "Inverted, Jiaxin sugar fart is not pinched. Love"

   Xia Jie stared blankly at everything in front of her, and stopped forcing the recovery of the paper.


Why did    become like this?

   It should be a plot where I use my ingenuity to defeat the strong by the weak.

   It should have been whitewashing directly, and then I started to get to know the beautiful girls from other classes, so I started my own way of recharging!

   He turned his head and looked at the countless cameras under the stage...

   God, can you let my life end before a minute?

   Xia Jie was frustrated, bending forward and kneeling to the ground or2

   "Amelia Carbon, take me away... Amelia Carbon... Take me to another world! I can't stay here for a moment..."

   But Xia Jie did not expect ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The picture of him falling down on his knees was instantly taken as an emoticon by netizens.

   "Good picture, stole it!"

   "This is for the water group!"

   The death of the community is long-lasting, and the emoticon pack is always circulating.

   "The game is over, please get off the ring."


   Xia Jie walked silently to the back seat of the seventh class.

   "I won..." He said faintly, losing the light in his eyes.

   "You played well!"

   "Brothers are too strong, I can actually think of the trick of a fox fake tiger."

   "It's really amazing!"

   To Xia Jie's expectation, the good brothers in Class 7 did not dislike him.

   Xia Jie raised his head fiercely, and the compliments of good brothers made him feel that the world is still saved for a while.

   "Thank you! Thank you everyone! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

   Everyone was ashamed and speechless.

   had no choice but to quietly withdraw the emoticon pack of Xia Jie that he had just sent out in the group chat on his knees.


   This day, the hot comments on the Internet suddenly increased.

   The result of the college competition of Tianshui City Spiritual Research Institute even directly ranked first in the hot search.

   Twenty classes were held that day, and the 10 games between class and class were all three games and two wins system.

   And the popularity of Class 7 is also close behind. Half of the credit goes to Xia Jie.

   The wind reviews of the seventh class a few days ago also suddenly reversed.


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